CS计算机代考程序代写 Haskell 1

G6021: Comparative Programming
Exercise Sheet 6
Higher-Order functions on lists
Write a function sumAll that returns the sum of all the elements of a list of numbers.
Write a function multAll that returns the product of all the elements of a list of numbers.
The pattern of recursion should be the same in the previous two questions: the only differ- ences are the name of the function, the function applied to each of the elements, and the starting value. Haskell provides a function to capture this kind of recursion: foldr f b l, where the three parameters are the function to be applied, the starting value and the list.
Examples of this functions in use include:
foldr (*) 1 [1,2,3,4]
foldr (+) 0 [1,2,3,4]
Test these functions, and check that they give the same answers as your functions above. Write your own version of the foldr function (call this function fold).
Using fold, write the following:
• A function len to compute the length of a list.
• A function maxElem to compute the maximum element of a list.
• A function flatten to convert a list of lists to a list. Example: flatten [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]] should give [1,2,3,4,5,6].
What is the type of the function iter below, and what do you think it does? What does the function f compute?
iter p f x = if (p x) then x else iter p f (f x)
f n = snd(iter (\(x,y) -> x>n) (\(x,y) -> (x+1,x*y)) (1,1))
Accumulating parameters
1. 2. 3.
4. 5.
Test out the three versions of factorial from the notes: fact and factcps and factacc.
1. Write a version of the len function using an accumulating parameter (so that the function
is tail recursive):
len [] = 0
len (h:t) = 1+len t
2. Write a version of the rev function using an accumulating parameter:
rev [] = []
rev (h:t) = (rev t) ++ [h]

3 Data types
1. Give a datatype, called IntOrBool, that can represent either an Int or a Boolean. Show how you can use this datatype to represent a list of mixed elements (Integers and Booleans).
2. Suggest a way to represent the λ-calculus as a data type in Haskell.