CS计算机代考程序代写 SQL Java /**

* IMPORTANT: This class is incomplete. Please look for “TODO” comments.
* Implement next() method in Tokeniser.java to extract the SQL commands as Tokens as follows:
* Token 1:
* originalTokenStr: INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2, column3, …)
* value: table_name (column1, column2, column3, …)
* Token 2:
* originalTokenStr: VALUES (value1, value2, value3, …)
* type: VALUES
* value: (value1, value2, value3, …)
* Some brackets in the SQL commands may be missing. Please return null if some brackets are missing
* Please see test cases in TokeniserTest.java.
public class Tokeniser {
private String _buffer;

public Tokeniser(String buffer) {
this._buffer = buffer;
int idx = this._buffer.indexOf(“;”);
if (idx > 0) {
this._buffer = this._buffer.substring(0, idx);

* Return the next token without changing the buffer
* @return the next token OR null when there is no more token or the next token
* is invalid.
public Token next() {
if (_buffer.isEmpty())
return null;

// TODO: Complete this method

// You are allowed to remove the following ‘return null’ if necessary
return null;


* Return the next token and remove it from the buffer
* @return the next token OR null when there is no more token or the next token
* is invalid.
public Token takeNext() {
Token nextToken = next();
if (nextToken == null)
return null;

if (nextToken.originalTokenStr.length() < _buffer.length()) { _buffer = _buffer.substring(nextToken.originalTokenStr.length()).trim(); } else { _buffer = ""; } return nextToken; } /** * @return whether there is another token to parse in the buffer */ public boolean hasNext() { return next() != null; } }