CS计算机代考程序代写 CIS 720 – Advanced Operating Systems Homework #4

CIS 720 – Advanced Operating Systems Homework #4
Spring 2021
Due: Wednesday, May 12, 2021, (on paper or upload via K-State Online by midnight) 25 Points
1. Consider the random 5×5 peg solitaire puzzle shown above. The object of the game is to jump over and remove adjacent pegs by jumping into an empty spot and leaving only a single peg at the end of the game. It may not be possible to have the last peg end in the original empty spot. Use UPPAAL, SPIN, or TLA+ to determine if a solution exists, and find a solution if it exists. Then, try to minimize the number of moves (consecutive jumps with the same peg count as one move) required. This particular game is playable online at:
2. Translate your solution to another modeling language to solve the same puzzle.