CS计算机代考程序代写 database Lab 6 3/12/21, 4:33 PM

Lab 6 3/12/21, 4:33 PM
Lab 6
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Due Mar 19 by 11:59pm Points 100 Submitting a file upload File Types zip Available after Mar 8 at 12am
CS-546 Lab 6 A Book API
For this lab, you will create a simple server that provides an API for someone to Create, Read, Update, and Delete books and also book reviews.
We will be practicing:
Seperating concerns into different modules: Database connection in one module Collections defined in another
Data manipulation in another
Practicing the usage of async / await for asynchronous code Continuing our exercises of linking these modules together as needed Developing a simple (10 route) API server
Packages you will use:
You will use the mongodb (https://mongodb.github.io/node-mongodb-native/) package to hook into MongoDB
You may use the 546/tree/master/lecture_04/code) and the 546/tree/master/lecture_05/code) and 546/tree/master/lecture_06/code) as a guide.
You can read up on express (http://expressjs.com/) on its home page. Specifically, you may find the API Guide section on requests (http://expressjs.com/en/4x/api.html#req) useful.
lecture 4 code (https://github.com/stevens-cs546-cs554/CS-
lecture 5 code (https://github.com/stevens-cs546-cs554/CS-
lecture 6 code (https://github.com/stevens-cs546-cs554/CS-
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Lab 6 3/12/21, 4:33 PM
You must save all dependencies you use to your package.json file
Folder Structure
You will use the following folder structure for the data module. You may need other files to handle the connection to the database as well.
I also recommend having your database settings centralized in files, such as:
Database Structure
You will use a database with the following structure:
The database will be called FirstName_LastName_lab6
The collection you use to store books will be called books you will store a sub-document of
The schema for books is now as followed:
_id: ObjectId generated by MongoDB,
title: “book title”,
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title: “book title”,
author: {authorFirstName: “first name”, authorLastName: “last name”},
genre: [“genre1”, “genre2”], //array of genres, there must be at least one genre
datePublished: Date field,
summary: “Book summary…”,
reviews: [{},{},{}] //array of review objects for this book
The **_id** field will be automatically generated by MongoDB, so you do not need to provide it. For example:
_id: ObjectId(“603d965568567f396ca44a72”),
title: “The Shining”,
author: {authorFirstName: “Stephen”, authorLastName: “King”},
genre: [“Novel”, “Horror fiction”, “Gothic fiction”, “Psychological horror”, “Occult Fiction”],
datePublished: “1/28/1977”,
summary: “Jack Torrance¡¯s new job at the Overlook Hotel is the perfect chance for a fresh start
. As the off-season caretaker at the atmospheric old hotel, he¡¯ll have plenty of time to spend re
connecting with his family and working on his writing. But as the harsh winter weather sets in, t
he idyllic location feels ever more remote . . . and more sinister. And the only one to notice th
e strange and terrible forces gathering around the Overlook is Danny Torrance, a uniquely gifted
reviews: [{
_id: ObjectId(“603d992b919a503b9afb856e”),
title: “This book scared me to death!!”,
reviewer: “scaredycat”,
rating: 5,
dateOfReview: “10/7/2020”,
review: “This book was creepy!!! It had me at the edge of my seat. One of Stephan King’s best
}, …..] //array of all the reviews for this book
The Book Review Sub-document (stored within the books document)
_id: ObjectId,
title: “title of review”,
reviewer: “name of reviewer”,
rating: 4,
dateOfReview: “1/1/1930”,
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dateOfReview: “1/1/1930”,
review: “review will go here”
For example a review for The Shining:
_id: ObjectId(“603d992b919a503b9afb856e”),
title: “This book scared me to death!!”,
reviewer: “scaredycat”,
rating: 5,
dateOfReview: “10/7/2020”,
review: “This book was creepy!!! It had me at the edge of my seat. One of Stephan King’s best
works!” }
In books.js, you will create and export 5 methods. Create, Read (getting all and also getting by id), Update, and Delete. You must do FULL error handling and input checking for ALL functions as you have in previous labs, checking if input is supplied, correct type, range etc. and throwing errors when you encounter bad input.
In reviews.js, you will create and export 4 methods. Create, Read (getting all and also getting by id), and Delete. You must do FULL error handling and input checking for ALL functions as you have in previous labs, checking if input is supplied, correct type, range etc. and throwing errors when you encounter bad input.
General note on all data functions: Whenever you return data that has an _id included in the returned data, return it as a string as shown in all the examples below. Do NOT return it as an ObjectId
You must do FULL error handling and input checking for ALL routes! checking if input is supplied, correct type, range etc. and throwing errors when
you encounter bad input.
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Lab 6 3/12/21, 4:33 PM
GET /books
Responds with an array of all books in the format of {“_id”: “book_id”, “title”: “book title”} Note:
Notice you are ONLY returning the book ID as a string, and Book Title
[{ “_id”: “603d965568567f396ca44a72″,”title”: “The Shining”},{ “_id”: “704f456673467g306fc44c34”,
“title”: “Christine”},…..]
POST /books
Creates a book with the supplied data in the request body, and returns the new book (ALL FIELDS MUST BE PRESENT AND CORRECT TYPE). The genres array should at least have one element.
You should expect the following JSON to be submitted in the request.body:
“title”: “The Shining”,
“author”: {authorFirstName: “Stephen”, authorLastName: “King”},
“genre”: [“Novel”, “Horror fiction”, “Gothic fiction”, “Psychological horror”, “Occult Fiction”
“datePublished”: “1/28/1977”,
“summary”: “Jack Torrance¡¯s new job at the Overlook Hotel is the perfect chance for a fresh sta
rt. As the off-season caretaker at the atmospheric old hotel, he¡¯ll have plenty of time to spend
reconnecting with his family and working on his writing. But as the harsh winter weather sets in,
the idyllic location feels ever more remote . . . and more sinister. And the only one to notice t
he strange and terrible forces gathering around the Overlook is Danny Torrance, a uniquely gifted
If the JSON provided does not match that schema, you will issue a 400 status code and end the request.
If the JSON is valid and the book can be created successfully, you will return the newly created book (as shown below) with a 200 status code. When a book is created, you will initialize the reviews array to be an empty array (since there can’t be reviews of a book until the book is in the system)
_id: “603d965568567f396ca44a72”,
title: “The Shining”,
author: {authorFirstName: “Stephen”, authorLastName: “King”},
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author: {authorFirstName: “Stephen”, authorLastName: “King”},
genre: [“Novel”, “Horror fiction”, “Gothic fiction”, “Psychological horror”, “Occult Fiction”],
datePublished: “1/28/1977”,
summary: “Jack Torrance¡¯s new job at the Overlook Hotel is the perfect chance for a fresh start
. As the off-season caretaker at the atmospheric old hotel, he¡¯ll have plenty of time to spend re
connecting with his family and working on his writing. But as the harsh winter weather sets in, t
he idyllic location feels ever more remote . . . and more sinister. And the only one to notice th
e strange and terrible forces gathering around the Overlook is Danny Torrance, a uniquely gifted
reviews: [] }
GET /books/{id}
Example: GET /books/603d965568567f396ca44a72
Responds with the full content of the specified book. So you will return all details of the book. Your function should return the book_id as a string, not an object ID
If no book with that _id is found, you will issue a 404 status code and end the request.
You will return the book (as shown below) with a 200 status code along with the book data if found.
“_id”: “603d965568567f396ca44a72”,
“title”: “The Shining”,
“author”: {authorFirstName: “Stephen”, authorLastName: “King”},
“genre”: [“Novel”, “Horror fiction”, “Gothic fiction”, “Psychological horror”, “Occult Fiction”
“datePublished”: “1/28/1977”,
“summary”: “Jack Torrance¡¯s new job at the Overlook Hotel is the perfect chance for a fresh sta
rt. As the off-season caretaker at the atmospheric old hotel, he¡¯ll have plenty of time to spend
reconnecting with his family and working on his writing. But as the harsh winter weather sets in,
the idyllic location feels ever more remote . . . and more sinister. And the only one to notice t
he strange and terrible forces gathering around the Overlook is Danny Torrance, a uniquely gifted
“reviews”: [{
_id: “603d992b919a503b9afb856e”,
title: “This book scared me to death!!”,
reviewer: “scaredycat”,
rating: 5,
dateOfReview: “10/7/2020”,
review: “This book was creepy!!! It had me at the edge of my seat. One of Stephan King’s best
}, …..]
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PUT /books/{id}
Example: PUT /books/603d965568567f396ca44a72
This request will update a book with information provided from the PUT body. Updates the specified book by replacing the book with the new book content, and returns the updated book. (All fields need to be supplied in the request.body, even if you are not updating all fields)
You should expect the following JSON to be submitted:
“title”: “The Shining UPDATED”,
“author”: {authorFirstName: “Patrick”, authorLastName: “Hill”},
“genre”: [“Novel”, “Horror fiction”, “Gothic fiction”, “Psychological horror”, “Occult Fiction”
“datePublished”: “1/28/1977”,
“summary”: “Jack Torrance¡¯s new job at the Overlook Hotel is the perfect chance for a fresh sta
rt. As the off-season caretaker at the atmospheric old hotel, he¡¯ll have plenty of time to spend
reconnecting with his family and working on his writing. But as the harsh winter weather sets in,
the idyllic location feels ever more remote . . . and more sinister. And the only one to notice t
he strange and terrible forces gathering around the Overlook is Danny Torrance, a uniquely gifted
reviews should not be able to be modified in this route. You must copy the old array of review ids from the existing book first and then insert them into the updated document so they are retained and not overwritten.
If the JSON provided in the PUT body is not as stated above, fail the request with a 400 error and end the request.
If no books exist with an _id of {id} , return a 404 and end the request.
If the update was successful, then respond with that updated book (as shown below) with a 200
status code
“_id”: “603d965568567f396ca44a72”,
“title”: “The Shining UPDATED”,
“author”: {authorFirstName: “Patrick”, authorLastName: “Hill”},
“genre”: [“Novel”, “Horror fiction”, “Gothic fiction”, “Psychological horror”, “Occult Fiction”],
“datePublished”: “1/28/1977”,
“summary”: “Jack Torrance¡¯s new job at the Overlook Hotel is the perfect chance for a fresh start
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“summary”: “Jack Torrance¡¯s new job at the Overlook Hotel is the perfect chance for a fresh start
. As the off-season caretaker at the atmospheric old hotel, he¡¯ll have plenty of time to spend re
connecting with his family and working on his writing. But as the harsh winter weather sets in, t
he idyllic location feels ever more remote . . . and more sinister. And the only one to notice th
e strange and terrible forces gathering around the Overlook is Danny Torrance, a uniquely gifted
“reviews”: [{
_id: “603d992b919a503b9afb856e”,
title: “This book scared me to death!!”,
reviewer: “scaredycat”,
rating: 5,
dateOfReview: “10/7/2020”,
review: “This book was creepy!!! It had me at the edge of my seat. One of Stephan King’s best wor
PATCH /books/{id}
Example: PATCH /books/603d965568567f396ca44a72
This request will update a book with information provided from the PATCH body. Updates the specified book with only the supplied changes, and returns the updated book. One or more fields can be supplied but at least one field!
For the genres array, you will append the genres in the request.body (if they are supplied in the request.body for this route) to the array already stored in the collection in the database, if a genre already exists in the genres array in the DB, you will just ignore it (there should be no duplicates in the genres array in the DB)
You should expect the following JSON to be submitted (this is just an example to show that you only need to supply the fields you are updating in the request.body, in the case below, you are only updating title and author, but this can be any combination of one or more fields):
“title”: “The Shining UPDATED”,
“author”: {authorFirstName: “Patrick”, authorLastName: “Hill”}
reviews should not be able to be modified in this route.
If the JSON provided in the PATCH body does not have at least one valid field, fail the request with a 400 error and end the request.
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If no books exist with an _id of {id}, return a 404 and end the request.
If the update was successful, then respond with that updated book (as shown below) with a 200 status code.
“_id”: “603d965568567f396ca44a72”,
“title”: “The Shining UPDATED”,
“author”: {authorFirstName: “Patrick”, authorLastName: “Hill”},
“genre”: [“Novel”, “Horror fiction”, “Gothic fiction”, “Psychological horror”, “Occult Fiction”],
“datePublished”: “1/28/1977”,
“summary”: “Jack Torrance¡¯s new job at the Overlook Hotel is the perfect chance for a fresh start
. As the off-season caretaker at the atmospheric old hotel, he¡¯ll have plenty of time to spend re
connecting with his family and working on his writing. But as the harsh winter weather sets in, t
he idyllic location feels ever more remote . . . and more sinister. And the only one to notice th
e strange and terrible forces gathering around the Overlook is Danny Torrance, a uniquely gifted
“reviews”: [{
_id: “603d992b919a503b9afb856e”,
title: “This book scared me to death!!”,
reviewer: “scaredycat”,
rating: 5,
dateOfReview: “10/7/2020”,
review: “This book was creepy!!! It had me at the edge of my seat. One of Stephan King’s best wor
ks!” }, …..]
DELETE /books/{id}
Example: DELETE /books/603d965568567f396ca44a72
If no book exists with an _id of {id} , return a 404 and end the request. Deletes the book, sends a status code 200 and returns:
{“bookId”: “603d965568567f396ca44a72”, “deleted”: true}.
You must do FULL error handling and input checking for ALL routes! checking if input is supplied, correct type, range etc. and throwing errors when
you encounter bad input.
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you encounter bad input.
GET /reviews/{bookId}
Example: GET /reviews/603d965568567f396ca44a72
Getting this route will return an array of all reviews in the system for the specified book id.
If no reviews for the book _id are found, you will issue a 404 status code and end the request.
You will return the array of reviews (as shown below) with a 200 status code along with the review data if found.
“_id”: “603d992b919a503b9afb856e”),
“title”: “This book scared me to death!!”,
“reviewer”: “scaredycat”,
“rating”: 5,
“dateOfReview”: “10/7/2020”,
“review”: “This book was creepy!!! It had me at the edge of my seat. One of Stephan King’s bes
t work!”
}, ………
POST /reviews/{bookId}
Example: POST /reviews/603d965568567f396ca44a72
Creates a review sub-document with the supplied data in the request body, and returns the new review (ALL FIELDS MUST BE PRESENT AND CORRECT TYPE).
You should expect the following JSON to be submitted in the request.body:
“title”: “This book scared me to death!!”,
“reviewer”: “scaredycat”,
“rating”: 5,
“dateOfReview”: “10/7/2020”,
“review”: “This book was creepy!!! It had me at the edge of my seat. One of Stephan King’s bes
t work!” }
If the JSON provided does not match that schema, you will issue a 400 status code and end the request.
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if the bookId is not valid (it cannot be found), you will issue a 400 status code and end the request. The rating should be a range from 1-5
If the JSON is valid and the review can be created successful, you will return the all the book data showing the reviews (as shown below) with a 200 status code.
“_id”: “603d965568567f396ca44a72”,
“title”: “The Shining”,
“author”: {authorFirstName: “Stephen”, authorLastName: “King”},
“genre”: [“Novel”, “Horror fiction”, “Gothic fiction”, “Psychological horror”, “Occult Fiction”
“datePublished”: “1/28/1977”,
“summary”: “Jack Torrance¡¯s new job at the Overlook Hotel is the perfect chance for a fresh sta
rt. As the off-season caretaker at the atmospheric old hotel, he¡¯ll have plenty of time to spend
reconnecting with his family and working on his writing. But as the harsh winter weather sets in,
the idyllic location feels ever more remote . . . and more sinister. And the only one to notice t
he strange and terrible forces gathering around the Overlook is Danny Torrance, a uniquely gifted
“reviews”: [{
“_id”: “603d992b919a503b9afb856e”),
“title”: “This book scared me to death!!”,
“reviewer”: “scaredycat”,
“rating”: 5,
“dateOfReview”: “10/7/2020”,
“review”: “This book was creepy!!! It had me at the edge of my seat. One of Stephan King’s bes
t work!”
}, …..]
GET /reviews/review/{reviewId)
Example: GET /reviews/review/603d992b919a503b9afb856e
If no review with that _id is found, you will issue a 404 status code and end the request. You will return the review (as shown below) with a 200 status code.
“_id”: “603d992b919a503b9afb856e”,
“title”: “This book scared me to death!!”,
“reviewer”: “scaredycat”,
“rating”: 5,
“dateOfReview”: “10/7/2020”,
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“dateOfReview”: “10/7/2020”,
“review”: “This book was creepy!!! It had me at the edge of my seat. One of Stephan King’s bes
t work!”
Delete /reviews/{reviewId)
Example: DELETE /reviews/603d992b919a503b9afb856e
Deletes the specified review for the specified book, sends a 200 status code and returns:
{“reviewId”: “603d992b919a503b9afb856e”, “deleted”: true}.
Your app.js file will start the express server on port 3000, and will print a message to the terminal once the server is started.
Tip for testing:
You should create a seed file that populates your DB with initial data for both books and reviews. This will GREATLY improve your debugging as you should have enough sample data to do proper testing and it would be rather time consuming to enter a book and reviews for that book one by one through the API. A seed file is not required and is optional but is highly recommended. You should have a DB with at least 10 books and multiple reviews for each book for proper testing (again, this is not required, but it is to ensure you can test thoroughly.)
General Requirements
1. You must not submit your node_modules folder
2. You must remember to save your dependencies to your package.json folder
3. You must do basic error checking in each function
4. Check for arguments existing and of proper type.
5. Throw if anything is out of bounds (ie, trying to perform an incalculable math operation or
accessing data that does not exist)
6. If a function should return a promise, you should mark the method as an async function and
return the value. Any promises you use inside of that, you should await to get their result values. If the promise should throw, then you should throw inside of that promise in order to return a rejected promise automatically. Thrown exceptions will bubble up from any awaited call that
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Lab 6 3/12/21, 4:33 PM
rejected promise automatically. Thrown exceptions will bubble up from any awaited call that
throws as well, unless they are caught in the async method.
7. You must remember to update your package.json file to set app.js as your starting script!
8. You must submit a zip file named in the following format: LastName_FirstName_CS546_SECTION.zip
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