CS计算机代考程序代写 # COMP3620/6320 Artificial Intelligence

# COMP3620/6320 Artificial Intelligence
# The Australian National University – 2021
# Authors: COMP3620 team

“”” All solvers in the system extend Solver, which is defined here.

import abc
import os
from importlib import import_module

from utilities import CodeException

solver_path = os.path.dirname(__file__)
solver_list_file_name = os.path.join(solver_path, “solver_list”)

solver_sat_code = 0
solver_unsat_code = 1
solver_time_out_code = 2
solver_error_code = 3

class SolvingException(CodeException):
“”” An exception to be raised in the even that something goes wrong with
the solving process. “””

class Solver(object, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
def __init__(self):
“””Set runstr”””

def solve(self, wcnf_file_name, sln_file_name, time_limit):
“””solve wcnf_file and return (time, true_vars),
or raise a SolvingException with the appropriate code from above”””

class SolverWrapper:

def __init__(self):
self.valid_solvers = {}
self.default_solver = ”

def read_solver_list(self):
with open(solver_list_file_name, ‘r’) as solver_list_file:
solver_lines = solver_list_file.readlines()
if len(solver_lines) < 2: raise SolvingException("Error: solver list does not have enough lines.", solver_error_code) self.default_solver = solver_lines[0].rstrip() for line in solver_lines[1:]: try: line_tokens = line.rstrip().split(' ') self.valid_solvers[line_tokens[0]] = line_tokens[1] except IndexError: raise SolvingException("Error: badly formed line in solver list: {}". format(line.rstrip()), solver_error_code) except IOError: raise SolvingException("Error: failed to load solver list {}.". format(solver_list_file_name), solver_error_code) def instantiate_solver(self, solver_name, cnf_file_name, tmp_path, exp_name, time_out): if solver_name not in self.valid_solvers: raise SolvingException("Error: invalid solver: {}".format(solver_name), solver_error_code) solver_module = import_module(os.path.dirname(__file__).split(os.sep)[-1] + '.' + self.valid_solvers[solver_name]) self.solver = getattr(solver_module, solver_module.solver_class)( cnf_file_name, tmp_path, exp_name, time_out)