function plotpoints(trainpoints, labels, points, categories,neurons, lr)
%Plots training data and classified points.
%trainpoints(:,i) contains x,y coordinates of training point i
%labels(:,i) = [1;0], category A, or [0;1], category B.
%points(:,i) contain x,y coordinates.
%categories(i) is 1 if points(:,i) is in category A, and 0 if category B
%neurons is a vector of size 2. neurons(1) is the number of neurons
%in layer 3 and neurons(2) is number of neurons in layer 4.
%lr is learning rate
%indices of points in categories A and B
Aind = find(categories == 1);
Bind = find(categories == 0);
%plot A and B points
h1 = plot(points(1,Aind), points(2,Aind), ‘.’, ‘color’, 1.5*[0.5 .5 .5]);
hold on
h2 = plot( points(1,Bind), points(2,Bind), ‘.w’);
%plot the training points
category = labels(1,:) >= labels(2,:);
A = find(category == 1);
B = find(category == 0);
ms = 8;
lw = 2;
h3 = plot(trainpoints(1,A), trainpoints(2,A), ‘ko’,’MarkerSize’, ms,…
‘LineWidth’, lw);
h4 = plot(trainpoints(1,B), trainpoints(2,B), ‘kx’,’MarkerSize’, ms, …
‘LineWidth’, lw);
legend([h1,h2,h3,h4],’A gray’,’B white’,’train A’,’train B’, …
‘Location’, ‘SouthEast’)
title(sprintf(‘neurons 2,%d,%d,2, learning rate %g\n’,…
neurons(1), neurons(2), lr));
set(gca,’FontSize’, 14);