CS2630: Computer Organization Project 2, part 1
Register file and ALU for MIPS processor
Goals for this assignment
- Apply knowledge of combinational logic and sequential logic to build two major components of the MIPS processor datapath
- Build digital circuits according to a specification
- Use robust testing methodology in digital logic designIntroductionIn project 2, you will use Logisim to build a processor that can execute actual assembled MIPS programs. You will complete the project in two parts. In part 1, you will build two important components: the ALU and register file. In part 2, you will build the rest of the processor.
Getting started
1. Download the starter code from
or clone using git: https://github.com/bmyerz/proj3-starter.git
The starter code contains the following files
- Makefile: contains commands for running the tests
- alu-harness.circ: a circuit for testing your ALU
- alu.circ: the skeleton file where you should implement your ALU
- regfile-harness.circ: a circuit for testing your register file
- regfile.circ: the skeleton file where you should implement your ALU
- tests/
o alu-add.circ:modifiedversionofalu-harness.circthatdoesALUtestsrelatedto add
o alu-sra.circ:modifiedversionofalu-harness.circthatdoesALUtestsrelatedto shift right arithmetic
o regfile-read_write.circ:modifiedversionofregfile-harness.circthatdoesregister file tests involving reading and writing
o regfile-zero.circ:modifiedversionofregfile-zero.circthatdoesregisterfiletests involving$0 (or,$zero)
o sanity_test.py:pythonscriptfortestingyourcircuits
o decode_out.py: python script to format Logisim output o logisim.jar:acopyofLogisimusedbythetestcode.
o reference_out/
§ text files containing the expected output for each test 2. Try running the tests.
You should pick a method of using Linux command line from https://uiowa.instructure.com/courses/87896/pages/linux-alternatives.
Ask for help early if you have trouble using one of those methods. Ask for help early if you have trouble using one of those methods. Ask for help early if you have trouble using one of those methods.
- Check to be sure your command line of choice has installed:i. make
ii. python (version 2.7) - Open the command line and then go to the directory where the project files are:
cd proj3-starter-master (if you downloaded zip) cd proj3-starter (if you git cloned)
You should see output like
Makefile alu-harness.circ regfile-harness.circ regfile.circ
iii. Run the tests
make p1
You should see output like
Testing files... Error in formatting of Logisim output:
alu.circ tests
non-integer in ['00000000', 'x', 'x', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx']
FAILED test: ALU add (with overflow) test, with output in python (Error in the test)
Error in formatting of Logisim output: non-integer in ['00000000', 'x', 'x',
'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'] FAILED test: ALU add (with overflow) test (Error in
the test) Error in formatting of Logisim output:
non-integer in ['00000000', 'x', 'x', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx']
FAILED test: ALU arithmetic right shift test (Error in the test)
Error in formatting of Logisim output: non-integer in ['00000000', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx']
FAILED test: RegFile read/write test (Error in the
test) Error in formatting of Logisim output:
non-integer in ['00000000', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx']
FAILED test: RegFile $zero test (Error in the test) Passed 0/5 tests
The “Error in formatting of Logisim output” refers to the X’s in the outputs.
Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)
The ALU is a component that performs one of a number of arithmetic operations on two 32-bit inputs.
The inputs and outputs of the ALU are as follows. Input
Here is the specification for your ALU.
Name |
Bit width |
Description |
X |
32 |
First operand |
Y |
32 |
Second operand |
Switch |
4 |
the operation the ALU should compute (same purpose as ALU control from the textbook) to obtain the value of output Result |
Name |
Bit width |
Description |
Signed overflow |
1 |
1 iff operation is add or sub and there was signed overflow |
Equal |
1 |
1 iff X==Y |
Result |
32 |
Result of the operation |
Switch |
ALU operation name |
Result |
Signed Overflow |
0 |
sll |
Y << X |
0 |
1 |
srl |
Y >> X (logical) |
0 |
2 |
sra |
Y >> X (arithmetic) |
0 |
3 |
add |
X+Y |
1 iff there is signed overflow |
4 |
addu |
X+Y |
0 |
5 |
sub |
X-Y |
1 iff there is signed overflow |
6 |
subu |
X-Y |
0 |
7 |
and |
0 |
8 |
or |
X OR Y |
0 |
9 |
xor |
0 |
10 |
slt (signed comparison) |
(X < Y) ? 1 : 0 |
0 |
11 |
sltu (unsigned comparison) |
(X < Y) ? 1: 0 |
0 |
o TheseareoperationsoftheALU.We’venamedsomeofthemthesameasMIPS instructions (e.g., sll, srl). However, they can be used by many different instructions. For example, ALU operation add is used by add, addi, and other instructions.
o UnderstandingthedifferencebetweenALUoperationsandMIPSinstructions now will save you confusion during Project 2-2.
- slt does signed comparison (e.g., 0xFFFFFFFF < 0x00000000 evaluates to 1) and sltu does unsigned comparison (e.g., 0xFFFFFFFF < 0x00000000 evaluates to 0).
- The output Equal must always be the value of X==Y
- Signed Overflow must only ever be 1 in the cases above.
o Signedoverflowisnotsimplycarryout.Signedoverflowoccurswhenaddor subtract produces the wrong answer because you have too few bits.
o Wesuggestthatyoufirstworkoutexamplesonpaperwithsmaller(e.g.5-bit) two’s complement numbers.
• For the shift amount, given by X in sll, srl, sra, your ALU should only consider the least significant 5 bits.
What you must implement
You must modify alu.circ to implement the ALU. Do not modify or move the inputs and outputs. You may use sub-circuits in your implementation as long as remains the top level
circuit of alu.circ. You may use any built-in Logisim components.
How you must test
To test your ALU with the provided test cases, open up the command line. 1. go to the base directory with your project files
cd ~/path/to/unzipped/project/files (use the actual path!)
2. run the tests
make p1
If the ALU tests pass then you should see something like
Testing files…
PASSED test: ALU add (with overflow) test, with output in python PASSED test: ALU add (with overflow) test
PASSED test: ALU arithmetic right shift test
PASSED test: RegFile read/write test
PASSED test: RegFile $zero test
Passed 5/5 tests
Note that in the above example, we haven’t implemented the register file yet, so those tests are failing.
If an ALU test fails, you will see more debugging information about that test case.
Testing files…
Format is student then expected
Test # OF Eq 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0
Result 7659035d 7659035d 87a09724 87a08d79
FAILED test: ALU add (with overflow) test (Did not match expected output)
PASSED test: ALU arithmetic right shift test
The above output indicates that the “ALU arithmetic right shift test” test passed but that the “ALU add (with overflow) test” failed. The three lines above the “FAILED test: ALU arithmetic…” show the output of your circuit followed by the expected output. In the example, in cycle 1, our implementation gave the result
but the correct answer was
To find out more about the test that failed, we can open up tests/alu-add.circ in
Logisim. The three memories contain the test inputs. You can use the poke tool to set the Test # register
to the Test # given in the error message. Our test’s error message said
Test # OF Eq …
1 1 0 1 1 0
87a09724 87a08d79
The Test # is 1, so we would want to set the Test # register to 1 to see which inputs for X, Y, and Switch were being tested.
3. You must test your circuit beyond the two example test cases, alu-add and alu-sra. Our autograder will test all the ALU operations on many kinds of inputs.
You may test your circuit however you like. We recommend extending the existing testing infrastructure. We give an example below.
To add new tests, do the following
- Make a copy of the test harness and put it in tests/. You should pick a descriptivename. Here, we picked tests/alu-or.circ to indicate that we are testing OR.
cp alu-harness.circ tests/alu-or.circ
- Open the new test circuit in Logisim.
- Add some test inputs
- Save your file. You must save to keep the entries in the ROMs.
- Add your test to the list in tests/tests.py
(“ALU or”, TestCase(os.path.join(file_locations,’alu-or.circ’),
[[0,0,0,0xffffffff], [1,0,0,0×00000001], [2,0,0,0x100000ff], [3,0,0,0x567CBBDF], [4,0,1,0×00000000]]), “alu”),
About the list-of-lists. Each inner list represents the test case # and the expected outputs of each output pin. These correspond to the columns you see in the output of make p1. You can specify the integers in any format Python supports (e.g., decimal, binary (0b), hex (0x)).
vi. Run the tests with the make command, as before. You should now see messages about the new test.
Register File
The register file presents a memory-like interface for reading and writing the 32 registers of the MIPS ISA.
The inputs and outputs are as follows. Inputs
Name |
Bit width |
Description |
Read Register 1 |
5 |
The number of the register whose contents is read out to Read Data 1. E.g., 01000 would be register $8, or $t0 |
Read Register 2 |
5 |
The number of the register whose contents is read out to Read Data 2 |
Write Register |
5 |
The number for the register to be written at the rising edge of Clock |
Write Data |
32 |
The data to write to the register specified by Write Register |
Write Enable |
1 |
If 1, then a register will be written at the rising edge of Clock. If 0, no register will be written at the rising edge of Clock. |
Clock |
1 |
The clock signal |
Name |
Bit width |
Description |
Read Data 1 |
32 |
The data read from the register specified by Read Register 1 |
Read Data 2 |
32 |
The data read from the register specified by Read Register 2 |
$s0 Value |
32 |
(Debugging output) the value stored in register $s0) |
$s1 Value |
32 |
(Debugging output) the value stored in register $s1) |
$s2 Value |
32 |
(Debugging output) the value stored in register $s2) |
$ra Value |
32 |
(Debugging output) the value stored in register $ra) |
$sp Value |
32 |
(Debugging output) the value stored in register $sp) |
The last 6 outputs are called “debugging output” because they are not typical register file ports but do provide convenient access to the values of those 6 registers for testing/debugging purposes. These debugging outputs will be required by the autograder for cycle-by-cycle testing of the completed processor in part 2 of the project. These outputs must always have the value of the given register.
Remember that register $0 (aka, $zero) is not writeable. If the inputs say to write to $0, no change occurs to the register file on that cycle.
What you must implement
You should edit the file regfile.circ. Do not move or modify the inputs and outputs. You may use sub-circuits in your implementation as long as remains the top level circuit of
regfile.circ. You may use any built-in Logisim components. How you must test
- Run the tests as described in the “How you must test” section of the ALU. The difference is that you’ll want to pay attention to the tests labeled “Regfile…”.
- To ensure you pass the autograder, you must test your register file beyond the given tests. See the “How you must test” section of the ALU, under step 3 for an example of adding a test. The difference is that for each new test file you create, you should copy regfile-harness.circ to a new file in tests/.
Additional requirements
- You must sufficiently document your circuits using labels. For sub-circuits, label all inputs and outputs. Label important wires descriptively and label regions of your circuit with what they do.
- You must make your circuits as legible as possible. Learn to make use of tunnels when they will save on messy wiring. (see http://www.cburch.com/logisim/docs/2.6.0/en/libs/base/tunnel.html)
Submission checklist
o Your circuits don’t have any errors (Red or orange wires)
o make p1 runs the tests without crashing
o Your circuits pass the original tests
o Your circuits pass additional automated tests that you have written
o Youmadeazipfile1proj2-1.zipthatcontainsthesefilesinthefollowingdirectory
o alu.circ (Your completed ALU)
o regfile.circ (Your complete register file) o tests/
§ any additional files you’ve added for your testing. That includes the testing circ files and your modified tests.py.
o Double-checkyourzipfile
o Asateam:Uploadproj2-1.ziptoICONProject2-1.Onesubmissionbyanyteam
member for the team. You are responsible for the contents all being in there.
o As a team each week
o OnICONsubmitabrief”TeamEvaluation”describingwhatprogressyou’vemade
and what each team member worked on. You should agree on what goes in this document and only submit one per team. Each is worth 1 homework point.
- Be aware that running the tests will copy alu.circ and regfile.circ into the tests/ directory. You should not modify those copies (tests/alu.circ and tests/regfile.circ) because you risk getting mixed up and losing work. You should only modify the copies of alu.circ and regfile.circ that are in the base of your project files directory.
- Do not leave testing until the last minute. You should be testing as you finish more functionality.
- Do not rely on just the provided tests. You must add more. The autograder will test your circuits extensively. If you fail most of the autograder tests, you will receive a poor grade.
- Do not rely solely on manually testing your circuits (i.e. poking inputs in the Logisim GUI and looking at the output). Manual testing is both time-consuming and error-prone. You should either extend the automated tests (as described in the testing sections of this document) or come up with your own automated testing approach.
- While you should run through your tests using our testing infrastructure, once you observe a failure, you should debug manually using Logisim’s GUI. Open the test circuit (e.g., alu-add.circ if alu-add is the failing test) in Logisim, tick to the test case # you are failing, and then use the poke tool to trace backwards through the circuit until you find the source of the wrong value.
- Notice that when you open one of the test circuits (e.g. tests/regfile-read_write.circ,1 You may either create the zip file on your computer as you normally would, or if you are using Git and GitHub, you can push all your commits and then download your repository as a zip file.
tests/alu-add.circ, tests/alu-sra.circ, tests/regfile-zero.circ), Logisim will have an additional folder in the component browser.
This additional folder contains the circuit that is in tests/alu.circ or tests/regfile.circ, respectively. Note that from here, you cannot (and should not!) edit your ALU or register file implementation. Think of it as a read-only library, just like the other Logisim components.
Teamwork tips
- Feel free to split the work as appropriate for your team. If you are unsure, then a good starting point is ALU, Register file, and Testing.
- Although we do not require you and your team to use a version control system (e.g., git or svn), we highly recommend doing so to keep track of your changes. If you use version control just be aware that merging logisim’s .circ files will corrupt them (unlike plain text files), so avoid working on the same file concurrently to avoid merge conflicts all together. Ask the staff for help if you get stuck!
- Logisim circuits are hard to collaborate on unless you break them up into pieces. Therefore, you should break up the work among the group members. Some ways to break up the work are: different members work on different sub-circuits, designs and truth tables, and test cases.
- Slip days: the late policy on the syllabus applies. See the discussion of how slip days work in group projects.Where to get help
• I don’t know what {alu.circ, regfile.circ} is supposed to do.
o Re-readthe{alu,registerfile}section
o Refertoreadingsandclassnotes
o Refertothetestcases,theexpectedoutputsareintests/test.pyandtheinputs
are in the ROMs of the .circ files in tests/
• First, refer to the readings and class notes. For example, the design of an ALU is given in
the textbook, but you’ll want to make sure you build yours to the specifications given in
this project document. The register file is related to Inquiry activities and homeworks on
sequential logic and memories.
- Second, get help from your teammates.
- Third, find other students to discuss issues at a high level. However, do not sharesolutions or circuit files outside of your team.
- Fourth, refer to the discussion board and ask questions there.
- Fifth, ask the staff in class, DYB, or office hours.Academic honestyWe remind you that if you do choose to reuse circuits designed by someone outside of your team that you clearly cite where they came from. Not citing your sources is plagiarism.
- starter code forked from UC Berkeley CS61C https://github.com/cs61c-spring2016/proj3-starter
- document based on UC Berkeley CS61C project 3.1 http://www-inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs61c/sp16/projs/03_1/