CS计算机代考程序代写 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

// Cyclic Inventory Management (CIM)
// An inventory management task with multiple commodities, cyclic demand distributions,
// and a shared finite warehouse. All commodities are stored in the same warehouse so
// purchasing a large quantity of commodity i decreases the space for all other commodities.
// This domain first appeared in:
// Timothy A. Mann and Shie Mannor. Scaling Up Approximate Value Iteration with Options:
// Better Policies with Fewer Iterations. JMLR W&CP 32 (1) :127–135, 2014.
// If you use this domain please cite this paper. Thank you.
// Author: Timothy A. Mann (mann.timothy [at] acm.com)
// Acknowledgements: Thanks to Scott Sanner for helping figure out how to implement
// the inventory constraints.
// The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Research
// Counsel under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Program (FP7/2007-2013) / ERC Grant
// Agreement No 306638.

domain cim {

types {
// Commodities represent different type of products.
commodity : object;

pvariables {
// Non-fluents
// The numerical constant PI
PI : { non-fluent, real, default = 3.141592653 };
// The number of rounds before the demand distributions repeat
ROUNDS_PER_CYCLE : { non-fluent, int, default = 24 };
// The maximum inventory level of the warehouse
MAX_INVENTORY : { non-fluent, int, default = 500 };
// The base ordering cost (cost incurred for ordering nonzero number of commodities)
BASE_ORDER_COST : { non-fluent, real, default = 8 };
// The per unit storage cost
STORAGE_COST(commodity) : { non-fluent, real, default = 0 };
// The base unmet demand cost (cost of not meeting demands for at least one commodity)
BASE_UNMET_DEMAND_COST : { non-fluent, real, default = 2 };
// The unmet demand per unit cost (cost of not meeting demands per unit)
UNIT_UNMET_DEMAND_COST(commodity) : { non-fluent, real, default = 10 };
// Cost per unit of a commodity
UNIT_COST(commodity) : { non-fluent, real, default = 1 };
// The round at which the specified commodity has maximum expected demand
PEAK_DEMAND_ROUND(commodity) : { non-fluent, int, default = 0 };
// The minimum expected demand for a commodity.
MIN_EXPECTED_DEMAND(commodity) : { non-fluent, int, default = 0 };
// The maximum expected demand for a commodity.
MAX_EXPECTED_DEMAND(commodity) : { non-fluent, int, default = 30 };
// The standard deviation of the demand for a commodity.
DEMAND_STD(commodity) : { non-fluent, real, default = 5 };

// A fluent that will have a recursive definition
PREV(commodity) : { non-fluent, int, default = c1 };

// State Variables
// The current round in [0, ROUNDS_PER_CYCLE-1]
round : { state-fluent, int, default = 0 };
// The quantity of a commodity
quant(commodity) : { state-fluent, int, default = 0 };
// The demand for each commodity
demand(commodity) : { state-fluent, int, default = 0 };

// Derived and Intermediate
unmet(commodity) : { interm-fluent, real };
cmean(commodity) : { interm-fluent, real };
after_demand_quant(commodity) : { interm-fluent, int };
after_demand_sum : { interm-fluent, int };
rcum_prev(commodity) : { interm-fluent, int };
rcum(commodity) : { interm-fluent, int };

// Actions
resupply(commodity) : { action-fluent, int, default = 0 };

cpfs {
// Update the round
round’ = if(round < ROUNDS_PER_CYCLE - 1) then round + 1 else 0; // Sample the demand for each commodity cmean(?c) = (MAX_EXPECTED_DEMAND(?c) - MIN_EXPECTED_DEMAND(?c)) * ((cos[ 2 * PI * (round + PEAK_DEMAND_ROUND(?c)) / ROUNDS_PER_CYCLE ] + 1) / 2) + MIN_EXPECTED_DEMAND(?c); demand'(?c) = max[ 0, round[Normal( cmean(?c), DEMAND_STD(?c) )]]; // Calculate the quantities after subtracting demands after_demand_quant(?c) = max[ 0, ceil[ quant(?c) - demand(?c) ]]; after_demand_sum = (sum_{ ?c : commodity } after_demand_quant(?c)); // Calculate the unmet demands unmet(?c) = max[ 0, ceil[demand(?c) - quant(?c)]]; // Calculate the cumulative resupply amounts corrected so that when they are added to // the after_demand_quant's the sum of the next state quant's is less than MAX_INVENTORY. rcum_prev(?c) = (if(?c == $c1) then 0 else rcum(PREV(?c))); rcum(?c) = if((after_demand_sum + resupply(?c) + rcum_prev(?c)) < MAX_INVENTORY) then (resupply(?c) + rcum_prev(?c)) else (max[ 0, (MAX_INVENTORY - (rcum_prev(?c) + after_demand_sum)) ] + rcum_prev(?c)); // Calculate the quantity of each commodity for the new state quant'(?c) = after_demand_quant(?c) + (rcum(?c) - rcum_prev(?c)); }; // Defines the reward function (negative cost) reward = -(if((sum_{?c : commodity} resupply(?c)) > 0) then (BASE_ORDER_COST + (sum_{?c : commodity} resupply(?c) * UNIT_COST(?c))) else 0) // Order costs
-(if((sum_{?c : commodity} unmet(?c)) > 0) then (BASE_UNMET_DEMAND_COST + (sum_{?c : commodity} unmet(?c) * UNIT_UNMET_DEMAND_COST(?c))) else 0) // Unmet demand costs
-(sum_{?c : commodity} STORAGE_COST(?c) * quant(?c)); // Storage costs

action-preconditions {
// Make sure that the orders don’t overfill the warehouse
(sum_{?c : commodity} resupply(?c)) <= MAX_INVENTORY; // Cannot order negative quantities forall_{?c : commodity} [ resupply(?c) >= 0 ];

non-fluents nf_cim8 {
domain = cim;

objects {
commodity : { c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8 };

non-fluents {
// Set the per unit cost for each commodity
UNIT_COST(c1) = 1;
UNIT_COST(c2) = 3;
UNIT_COST(c3) = 1;
UNIT_COST(c4) = 2;
UNIT_COST(c5) = 0.5;
UNIT_COST(c6) = 1;
UNIT_COST(c7) = 1;
UNIT_COST(c8) = 1;

// Set the demand peak round for each commodity

// Set the demand standard deviation for each commodity
DEMAND_STD(c1) = 2;
DEMAND_STD(c2) = 1;
DEMAND_STD(c3) = 2;
DEMAND_STD(c4) = 3;
DEMAND_STD(c5) = 2;
DEMAND_STD(c6) = 2;
DEMAND_STD(c7) = 1;
DEMAND_STD(c8) = 2;

// Set the maximum expected demand

// Define the PREV values needed for recursion
PREV(c1) = $c1;
PREV(c2) = $c1;
PREV(c3) = $c2;
PREV(c4) = $c3;
PREV(c5) = $c4;
PREV(c6) = $c5;
PREV(c7) = $c6;
PREV(c8) = $c7;

instance inst_cim8 {
domain = cim;

non-fluents = nf_cim8;

max-nondef-actions = pos-inf;
horizon = 100;
discount = 0.95;