CS计算机代考程序代写 Report: 30 marks

Report: 30 marks
OLET1305 2021 S1 Project Marking Rubric
Maximum 3 number of pages and reasonable length appendix can be attached and referenced.
6 pts = Very well presented and concise & clear written description of background, with appropriate visual assistance in 150 words
3 pts = Good presentation of overall summary of the project
0-1.5 pts = Somewhat hard to understand how and what¡¯s been done and presented.
Background and literature review
6 pts = background of the problem and/or similar products are formulated clearly and concise
3 pts = problem and/or similar products are somewhat formulated; or too much unnecessary details given
Technical solutions
18 pts = the approach and coding logic is clearly and concisely described including any libraries used; implementation employed successfully to a sufficient depth
9 pts = the approach is described in general OK, but some aspects has room for improvement;
3 pts = approach description is unclear and/or inappropriate; lack of the level of the depth of implementation
Presentation: 15 marks
6 pts = the presentation clearly described the project; (accuracy, reliability, impact/caveat, flyer) 3 pts = the presentation content was not clear, incomplete or somewhat confusing
Delivery (Slide Deck and Talk)
6 pts = slide style and number of slides is appropriate and delivery was clear and compelling. Able to respond to the difficult questions.
3 pts =the style of the slides and the delivery of the presentation would both need improvement
3 pts = the presentation is completed within 2:30 -3:30 minutes
1.5 pts = the presentation finished in <2 min or went up-to 4 minutes Processing coding: 55 marks Understanding & complexity 30 pts = demonstrate 100% of the understanding of the code, immediately able to respond to the questions asked; very good code complexity 24 pts = demonstrate very good understanding; able to respond to the questions asked; good complexity of code 16 pts = demonstrate fair understanding; able to respond to the questions asked with difficulty 8 pts = lack important understanding or poor response to the questions asked; no complex code used Coding style and implementation 25 pts = Very good code complexity with readability, style, structure, consistent style of variable names and functions, no redundancy of functions, minimisation of code (compactness); necessary comments; no error on execution; exception handling wherever required, 16 pts =okay implementation of the above criteria 8 pts = Lacking some of the above criteria, no code comments