CS计算机代考程序代写 flex Java binary expressions: represent anything that comes in two kinds

binary expressions: represent anything that comes in two kinds
represent statements about the world (natural or constructed, real or imaginary) represent digital circuits
represent human behavior
theorems: represent one kind represent true statements
represent circuits with high voltage output represent innocent behavior
antitheorems: represent the other kind represent false statements
represent circuits with low voltage output represent guilty behavior

0 operands 1 operand 2 operands 3 operands
⊤ ⊥
x∧y x∨y x⇒y x⇐y x=y x⧧y if x then y else z fi
precedence and parentheses associative operators: ∧ ∨ = ⧧
x∧y∧z meanseither (x∧y)∧z or x∧(y∧z)
x∨y∨z meanseither (x∨y)∨z or x∨(y∨z) continuing operators: ⇒ ⇐ = ⧧
x=y=z means x=y ∧ y=z x⇒y⇒z means (x⇒y) ∧ (y⇒z)
big operators: = ⇒ ⇐
same as = ⇒ ⇐ but later precedence
x=y⇒z means (x=y) ∧ (y⇒z)

truth tables
⊤⊥ ¬⎪⊥⊤
⊤⊤ ⊤⊥ ⊥⊤ ⊥⊥ ∧⎪⊤⊥⊥⊥
∨⎪⊤⊤⊤⊥ ⇒⎪⊤⊥⊤⊤ ⇐⎪⊤⊤⊥⊤ =⎪⊤⊥⊥⊤ ⧧⎪⊥⊤⊤⊥
⊤⊤⊤ ⊤⊤⊥ ⊤⊥⊤ ⊤⊥⊥ ⊥⊤⊤ ⊥⊤⊥ ⊥⊥⊤ ⊥⊥⊥ if then else fi ⎪ ⊤ ⊤ ⊥ ⊥ ⊤ ⊥ ⊤ ⊥

variables are for substitution (instantiation)
• add parentheses to maintain precedence
in x∧y replace x by ⊥ and y by ⊥∨⊤ result: ⊥∧(⊥∨⊤)
• every occurrence of a variable must be replaced by the same expression in x∧x replace x by ⊥ result: ⊥∧⊥
• different variables can be replaced by the same expression or different expressions in x∧y replace x by ⊥ and y by ⊥ result: ⊥∧⊥
in x∧y replace x by ⊤ and y by ⊥ result: ⊤∧⊥

new binary expressions
(the grass is green)
(the sky is green)
(there is life elsewhere in the universe) (intelligent messages are coming from space) 1 +1 = 2
0 /0 = 5
consistent: no binary expression is both a theorem and an antitheorem (no overclassified expressions)
complete: every fully instantiated binary expression is either a theorem or an antitheorem (no unclassified expressions)

Proof Rules Axiom Rule If a binary expression is an axiom, then it is a theorem.
x+y = y+x
If a binary expression is an antiaxiom, then it is an antitheorem.
is a mathematical expression
represents a truth in an application such that
when you put quantities together, the total quantity does not depend
on the order in which you put them together is an axiom
is a theorem
is equivalent to
is true (not really)
x+y = y+x

Proof Rules Axiom Rule If a binary expression is an axiom, then it is a theorem.
If a binary expression is an antiaxiom, then it is an antitheorem.
axiom: ⊤ antiaxiom: ⊥
axiom: antiaxiom: axiom:
(the grass is green) (the sky is green)
(intelligent messages are coming from space) ⇒ (there is life elsewhere in the universe)
Evaluation Rule If all the binary subexpressions of a binary expression are classified, then it is classified according to the truth tables.

Proof Rules
Completion Rule If a binary expression contains unclassified binary subexpressions,
and all ways of classifying them place it in the same class, then it is in that class.
(there is life elsewhere in the universe) ∨ ⊤ (there is life elsewhere in the universe)
∨ ¬(there is life elsewhere in the universe)
(there is life elsewhere in the universe) ∧ ¬(there is life elsewhere in the universe)

Proof Rules
Consistency Rule If a classified binary expression contains binary subexpressions, and
only one way of classifying them is consistent, then they are classified that way.
We are given that x and x⇒y are theorems. What is y ?
If y were an antitheorem, then by the Evaluation Rule, x⇒y would be an antitheorem. That would be inconsistent. So y is a theorem.
We are given that ¬x is a theorem. What is x ?
If x were a theorem, then by the Evaluation Rule, ¬x would be an antitheorem. That would be inconsistent. So x is an antitheorem.
No need to talk about antiaxioms and antitheorems.

Proof Rules Instance Rule If a binary expression is classified,
then all its instances have that same classification.
axiom: x = x theorem: x = x
theorem: ⊤=⊥∨⊥ = ⊤=⊥∨⊥
(intelligent messages are coming from space) (intelligent messages are coming from space)
Classical Logic: Constructive Logic: Evaluation Logic:
all five rules
not Completion Rule
neither Consistency Rule nor Completion Rule

Expression and Proof Format
a∧b ∨ c NOT a ∧ b∨c ( first part
∧ second part )
C and Java convention
while (something) { various lines
in the body
of the loop }

a∧b ∨ c
( first part
∧ second part first part
= second part
= expression1
= expression2
= expression3
NOT a ∧ b∨c
Expression and Proof Format
expression0=expression1 ∧ expression1=expression2 ∧ expression2=expression3

a∧b ∨ c
( first part
∧ second part first part
= second part
= expression1
= expression2
= expression3
NOT a ∧ b∨c
Expression and Proof Format
hint0 hint1 hint2

Expression and Proof Format
Prove a∧b⇒c = a⇒(b⇒c) a ∧ b ⇒ c
= ¬(a ∧ b) ∨ c
= ¬a ∨ ¬b ∨ c
= a ⇒ ¬b ∨ c
= a ⇒ (b ⇒ c)
Material Implication
Duality Material Implication Material Implication
= ¬ a Instance of Material Implication: a ∧ b ⇒ c = ¬(a ∧ b) ∨ c
Material Implication: a
⇒ b
∨ b

Expression and Proof Format
Prove a∧b⇒c = a⇒(b⇒c) a ∧ b ⇒ c
= ¬(a ∧ b) ∨ c
= ¬a ∨ ¬b ∨ c
= a ⇒ ¬b ∨ c
= a⇒(b⇒c)
(a ∧ b ⇒ c =
= (¬(a∧b)∨c = ¬a∨(¬b∨c))
= (¬a ∨ ¬b ∨ c = ¬a ∨ ¬b ∨ c)
= ⊤

Material Implication
Duality Material Implication Material Implication
Material Implication 3 times Duality Reflexivity of =
a ⇒ (b ⇒ c))

Monotonicity and Antimonotonicity
covariance and varies directly as and nondecreasing and sorted and
contravariance varies inversely as nonincreasing sorted backwards
x≤y ⇒ fx≤fy
fx fx
x≤y ⇒ fx≥fy

–∞≤+∞ 0≤1
x≤y ⇒ fx≤fy x≤y ⇒ fx≥fy
⊥ ⇒ ⊤
x⇒y ⇒ fx⇒fy
x⇒y ⇒ fx⇐fy
x is less than or equal to y smaller≤larger
f ismonotonic
as x gets larger, f x gets larger (or equal) f isantimonotonic
as x gets larger, f x gets smaller (or equal)
x implies y x is stronger than or equal to y stronger ⇒ weaker
f ismonotonic
as x gets weaker, f x gets weaker (or equal)
f isantimonotonic
as x gets weaker, f x gets stronger (or equal)
Monotonicity and Antimonotonicity

Monotonicity and Antimonotonicity
if a then b else c fi
¬(a ∧ ¬(a∨b))
¬(a ∧ ¬a) =⊤
antimonotonic in a monotonic in a monotonic in a
antimonotonic in a monotonic in a monotonic in b
monotonic in b monotonic in b monotonic in b
antimonotonic in b monotonic in c

use the Law of Generalization a ⇒ a∨b now use the Law of Noncontradiction

In a ∧ b , when changing a , we can assume b . a∧b

= c∧b
If b is ⊤ , we have assumed correctly.
If b is ⊥ , then a ∧ b and c ∧ b are both ⊥ , so the equation is ⊤ anyway.

In In
a ∧ b , when changing a ∧ b , when changing
a , we can assume b , we can assume
b . a .
= =⊤
¬(a ∧ ¬(a∨b)) ¬(a ∧ ¬(⊤∨b)) ¬(a ∧ ¬⊤) ¬(a∧⊥)
assume a to simplify ¬(a∨b) Symmetry Law and Base Law for ∨ Truth Table for ¬ BaseLawfor ∧

In a ∧ b , when changing
In a ∧ b , when changing
In a ∨ b , when changing
In a ∨ b , when changing
In a ⇒ b , when changing
In a ⇒ b , when changing
In a ⇐ b , when changing
In a ⇐ b , when changing
In if a then b else c fi , when changing In if a then b else c fi , when changing In if a then b else c fi , when changing
b . a . ¬b . ¬a .
¬b .
¬a .
can assume b⧧c . can assume a .
a , we can assume b , we can assume a , we can assume b , we can assume
a , we can assume b , we can assume a , we can assume b , we can assume
a , we
b , we
c , we can assume ¬a .

number expressions represent quantity
number expressions
0 1 2 597 1.2 1e10 ∞
–x x+y x–y x×y x/y xy
if a then x else y fi
binary expressions
x=y x⧧y xy x≤y x≥y
Number Theory

Character Theory
“A” “a” “ ” “““” “”””
succ pred if then else fi