CS计算机代考程序代写 Java /**

* RDDL: Implements a randomized policy for a domain with a single boolean action.
* The action selected to be true is uniformly randomly chosen.
* @author Scott Sanner (ssanner@gmail.com)
* @version 10/10/10

package rddl.policy;

import java.util.*;

import rddl.*;
import rddl.RDDL.*;

public class FixedBoolPolicy extends Policy {

public FixedBoolPolicy () {


public FixedBoolPolicy(String instance_name) {

public ArrayList getActions(State s) throws EvalException {

// Get a random action
PVAR_NAME p = s._alActionNames.get(0);

// Get term instantations for that action and select *one*
ArrayList> inst = s.generateAtoms(p);
ArrayList terms = inst.get(0);

// Generate the action list
PVAR_INST_DEF d = new PVAR_INST_DEF(p._sPVarName, new Boolean(true), terms);
ArrayList actions = new ArrayList();
return actions;
