CS计算机代考程序代写 Java package rddl.competition.generators;

package rddl.competition.generators;

* A generator for instances of a fully observable game of life.
* @author Scott Sanner
* @version 3/1/11

import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;

public class TrafficMDPGen {

protected String output_dir;
protected String instance_name;
protected int num_cells;
protected float input_min;
protected float input_max;
protected int horizon;
protected float discount;

public static final float INIT_OCCUPANCY_PROB = 0.3f;

public static void main(String [] args) throws Exception {

if(args.length != 7)

TrafficMDPGen gen = new TrafficMDPGen(args);
String content = gen.generate();
PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(
new FileOutputStream(gen.output_dir + File.separator + gen.instance_name + “.rddl”));

public static void usage() {
System.err.println(“Usage: output-dir instance-name num-cells input-min input-max horizon discount”);
System.err.println(“Example: files/testcomp/rddl traffic_3 3 0.3 0.5 100 0.9”);

public TrafficMDPGen(String [] args){
output_dir = args[0];
if (output_dir.endsWith(“/”) || output_dir.endsWith(“\\”))
output_dir = output_dir.substring(0, output_dir.length() – 1);

instance_name = args[1];
num_cells = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
input_min = Float.parseFloat(args[3]);
input_max = Float.parseFloat(args[4]);
horizon = Integer.parseInt(args[5]);
discount = Float.parseFloat(args[6]);

if (num_cells < 2) { System.out.println("num-cells (" + num_cells + ") must be >= 2″);
if (input_min < 0d || input_max > 1d || input_min > input_max) {
System.out.println(“num-cells range [” + input_min + “,” + input_max + “] must be in [0,1]”);

public String generate(){

Random ran = new Random();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

// 3 cells would be

// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
// 1 v v
// 2 v v
// 3 v v
// 4 > > > I > > > I > > >
// 5 v v
// 6 v v
// 7 v v
// 8 > > > I > > > I > > >
// 9 v v
// 10 v v
// 11 v v

// First row/col: 1
// Last row/col: 3*(nc+1)-1
// Generate row and col: nc + 1, 2*(nc+1)
// Don’t generate {nc + 1, 2*(nc+1)} X {nc + 1, 2*(nc+1)}

sb.append(“non-fluents nf_” + instance_name + ” {\n”);
sb.append(“\tdomain = traffic_mdp;\n”);
sb.append(“\tobjects {\n”);

int min_cell = 1;
int int_1 = num_cells + 1;
int int_2 = 2*(num_cells + 1);
ArrayList intersections = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(int_1, int_2));
int max_cell = 3*(num_cells + 1) – 1;

sb.append(“\t\tintersection : {“);
sb.append(“ia” + int_1 + “a” + int_1);
sb.append(“,ia” + int_1 + “a” + int_2);
sb.append(“,ia” + int_2 + “a” + int_1);
sb.append(“,ia” + int_2 + “a” + int_2);

ArrayList cells = new ArrayList();
ArrayList init_cells = new ArrayList();
sb.append(“\t\tcell : {“);
boolean first = true;
for (int i : intersections) {
for (int o = min_cell; o <= max_cell; o++) { if (intersections.contains(o)) continue; String cell_name1 = "ca" + i + "a" + o; cells.add(cell_name1); sb.append((first ? "" : ",") + cell_name1); first = false; String cell_name2 = "ca" + o + "a" + i; cells.add(cell_name2); sb.append("," + cell_name2); if (ran.nextFloat() < INIT_OCCUPANCY_PROB) init_cells.add(cell_name1); if (ran.nextFloat() < INIT_OCCUPANCY_PROB) init_cells.add(cell_name2); } } sb.append("};\n"); sb.append("\t};\n"); sb.append("\tnon-fluents {\n"); // Define input cells and input rates // PERIMETER-INPUT-CELL(ca2a1); // PERIMETER-INPUT-RATE(ca2a1) = 0.8; sb.append("\n\t\tPERIMETER-INPUT-CELL(ca" + int_1 + "a" + min_cell + ");\n"); sb.append("\t\tPERIMETER-INPUT-CELL(ca" + int_2 + "a" + min_cell + ");\n"); sb.append("\t\tPERIMETER-INPUT-CELL(ca" + min_cell + "a" + int_1 + ");\n"); sb.append("\t\tPERIMETER-INPUT-CELL(ca" + min_cell + "a" + int_2 + ");\n"); sb.append("\n\t\tPERIMETER-INPUT-RATE(ca" + int_1 + "a" + min_cell + ") = " + (ran.nextFloat() * (input_max - input_min) + input_min) + ";\n"); sb.append("\t\tPERIMETER-INPUT-RATE(ca" + int_2 + "a" + min_cell + ") = " + (ran.nextFloat() * (input_max - input_min) + input_min) + ";\n"); sb.append("\t\tPERIMETER-INPUT-RATE(ca" + min_cell + "a" + int_1 + ") = " + (ran.nextFloat() * (input_max - input_min) + input_min) + ";\n"); sb.append("\t\tPERIMETER-INPUT-RATE(ca" + min_cell + "a" + int_2 + ") = " + (ran.nextFloat() * (input_max - input_min) + input_min) + ";\n"); // Define exit cells // PERIMETER-EXIT-CELL(ca2a11); sb.append("\n\t\tPERIMETER-EXIT-CELL(ca" + int_1 + "a" + max_cell + ");\n"); sb.append("\t\tPERIMETER-EXIT-CELL(ca" + int_2 + "a" + max_cell + ");\n"); sb.append("\t\tPERIMETER-EXIT-CELL(ca" + max_cell + "a" + int_1 + ");\n"); sb.append("\t\tPERIMETER-EXIT-CELL(ca" + max_cell + "a" + int_2 + ");\n"); // Define intersection inputs // FLOWS-INTO-INTERSECTION-EW(ca2a3, ia2a4); // FLOWS-INTO-INTERSECTION-NS(ca3a3, ia2a4); sb.append("\n\t\tFLOWS-INTO-INTERSECTION-EW(ca" + int_1 + "a" + (int_1-1) + ",ia" + int_1 + "a" + int_1 + ");\n"); sb.append("\t\tFLOWS-INTO-INTERSECTION-EW(ca" + int_1 + "a" + (int_2-1) + ",ia" + int_1 + "a" + int_2 + ");\n"); sb.append("\t\tFLOWS-INTO-INTERSECTION-EW(ca" + int_2 + "a" + (int_1-1) + ",ia" + int_2 + "a" + int_1 + ");\n"); sb.append("\t\tFLOWS-INTO-INTERSECTION-EW(ca" + int_2 + "a" + (int_2-1) + ",ia" + int_2 + "a" + int_2 + ");\n"); sb.append("\t\tFLOWS-INTO-INTERSECTION-NS(ca" + (int_1-1) + "a" + int_1 + ",ia" + int_1 + "a" + int_1 + ");\n"); sb.append("\t\tFLOWS-INTO-INTERSECTION-NS(ca" + (int_2-1) + "a" + int_1 + ",ia" + int_2 + "a" + int_1 + ");\n"); sb.append("\t\tFLOWS-INTO-INTERSECTION-NS(ca" + (int_1-1) + "a" + int_2 + ",ia" + int_1 + "a" + int_2 + ");\n"); sb.append("\t\tFLOWS-INTO-INTERSECTION-NS(ca" + (int_2-1) + "a" + int_2 + ",ia" + int_2 + "a" + int_2 + ");\n"); // Define cell flow // FLOWS-INTO-CELL(ca5a4, ca4a4); sb.append("\n"); for (int i : intersections) { for (int o = min_cell; o <= max_cell-1; o++) { if (intersections.contains(o)) continue; int next_o = o + 1; if (intersections.contains(next_o)) next_o = next_o + 1; sb.append("\t\tFLOWS-INTO-CELL(ca" + i + "a" + o + ",ca" + i + "a" + next_o + ");\n"); sb.append("\t\tFLOWS-INTO-CELL(ca" + o + "a" + i + ",ca" + next_o + "a" + i + ");\n"); } } sb.append("\t};\n"); sb.append("}\n\n"); // instance sysm1 { // // domain = traffic_mdp; // // non-fluents = nf_traffic_inst_mdp; // // init-state { // running(c1); // ~running(c2); // }; // // max-nondef-actions = 1; // horizon = 20; // discount = 1.0; // } sb.append("instance " + instance_name + " {\n"); sb.append("\tdomain = traffic_mdp;\n"); sb.append("\tnon-fluents = nf_" + instance_name + ";\n"); if (init_cells.size() > 0) {
sb.append(“\tinit-state {\n”);
for (String cell : init_cells)
sb.append(“\t\toccupied(” + cell + “);\n”);
sb.append(“\tmax-nondef-actions = 4;\n”);
sb.append(“\thorizon = ” + horizon + “;\n”);
sb.append(“\tdiscount = ” + discount + “;\n”);


return sb.toString();
