CS计算机代考程序代写 /**

* Skeleton code for Binary Search.
* You are required to implement the binary search method using proper recursion.
* The given code is provided to assist you to complete the required tasks. But the
* given code is often incomplete. You have to read and understand the given code
* carefully, before you can apply the code properly. You might need to implement
* additional procedures, such as error checking and handling, in order to apply the
* code properly.

public class BinarySearch>{

* Given a sorted 3D matrix A (sorted in every coordinate in ascending order) and a target key, implement
* the binary search method to find and return the Element with the key that matches the target
* within the range [minX, maxX]x[minY, maxY]x[minZ, maxZ], otherwise return null.
* You must use binary search with proper recursion in the columns and rows of A simultaneously.
* @param A is a sorted 3D array, such that
* A[x][y][0].key < ...< A[x][y][n-1].key and A[0][y][z].key < ...< A[n-1][y][z].key * and A[x][0][z].key < ...< A[x][n-1][z].key, for all x, y, z in {0,...,n-1}. * @param minX is the minimum index in the first coordinate to be searched in A * @param maxX is the maximum index in the first coordinate to be searched in A * @param minY is the minimum index in the second coordinate to be searched in A * @param maxY is the maximum index in the second coordinate to be searched in A * @param minZ is the minimum index in the third coordinate to be searched in A * @param maxZ is the maximum index in the third coordinate to be searched in A * @param target is the target key * @return the object with the matched key if exist, otherwise return null. */ public Element search(Element[][][] A, int minX, int maxX, int minY, int maxY, int minZ, int maxZ, T target){
tracker.calltracking(minX,maxX,minY,maxY,minZ,maxZ); //Do not modify this method. Otherwise, your answers may not be marked correctly
// TODO: Complete this method
tracker.calltracking(minX, maxX, minY, maxY,minZ,maxZ); // Do not modify this method. Otherwise, your answers may not be
// marked correctly
// validating minX, maxX, minY and maxY
if (minX >= 0 && minX <= maxX && maxX < A.length && minY >= 0 && minY <= maxY && maxY < A[minX].length && minZ >= 0 && minZ <= maxZ && maxZ < A[minX].length) { int midX = (minX + maxX) / 2; int midY = (minY + maxY) / 2; int midZ = (minZ + maxZ) / 2; // if value at midX row midY column equals target value, returning Element at // [midX][midY] if (A[midX][midY][midZ].key.equals(target)) { return A[midX][midY][midZ]; } else if (target.compareTo(A[midX][minY][midZ].key) < 0) { return search(A, minX, midX - 1, minY, maxY,minZ,midZ-1, target); } else if (target.compareTo(A[midX][maxY][midZ].key) > 0) {

return search(A, midX + 1, maxX, minY, maxY,midZ+1,maxZ, target);
else if (target.compareTo(A[midX][midY][midZ].key) < 0) { return search(A, minX, maxY, minY, midY - 1, minZ,maxY,target); } else if (target.compareTo(A[midX][midY][midZ].key) > 0) {
return search(A, minX, maxY, midY + 1, maxY,minZ,maxY, target);


return null; // if not found, or indices are invalid.