{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module A5ans where
import Prelude hiding ((>>), drop)
import Data.Bifunctor ( Bifunctor(first) )
import Language.Haskell.TH ( Q, TExp )
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift)
— Recalling our Forth-like stack-based language…
Take the StackMachine from tutorial 10, and augment it with just
enough features to be able to implement the heart of FizzBuzz
https://skilldrick.github.io/easyforth/ is a helpful resource here for
better understanding Forth.
Note that the JVM is a stack machine, as is postscript (the heart of PDF),
so this is like “assembler” for quite a few languages.
— The signature is completely given, to make things simpler:
class StackMachine stk where
empty :: stk ()
push :: Lift a => a -> stk s -> stk (a, s)
drop :: stk (a, s) -> stk s
swap :: stk (a, (b, s)) -> stk (b, (a, s))
dup :: stk (a, s) -> stk (a, (a, s))
rot :: stk (a, (b, (c, s))) -> stk (b, (c, (a, s)))
rot23 :: stk (a, (b, (c, s))) -> stk (a, (c, (b, s)))
— ‘s’ prefix to obvious things to avoid name clashes
sadd :: Num a => stk (a, (a, s)) -> stk (a, s)
smul :: Num a => stk (a, (a, s)) -> stk (a, s)
sleq :: Ord a => stk (a, (a, s)) -> stk (Bool, s)
seql :: Eq a => stk (a, (a, s)) -> stk (Bool, s)
smod :: Integral a => stk (a, (a, s)) -> stk (a, s)
sand :: stk (Bool, (Bool, s)) -> stk (Bool, s)
sor :: stk (Bool, (Bool, s)) -> stk (Bool, s)
snot :: stk (Bool, s) -> stk (Bool, s)
sappend :: stk (String, (String, s)) -> stk (String, s)
spair :: stk (a, (b, s)) -> stk ((a, b), s)
unpair :: stk ((a, b), s) -> stk (a, (b, s))
sfst :: stk ((a, b), s) -> stk (a, s)
ssnd :: stk ((a, b), s) -> stk (b, s)
skip :: stk s -> stk s
ifThenElse :: stk (Bool, (a, (a, s))) -> stk (a, s)
(>>) :: (a -> b) -> (b -> c) -> (a -> c)
(>>) = flip (.)
— Q1.a
— Write a program with the following signature that takes as input
— an Int, and returns a Bool for if the input is 0 mod 3, and
— the string ” Fizz” if True, “” otherwise
fizz :: (StackMachine stk) => stk (Int, s) -> stk (Bool, (String, s))
fizz = _
— Write a program with the following signature that takes as input
— an Int, and returns a Bool for if the input is 0 mod 5, and
— the string ” Buzz” if True, “” otherwise
buzz :: (StackMachine stk) => stk (Int, s) -> stk (Bool, (String, s))
buzz = _
— Write a program with the following signature that takes as input
— an Int, and returns the following:
— let (b1, s1) the return of calling fizz
— let (b2, s2) the return of calling buzz
— the output will be (not (b1 or b2), s1 ++ s2)
— this involves a lot of stack manipulation! My version of this code
— is 14 instructions long (but I don’t guarantee that’s optimal)
fizzbuzz :: (StackMachine stk) => stk (Int, s) -> stk (Bool, (String, s))
fizzbuzz = _
— Q1.b
— implement an instance of StackMachine for R.
— The following lift combinators are useful.
— (No Applicative or Monad instance, as all functions are unary, in a sense)
newtype R a = R {unR :: a}
instance Functor R where
fmap f = R . f . unR
liftR1 :: (a -> b) -> R (a, s) -> R (b, s)
liftR1 f = R . (\(x,y) -> (f x , y)) . unR
liftR2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> R (a, (b, s)) -> R (c, s)
liftR2 f (R (a, (b, s))) = R (f a b, s)
instance StackMachine R where
— Q1.c, for the R instance above
— Write a function that returns to the top of the stack as the result
stkEvalResult :: R (a,s) -> a
stkEvalResult = _
— Write a function that returns to the String which is the 2nd-most top
— of the stack as result
stkPrintEvalOutput :: R (a, (String, s)) -> String
stkPrintEvalOutput = _
— Q2
Implement a compiler. The following helper function is very handy.
Except for |empty|, ALL of the rest of the code looks like
func = clift1 [|| \XXX -> YYY ||]
where pattern-matching on tuples for XXX is crucial.
data C a = C { unC :: Q (TExp a) }
clift1 :: Q (TExp (t -> a)) -> C t -> C a
clift1 g (C x) = C [|| $$g $$x ||]
instance StackMachine C where
Implement a partial de-compiler, meaning mapping from an
instance of StackMachine to an Instance of classes
IntSy, BoolSy, OrderSy, PairSy
*only*, for the Mar18 version of the classes.
Use RR below. See the tutorial 10 material to get started.
newtype RR c a = RR { unRR :: forall s. c s -> c (a,s) }
instance StackMachine c => IntSy (RR c) where
instance StackMachine c => BoolSy (RR c) where
instance StackMachine c => OrderSy (RR c) where
instance StackMachine c => PairSy (RR c) where
{- 4
Write test cases for all of this:
– 10 non-trivial programs in the StackMachine language. Each should
have at least 8 instructions.
– write code that runs all these programs and check that the answer is
– pass all your programs through the C compiler as well. use |pprint|
in a |main| program to print out the result code for each
– for all the programs that can be decompiled (there should be at least 5),
– run them through the RR interpreter, instantiated with the R interpreter
and then the Mar18.R interpreter to “run” them
– do the same for the PP instance of Mar22
– (bonus) do the same for the PE instance of Apr??