3/29/2021 cmput361 Winter 2021 Homework #3 – Denilson Barbosa
cmput361 Winter 2021 Homework #3 (h ps://www.ualberta.ca/~denilson/cmput361- winter-2021-homework-3.html)
Fri 26 March 2021 By Denilson Barbosa
Instruc ons:
You can write your programs in any language available in the Computing Science instructional lab machines, however you can only use standard libraries in these languages.
If you want to use a third-party or a non-standard library, ask the instructor for permission rst. You will not be allowed to use any library that implements the work that you are asked to do in the assignment. Also, even with the permission of the instructor, it is your responsibility to make sure that the libraries that you need are installed on the lab machines, or can be installed without superuser powers, so that your code can be graded by the TAs.
This programming assignment is meant to be completed individually or in pairs, under the Consultation model of collaboration as per the Computing Science Department Course
Policies (https://www.ualberta.ca/computing-science/links-and-resources/policy-
You must not upload binary les (e.g. SQLite databases) or large text les of any kind to your GitHub repository.
All of your code and/or data must be on the GitHub repository created by following the instructions on eClass.
That repository already has the folder structure for the assignment and the con guration le for automated testing. DO NOT MODIFY the folder structure.
Remember to submit the URL of your repository through eClass before the deadline.
Learning Objec ves
This assignment is intended for you to implement text classi ers based on the “bag of words” model.
Required Reading
The background material for this assignment is in Chapters 13 and 14 of the textbook.
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3/29/2021 cmput361 Winter 2021 Homework #3 – Denilson Barbosa
Your goal is to design, implement, and document programs to perform text classi cation using the Naive Bayes and the kNN classi ers. You are not allowed to use libraries that already implement any component of those classi ers in your solution.
All of your programs must accept parameters via command line arguments
(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Command-line_argument_parsing). Programs that do not accept
command line arguments will get a grade of zero for their correctness. Train and test sets
In the data/ folder of your repository there are two les: train.json , which should be used for building the model used by your classi er, and test.json , which should be used for evaluating the classi ers. You are strongly encouraged to create by hand smaller les for training and testing which you should use to debug your program.
Each entry in those JSON les has two parts as in the example below:
The TAs will also use a held-out test set that will not be given to students until after the assignment is graded for their own independent evaluation. Ideally, the F1 on the held-out set should be very close to that on the test set given upfront. If your model is trained correctly, this is very likely to happen.
Here are the number of documents in each class:
2 “category”: “class_name”,
3 “text”: “text in one news story”
Naive Bayes Classifica on and Feature Selec on (10 marks)
Task 1 (3 marks). Write a program nbc/nbc_train.py that should take two command line arguments in this order: (1) path to a JSON le with training data; and (2) path to a le where the model will be written. Here is one example of how to call your program (assuming you use Python 3):
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3/29/2021 cmput361 Winter 2021 Homework #3 – Denilson Barbosa
If the path provided for writing the model refers to an existing le, we strongly suggest that your program asks the user for con rmation before overwriting the le. Also, your program should print error messages if called with a wrong number of arguments or if the path to the training data is invalid.
The model must be written to a TSV (tab-separated values) le with two kinds of lines for representing priors or likelihoods. The rst column in each line should be a single token: either
prior or likelihood . If the line is for a prior, the next columns should be the class name and its prior. If the line is for a likelihood, the next three columns should be the class, the term, and the probability.
All probabilities must be estimated using add-one smoothing.
Task 2 (2 marks). Write a program nbc/nbc_inference.py that should take two command line arguments in this order: (1) a path to a model created by your previous program; and (2) a path to a JSON test le like the one provided. Here is an example of how to call your program (assuming you use Python 3):
Your program should print error messages if called with a wrong number of arguments or if the model le or the test le are not as speci ed above.
Your program must print to STDOUT:
One line for each class in the test le with the true positive, false positive, false negative and true negative counts, followed by the precision, recall and F1 score for that class.
One line with the micro-averaged F1 for the entire test.
One line with the macro-averaged F1 for the entire test.
All quantities above must be calculated according to the smoothed Naive Bayes Classi er as explained in the textbook.
Task 3 (4 marks). Write a program nbc/feature_selection.py that should take three command line arguments in this order: (1) a path to the training data as in the previous program; (2) a value k ; and (3) path to a le where the ltered training le will be written. Here is an example of how to call your program (assuming you use Python 3):
Your program must calculate the mutual information between terms and classes in the training data and write a new training le in which the features are only those in the top-k for each class. The output of your program should be formatted exactly like the input training data, as it will be used to train other models.
If the path provided for writing the output refers to an existing le, we strongly suggest that your program asks the user for con rmation before overwriting the le. Also, your program should not overwrite the input le, and it should print error messages if called with a wrong number of arguments or if the path to the training data is invalid.
1 % python3 ./nbc/nbc_inference.py ./full_bbc_model.tsv ./data/test.json
1 % python3 ./nbc/feature_selection.py ./data/train.json 10 ./data/train_top_10.j
1 % python3 ./nbc/nbc_train.py ./data/train.json ./full_bbc_model.tsv
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3/29/2021 cmput361 Winter 2021 Homework #3 – Denilson Barbosa
Task 4 (1 mark). Use your programs above to study the effect of feature selection. Using 10, 20, 40, 80, and 160 as the values of k , create different training sets using your feature selection code. For each training set, train and evaluate a model using the provided test set. Report the F1 scores per- class and also the micro and macro averaged F1 scores.
Write these values in the README.md le in your repository. kNN Classifica on (5 marks)
Task 5 (2 marks). Write a program knn/knn_create_model.py that should take two command line arguments in this order: (1) path to a JSON le with training data; and (2) path to a le where the document vectors in the training data will be written. Here is one example of how to call your program (assuming you use Python 3):
If the path provided for writing the model refers to an existing le, we strongly suggest that your program asks the user for con rmation before overwriting the le. Also, your program should print error messages if called with a wrong number of arguments or if the path to the training data is invalid.
All documents in the train and test sets should be represented by vectors whose the weights are calculated using the ltn weighting scheme. To calculate IDF, assume the corpus to be the training set only.
The output le should be a TSV (tab-separated values) le with the IDF scores of terms in the training corpus (which are needed to compute the vectors of the test document) and the vectors of the training documents. There should be two kinds of lines in this le: idf and vector , and the rst column should indicate that (i.e., should be one of those values).
In an idf line the next two columns should be the term and the actual IDF of that term computed from the training corpus using the t weighting scheme. In a vector line, the second column should be the class of the training document, and the third column should be a single string representing the vector for that class. You can (and should) omit zero-weight entries in your vectors. Your output le should have as many lines as there are documents in the train set.
Task 6 (2 marks). Write a program knn/knn_inference.py that should take three command line arguments in this order: (1) path to a TSV le with vectors computed as in the previous step; (2) a value k ; and (3) a path to a JSON test le like the one provided. Here is one example of how to call your program (assuming you use Python 3):
Your program should print error messages if called with a wrong number of arguments or if the model le or the test le are not as speci ed above.
Your program must print to SDOUT:
One line for each class in the test le with the true positive, false positive, false negative and true negative counts, followed by the precision, recall and F1 score for that class.
One line with the micro-averaged F1 for the entire test.
One line with the macro-averaged F1 for the entire test.
1 % python3 ./knn/knn_create_model.py ./data/train.json ./bbc_model.tsv
1 % python3 ./knn/knn_inference.py ./bbc_doc_vectors.tsv 11 ./data/test.json
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3/29/2021 cmput361 Winter 2021 Homework #3 – Denilson Barbosa
All quantities above must be calculated according to the kNN classi cation algorithm as explained in the textbook, using the Euclidean distance and with the provided value of k .
Task 7 (1 mark). Use your programs above to study the effect of the parameter k . Using 1, 5, 11 and 23 as values of k , compute the per-class and the aggregate (micro and macro) F1 scores using the vectors of all documents in the train set and all documents in the provided test set.
Write these values in the README.md le in your repository. WARNING about computa on me
To complete this task you will have to perform about 228 thousand distance calculations for each of the 4 values of k , for a total of close to 1 million calculations.
You should not underestimate how long this will take, and you should write clean and e cient code. You are strongly encouraged to use a heap data structure to keep the k vectors closest to the test document.
For reference, if your program takes more than 5 minutes to run on the provided dataset with a single value of k , you should be contacting a TA to discuss how to improve your code. See the notes on the Grading scheme about execution time.
Correctness (60%)
Documentation (20%)
Instructions (20%)
The code meets all requirements and behaves as expected on correct and incorrect input, accepting the command line arguments as speci ed; (b) the code uses suitable data structures and the best possible algorithms; (c) error messages are clear; (d) the program does not crash (e.g., through an uncaught exception) with unexpected or incorrect input (e.g., missing or invalid parameters).
The code is well documented: (a) all functions have meaningful comments; (b) all variables and functions have meaningful names; (c) the README.md le explains the data structures and algorithms, covers all assumptions and the error handling strategy.
The instructions for executing the code are complete and clear: the TA is able to compile and/or execute the code following exactly the instructions provided, on a lab machine.
The code correctly implements most, but not all, of the requirements using suitable data structures and the best possible algorithms.
The documentation covers only all key functions in the code.
The instructions are insu cient, but all missing steps are obvious.
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