CS计算机代考程序代写 prolog .globl write_matrix

.globl write_matrix

# ==============================================================================
# FUNCTION: Writes a matrix of integers into a binary file
# If any file operation fails or doesn’t write the proper number of bytes,
# exit the program with exit code 1.
# The first 8 bytes of the file will be two 4 byte ints representing the
# numbers of rows and columns respectively. Every 4 bytes thereafter is an
# element of the matrix in row-major order.
# Arguments:
# a0 (char*) is the pointer to string representing the filename
# a1 (int*) is the pointer to the start of the matrix in memory
# a2 (int) is the number of rows in the matrix
# a3 (int) is the number of columns in the matrix
# Returns:
# None
# If you receive an fopen error or eof,
# this function exits with error code 53.
# If you receive an fwrite error or eof,
# this function exits with error code 54.
# If you receive an fclose error or eof,
# this function exits with error code 55.
# ==============================================================================

# Prologue

# Epilogue
