CS计算机代考程序代写 algorithm data structure Search Problems

Search Problems
Identifica tion
CSPs (i.e., without preferences)
 Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs): Identification problems have constraints to be satisfied; there is no preference in CSPs.
 Constraints refer to hard constraints which a legal solution cannot violate.
 Preferences sometimes are referred to as soft constraints (or objectives), where we need to optimise, e.g., to minimise cost.

Standard Search Problems vs CSPs
 Standard Search problems
 State is a “black‐box”: arbitrary data structure
 Goal test can be any function over states  Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs)
 State is defined by variable 􏰺􏰌 with values from a domain 􏰻 (􏰻 may depend on 􏰐).
 Goal test is a set of constraints specifying allowable combinations of values for subsets of variables.
 An example of a formal representation language.
 This allows useful general‐purpose algorithms with more power
than standard search algorithms.

 A constraint satisfaction problem consists of  A set of variables
 A domain for each variable  A set of constraints
 In a CSP, an assignment is complete if every variable has a value, otherwise it is partial.
 Solutions are complete assignments satisfying all the constraints.
 Example: Course scheduling problem
 Variables – courses: AI1, Data Structure, Software Engineering, OOP,
AI2, Neural Computation…
 Domain ‐ year‐term: {1‐1, 1‐2, 2‐1, 2‐2, 3‐1, 3‐2}
 Constraints ‐ pre‐requisites: {AI1 < AI2, OOP < SE...}  Solutions ‐ e.g.: (AI1=1‐2, OOP=1‐1, AI2=2‐2, SE=2‐1...) Example: Map Colouring Problem: Map colouring problem is to paint a map in such a way that none of adjacent regions can have the same colour.  Variables: WA, NT, Q, NSW, V, SA, T  Domain: D = {red, green, blue}  Constraints: adjacent regions must have different colours  Implicit:WA≠NT  Explicit:(WA,NT)∈{(red,green),(red,blue),...}  Solutions: e.g. {WA=red, NT=green, Q=red, NSW=green, V=red, SA=blue, T=green} Example: Sudoku Problem: Sudoku is to fill a 9×9 grid with digits so that each column, each row, and each of the regions contain all of the digits from 1 to 9.  Variables:eachopencell  Domain:D={1,2,3,...,9}  Constraints:  Each row contains different numbers  Each column contains different numbers  Each region contains different numbers Example: N‐Queens Problem: N‐queens puzzle is the problem of placing N chess queens on an N×N chessboard so that no two queens threaten each other.  Variables: 􏰌􏰹  Domain:D={0,1}  Constraints: ∀􏰐,􏰼,􏰽􏰺􏰌􏰹,􏰺􏰌􏰾 ∈ 0,0,0,1,1,0 ∀􏰐,􏰼,􏰽􏰺􏰌􏰹,􏰺􏰾􏰹 ∈ 0,0,0,1,1,0  ∀􏰐,􏰼,􏰽 􏰺􏰌􏰹, 􏰺􏰌􏰵􏰾,􏰹􏰵􏰾 ∈ 0,0 , 0,1 , 1,0  ∀􏰐,􏰼,􏰽 􏰺􏰌􏰹, 􏰺􏰌􏰵􏰾,􏰹􏰿􏰾 ∈ 0,0 , 0,1 , 1,0  ∑􏰌􏰹 􏰺􏰌􏰹 􏰅 􏱀 Constraint Graphs  Constraintgraphsareusedtorepresent relations among constraints in CSPs, where nodes correspond to the variables and arcs reflect the constraints.  Theyaredifferentfromstatespacegraphs since variables in CSPs correspond to multiple states.  BinaryCSP:Eachconstraintinvolvesat most two variables.  Generalpurpose:CSPalgorithmsusethe graph structure to speed up the search. When a constraint relates more than two variables  Useasquaretorepresentaconstraint(circlesforvariables)  Thesquareconnectsallthevariablesinvolvedinthatconstraint. Variety of CSPs  Variables  Finite domains (discrete), e.g. all the preceding examples.  Infinite domains (discrete or continuous), e.g., variables involving time.  Constraints  Unary (single variable having reducing domains), binary and high‐ order constraints.  CSPsaredifficultsearchproblems  If a CSP has 􏰒 variables, the size of each domain is 􏰷, then there are 􏰡􏰂􏰷􏱁􏰄 complete assignments.  For the preceding representation of the 4 × 4 queens puzzle, there are 2􏰉􏰘 complete assignments. Real‐world CSPs  Assignmentproblems,e.g.whoteacheswhichclass  Timetablingproblems,e.g.whichclassisofferedwhenand where  Hardwareconfiguration  Transportationscheduling  Factoryscheduling  Circuitlayout  Faultdiagnosis ... Many of CSP problems can also consider the preferences (i.e., objectives), in which case they turn into constraint optimisation problems.