CS计算机代考程序代写 file system database flex Module 10 Working With Text

Module 10 Working With Text

Exam Objective
3.2 Searching and Extracting Data from Files
Objective Description
Search and extract data from files in the home directory

Text Files

Text Files
¡ñ ¡ñ
¡ñ ¡ñ
A large number of the files in a typical file system are text files.
Text files only contain text, no formatting features that you might see in a
word processing file.
A significant number of commands exist to help users manipulate text files.
There are also features available for the shell to control the output of commands.
¡ð Instead of the output displaying in the terminal window, the output can be redirected into another file or another command.

Viewing Files in the Terminal
¡ñ The cat command is a useful command that can be used to create and display text files, as well as combining copies of text files.
¡ñ To display a file using the cat command type the command followed by the filename:
sysadmin@localhost:~/Documents$ cat food.txt Food is good.
¡ñ The default output of the cat command is the terminal
¡ñ The cat command can also be used to redirect file content to other files or input to another command by using redirection characters.

Viewing Files Using a Pager
¡ñ The cat command is good for viewing small files but is not ideal for large files.
¡ñ To view larger files, use a pager command.
¡ñ There are two commonly used pager commands:
¡ð The less command provides advanced paging capability but is not included with all Linux distributions.
¡ð The more command has fewer features than less, but is available in Linux distributions.
¡ñ The more and less commands allow users to move around a document using keystroke commands.

Pager Movement Commands
¡ñ To view a file with the less command, pass the filename as an argument: sysadmin@localhost:~/Documents$ less words
¡ñ When viewing a file with the less command, use the H key or Shift + H to display a help screen
¡ñ Below are the most commonly used movement commands (identical in more and less):
Key Movement Spacebar Window forward B Window backward Enter Line forward
Q Exit
H Help

Pager Searching Commands
¡ñ There are two ways to search in the less command:
¡ð Searching forward or backward from your current position.
¡ð To start a search forward from your current position, use the slash / key then type the text to match and press Enter. For example:
bull ‘s bull s bullheaded
¡ð If no matches forward from your current position can be found, then the last line of the screen will report ¡°Pattern not found¡°:
¡ð If more than one match can be found by a search, then use the N key to move the next match and use the Shift+N key combination to go to a previous match.

Head and Tail
¡ñ The head and tail commands are used to display only the first or last few lines of a file.
¡ñ Passing a number as an option will cause both the head and tail commands to output the specified number of lines instead of default ten.
¡ñ The -n option can be used to indicate how many lines to output.
¡ñ The negative value option (i.e., -3) means show -# lines
¡ñ With the positive value option, if the option is used with a number prefixed by the plus sign, then the command recognizes this to mean to display the contents starting at the specified line and continuing all the way to the end.

Command Line Pipes

Command Line Pipes
¡ñ The pipe | character can be used to send the output of one command to another.
¡ñ The pipe character allows you to utilize the head and tail commands not only on
files, but on the output of other commands.
¡ñ For example, some commands have large amount of output. To more easily view the
beginning of the output, pipe it to the head command. The following example displays only the first ten lines:
sysadmin@localhost:~$ ls /etc | head
¡ñ Multiple pipes can be used consecutively to link multiple commands together. Each command only sees input from the previous command.

Input/Output Redirection

Input/Output Redirection
¡ñ Input/Output (I/O) redirection allows for command line information to be passed to different streams.
¡ñ The streams are:
¡ð STDIN: Standard input, or STDIN, is information entered normally by the user via the keyboard.
¡ð STDOUT: Standard output, or STDOUT, is the normal output of commands.
¡ð STDERR: Standard error, or STDERR, are error messages generated by commands.
¡ñ I/O redirection allows the user to redirect STDIN so that data comes from a file and STDOUT/STDERR so that output goes to a file.
¡ñ Redirection is achieved by using the arrow < > characters.

¡ñ The standard output of a command will display to the screen:
¡ñ Using the > character, the standard output of a command can be redirected to a file instead:
sysadmin@localhost:~$ echo “Line 1” > example.txt
¡ñ The example.txt file contains the output of the echo command, which can be viewed with the cat command:
sysadmin@localhost:~$ echo “Line 1” Line 1
sysadmin@localhost:~$ cat example.txt Line 1

¡ñ The single arrow overwrites any contents of an existing file.
¡ñ It is possible to preserve the contents of an existing file using the >> characters, which append to a file instead of overwriting it.
sysadmin@localhost:~$ echo “New line 1” > example.txt sysadmin@localhost:~$ cat example.txt
Line 1
sysadmin@localhost:~$ echo “Another line” >> example.txt sysadmin@localhost:~$ cat example.txt
New line 1 Another line

¡ñ STDERR can be redirected similarly to STDOUT.
¡ñ Using the > character to redirect, stream #1 is assumed by default.
¡ñ Stream #2 must be specified when redirecting STDERR by placing the number 2 before the arrow > character.
¡ñ In the example, the 2> indicates that all error messages should be sent to the file error.txt:
sysadmin@localhost:~$ ls /fake
ls: cannot access /fake: No such file or directory sysadmin@localhost:~$ ls /fake 2> error.txt sysadmin@localhost:~$ cat error.txt
ls: cannot access /fake: No such file or directory

Redirecting Multiple Streams
¡ñ It is possible to direct both the STDOUT and STDERR of a command at the same time
¡ñ Both STDOUT and STDERR can be sent to a file by using the ampersand & character
in front of the arrow > character. The &> character set that means both 1> and 2>:
sysadmin@localhost:~$ ls /fake /etc/ppp
ls: cannot access /fake: No such file or directory /etc/ppp:
ip-down.d ip-up.d
sysadmin@localhost:~$ ls /fake /etc/ppp &> all.txt sysadmin@localhost:~$ cat all.txt
ls: cannot access /fake: No such file or directory /etc/ppp:
¡ñ If you don’t want STDERR and STDOUT to both go to the same file, they can be redirected to different files by using both > and 2>.
sysadmin@localhost:~$ ls /fake /etc/ppp > example.txt 2> error.txt

¡ñ With most commands, if you want to read data from a file into a command, you can specify the filename as an argument to the command.
¡ñ However, for some commands, if you don’t specify a filename as an argument, they revert to using STDIN to get data (i.e., the cat and tr commands)
¡ñ Using STDIN, it is possible to tell the shell to get STDIN from a file instead of from the keyboard by using the < character: sysadmin@localhost:~$ cat example.txt /etc/ppp: ip-down.d ip-up.d sysadmin@localhost:~$ tr 'a-z' 'A-Z' < example.txt /ETC/PPP: IP-DOWN.D IP-UP.D Sorting Files or Input Sorting Files for Input ¡ñ The sort command can be used to rearrange the lines of files or input in either dictionary or numeric order. sysadmin@localhost:~$ cat mypasswd root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash daemon:x:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/bin/sh bin:x:2:2:bin:/bin:/bin/sh sys:x:3:3:sys:/dev:/bin/sh sync:x:4:65534:sync:/bin:/bin/sync sysadmin@localhost:~$ sort mypasswd bin:x:2:2:bin:/bin:/bin/sh daemon:x:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/bin/sh root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash sync:x:4:65534:sync:/bin:/bin/sync sys:x:3:3:sys:/dev:/bin/sh Fields and Sort Options ¡ñ ¡ñ ¡ñ The sort command can rearrange the output based on the contents of one or more fields. Fields are determined by a field delimiter contained on each line. bin:x:2:2:bin:/bbin:x:2:2:bin:/bin:/bin/sh For example, the following command can be used to sort the third field of the mypasswd file numerically. ¡ð ¡ð ¡ð The -t option will allow for another field separator to be specified To specify which field to sort by, use the -k option with an argument to indicate the field number The -n option is used to perform a numeric sort. sysadmin@localhost:~$ sort -t: -n -k3 mypasswd Viewing File Statistics Viewing File Statistics ¡ñ The wc command provides the number of lines, words and bytes (1 byte = 1 character in a text file) for a file, and a total line count if more than one file is specified. sysadmin@localhost:~$ wc /etc/passwd /etc/passwd- 35 56 1710 /etc/passwd 34 55 1665 /etc/passwd- 69 111 3375 total ¡ñ It is also possible to view only specific statistics: ¡ð Use the -l option to show just the number of lines ¡ð The -w option to show just the number of words ¡ð The -c option to show just the number of bytes, or any combination of these options Filtering Files Filter File Sections ¡ñ The cut command can extract columns of text from a file or standard input. ¡ñ The cut command is used for working with delimited files¡ªwhich contain columns separated by a delimiter. ¡ð By default, the cut command expects its input to be separated by the Tab character, but the -d option can specify alternative delimiters such as the colon or comma. ¡ð The -f option can specify which fields to display. ¡ð The -c option is used to extract columns of text based upon character position. ¡ð In the following example, the first, fifth, sixth and seventh fields from mypasswd database file are displayed: sysadmin@localhost:~$ cut -d: -f1,5-7 mypasswd Filter File Contents ¡ñ The grep command can be used to filter lines in a file or the output of another command that matches a specified pattern: sysadmin@localhost:~$ grep --color bash /etc/passwd root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash sysadmin:x:1001:1001:System Administrator,,,,:/home/sysadmin:/bin/bash ¡ñ The grep command can be used with several options to filter lines: ¡ð The -d option can specify alternative delimiters such as the colon or comma ¡ö by default, the cut command expects its input to be separated by the Tab character ¡ð The -f option can specify which fields to display. ¡ð The -c option is used to extract columns of text based upon character position. Basic Regular Expressions Basic Regular Expressions ¡ñ Regular expressions, also referred to as regex, are a collection of normal and special characters that are used to find simple or complex patterns, respectively, in files. ¡ñ Normal characters are alphanumeric characters which match themselves. ¡ð For example, an a character would match an a ¡ñ Special characters have special meanings when used within patterns by commands like the grep command. ¡ñ There are both Basic Regular Expressions (available to a wide variety of Linux commands) and Extended Regular Expressions (available to more advanced Linux commands). Basic Regular Expressions ¡ñ Basic Regular Expressions include the following: Character Matches . Any single character [] A list or range of characters to match one character. If the first character is the caret ^, it means any character not in the list * The previous character repeated zero or more times ^ If the first character in the pattern, the pattern must be at the beginning of the line to match, otherwise just a literal ^ $ If the last character in the pattern, the pattern must be at the end of the line to match, otherwise just a literal $ The command is just one of the many commands that support regular expressions. Some other commands include the and commands. grep more less Basic Regular Expressions - The . Character ¡ñ The . character matches any character except for the new line character. ¡ñ The pattern r..f would find any line that contained the letter r followed by exactly two characters and then the letter f: sysadmin@localhost:~/Documents$ grep 'r..f' red.txt reef roof ¡ñ The . character can be used any number of times. To find all words that have at least four characters, the following pattern can be used: sysadmin@localhost:~/Documents$ grep '....' red.txt reef reeed roof Basic Regular Expressions - The [ ] Character ¡ñ In some cases, you want to specify exactly which characters you want to match, such as a lower-case alphabet character or a number character. ¡ñ The square brackets [] match a single character from the list or range of possible characters contained within the brackets: sysadmin@localhost:~/Documents$ grep '[0-9]' profile.txt I am 37 years old. 3121991 I have 2 dogs. 123456789101112 ¡ñ Each possible character can be listed out [abcd] or provided as a range [a-d], as long as the range is in the correct order. ¡ñ To match a character that is not one of the listed characters, start the [] set with a ^ symbol. Basic Regular Expressions - The * Character ¡ñ The asterisk * character is used to match zero or more occurrences of a character or pattern preceding it. ¡ñ For example, e* would match zero or more occurrences of the letter e: sysadmin@localhost:~/Documents$ grep 're*d' red.txt red reeed rd ¡ñ It is also possible to match zero or more occurrences of a list of characters by utilizing square brackets. the following example matches zero or more occurrences of the o character or the e character: sysadmin@localhost:~/Documents$ grep 'r[oe]*d' red.txt ¡ñ To make the asterisk * character useful, create a pattern which includes more than just the one character preceding it (i.e., ee*). Basic Regular Expressions - Anchor Characters ¡ñ When performing a pattern match, the match could occur anywhere on the line. ¡ñ Anchor characters specify whether the match occurs at the beginning of the line or the end of the line. ¡ñ The circumflex ^ character is used to ensure that a pattern appears at the beginning of the line: sysadmin@localhost:~/Documents$ grep '^root' passwd root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash ¡ñ The second anchor character, $, can be used to ensure a pattern appears at the end of the line: sysadmin@localhost:~/Documents$ grep 'r$' alpha-first.txt B is for Bear F is for Flower Basic Regular Expressions - The \ Character ¡ñ Use the backslash character \ to match a character that happens to be a special Regular Expression character: ¡ñ In the example below, the pattern re* matches an r (followed by zero or more of the letter e): sysadmin@localhost:~/Documents$ grep 're*' newhome.txt **Beware** of the ghost in the bedroom. ¡ñ To look for an actual asterisk * character, place a backslash \ character before the * character: sysadmin@localhost:~/Documents$ grep 're\*' newhome.txt **Beware** of the ghost in the bedroom. Extended Regular Expressions ¡ñ The use of extended regular expressions often requires a special option be provided to the command to recognize them. ¡ð The -E option to the grep command can understand extended regular expressions. ¡ñ The following regular expressions are considered extended: Character Matches ? Matches previous character zero or one time, so it is an optional character + Matches previous character repeated one or more times | Alternation or like a logical or operator Extended Regular Expressions ¡ñ Use the ? character to match colo followed by zero or one u character followed by an r character: sysadmin@localhost:~/Documents$ grep -E 'colou?r' spelling.txt American English: Do you consider gray to be a color or a shade? British English: Do you consider grey to be a colour or a shade? ¡ñ Use the + character to match one or more e characters: sysadmin@localhost:~/Documents$ grep -E 'e+' red.txt red reef reeed ¡ñ Use the | character to match either gray or grey: sysadmin@localhost:~/Documents$ grep -E 'gray|grey' spelling.txt American English: Do you consider gray to be a color or a shade? British English: Do you consider grey to be a colour or a shade?