opengl代写 CSE 472 Project 1

CSE 472 Project 1: The CSE 472 2018 Bobsled

Now we describe the requirements for Project 1 in CSE 472. The project is a group project (up to 4 members per group). Be sure to read the project requirements carefully, both individually, and as a group. The most common deductions are simply failing to follow some of the assignment instructions.

The project will be due Tuesday, Nov 20, 2018 at 11:59pm

The animated scarecrow

Your assignment is to create a simple scarecrow with movable joints for shoulders and neck and render it with simple animations and user control.

Your scarecrow must have the following minimum characteristics:

A shape with some round parts, and at least one texture. 25%
You must include a head that can at least rotate around one fixed axis (e.g., rotating around a vertical axis like shaking the head, or rotating around a horizontal axis like nodding the head). More DoFs are certainly fine. 10%
You must include shoulder joints, each of which can provide at least two DoFs for the arm attached to it. 25%
Animation: one button that sets both the head and the arms in visible motion 20%
Menu items to choose cameras: one static view, aand one that flies around the scarecrow 15%
Blinking eyes 5%

You can base your code on Step 2, 3 or 4, using immediate mode OpenGL, WebGL, or shader­based OpenGL respectively.

Excellence points

Excellence points will be assigned to projects if you include at least two textures (1 excellence point). If you use light map through multiple texture mapping, it can count as another point. Smooth skinning around one joint with linear blending counts as 1 excellence point (2 if you use dual quaternion blending). Adding movable elbow joints can count as 1 excellence point, adding hip joints can also count as 1 excellence point. User interaction with the scarecrow in motion can count as 1 excellence point. You can come up with your own tricks and ask for points and we will decide based on the difficulty and originalty (No more than 4 in total will be given).

Project Submission

Along with this submission, please also submit a document about what term project you wish to work on (see term project for requiremnts).

Submit the project using the handin system along with a write­up of your team members and claims for excellence points. One submission per group is sufficient.


When this project is graded, we will be specifically looking for the following problems that you should avoid:

Bad vertex normals (yes, we know how to check them)
Vertex normals that are not normalized
Objects which we can see through when we should not be able to see through them.
Time must make sense. If the speed varies noticeably on different machines, we’ll count off. Seams that do not match (lighting and textures).
Redundant embedded polygons.
Redundantloadingorcreatingofdatastructures. Createyourscenegraphonceandonlyonce. Especially don’t load your textures over and over again. 1/2

2018/11/15 CSE 472 Project 1: The CSE 472 2018 Bobsled

Large polygons that prevent the lighting from working properly.
Failing to manage memory properly, leading to either memory leaks or crashes on close.
Misused textures. Do not use a texture map for a solid color. Points will be deducted for an polygon where two or more vertices use the same texture coordinate.

You may not enable GL_NORMALIZE or use glScale in this project.

Additional Resources

You may find the following page useful:

Time and Timers

CSE 472 Home Page
