Lecture Note 06 EECS 4101/5101 Instructor: Andy Mirzaian
In this handout we are going to analyze the worst case time complexity of the UNION-FIND algorithm that uses a forest of ‘‘up trees’’ (i.e. trees where each node has only a pointer to its par- ent) with weight (or size) balancing for UNION and path compression for FIND. (Note: The book uses UNION by rank, which is another valid approach.) The algorithms are:
procedure Make-Set(x) 1. size[x]←1
2. parent[x] ← x
procedure UNION(a , b) { with weight balancing }
{a and b are roots of two distinct trees in the forest.}
{Makes the root of the smaller tree a child of the root of the larger tree.}
1. if size[a] < size[b] then a ←→ b 2. parent[b] ← a
3. size[a] ← size[a] + size[b]
function FIND(x) { with path compression } {Returns the root of the tree that contains node x.}
1. if parent[x] ≠ x then
2. parent[x] ← FIND(parent[x]) 3. return parent[x]
if size(a)
UNION (a,b)
with weight balancing
if size(a) < size(b)
x =x 1
x = x 1 x2
x3 x2
x = root xk-1 k
with path compression
x k = root
. . . xk-1
Throughout the handout, n is the number of different elements in all the sets (i.e. the total num- ber of nodes in all the trees in the forest that represents the sets. In other words, the total number
of Make-Set operations), and m denotes the total number of Make-Set, UNION and FIND opera- tions in a sequence of such operations. Note that there can be at most n − 1 UNION operations, since each such operation reduces the number of trees in the forest by one.
Lemma 1: Assume, starting with the initial forest, we perform a number of UNION opera- tions. If we use weight balancing when merging trees, any node in the forest with height h will have ≥ 2h descendents.
Proof: Induction on the number of UNION operations.
Basis: (No UNION operations are performed.) Then each tree has 1=20 nodes, as wanted.
Induction Step: Assume the induction hypothesis holds so far, and the next UNION operation
makes the root of a tree T1 a child of the root of another tree T2. Let us call the resulting tree T.
The height and number of descendents of all nodes in T remains the same as before, except for
the root of T. Let us assume Ti, for i =1,2, has size (i.e., number of nodes) si, and height hi. By
the induction hypothesis we must have (i) s ≥ 2hi , for i = 1, 2. And because of the weight bal- i
ancing we must have (ii) s2 ≥ s1. The root of T has s = s1 + s2 descendents and has height h = max ( h1 + 1 , h2 ). Then from (i) and (ii) we conclude:
s=s +s ≥2s ≥21+h1 & s=s +s ≥s ≥2h2 121 122
Therefore, s ≥ max ( 21+h1 , 2h2 ) = 2h. This completes the inductive proof.
Corollary 0: Assume, starting with the initial forest, we perform an arbitrary number of UNION and FIND operations. If we use weight balancing when merging trees, any tree in the forest with height h will have ≥ 2h nodes.
Proof: The claim follows from Lemma 1 by observing that a FIND operation does not change the number of nodes in a tree and it can not increase the height of a tree (it may decrease it).
Corollary 1: In a forest created by using the weight balancing rule, any tree with n nodes has height ≤ lg n.
Corollary 2: The UNION-FIND algorithm using only weight balancing (but no path compres- sion) takes O(n + m lg n) time in the worst case for an arbitrary sequence of m UNION-FIND operations.
Proof: Each UNION operation takes O(1) time. Each FIND operation can take at most O(lg n) time.
In the rest of this handout we analyze the UNION-FIND algorithm that uses both weight balancing (for UNION) and path compression (for FIND). To help us in our analysis, let us define the ‘‘super-exponential’’ and ‘‘super-logarithmic’’ functions.
The ‘‘super-exponential’’, exp*(n), is defined recursively as follows: exp*(0)=1, and for * exp*(i−1) *
i > 0 exp (i)=2 ; thus exp (n) is a stack of n 2’s. (Let us also define the boundary case exp*(−1) = −1.)
The ‘‘super-logarithm’’, lg*(n) = min i such that exp*(i) ≥ n.
Remark: Note that exp* grows very rapidly, whereas lg* grows very slowly: exp*(5)=265536, while log*(265536) = 5. We have 265536 >> 10120, where the latter quantity is the estimated number
of atoms in the universe. Thus lg*(n)≤5 for all ‘‘practical’’ n. However, eventually lg*(n) goes to infinity as n does, but at an almost unimaginably slow rate of growth.
Fact 1: Assume r≥0 and g≥0 are integers. Then, lg*(r)=g if and only if exp*(g −1) < r ≤ exp*(g).
Let s be a sequence of UNION-FIND operations.
Definition: The rank of a node x (in the sequence s), rank(x), is defined as follows:
a. Let s ́ be the sequence of operations resulting when we remove all FIND operations from s.
b. Execute s ́, using weight balancing (since there are no FIND’s there will be no path com- pression).
c. The rank of x (in s) is the height of node x in the forest resulting from the execution of s ́.
Put another way. Perform sequence s in two different ways. One with path compression when doing FIND operations, one without path compression. (The UNION operations in both are done with weight balancing.) Call the resulting UNION-FIND forests, the compressed forest and the uncompressed forest, respectively. Then rank(x) is the height of node x in the final uncom- pressed forest.
Lemma 2: For any sequence s, there are at most n/2r nodes of rank r.
Proof: Let s ́ be the sequence that results from s if we delete all the FIND operations. Consider the forest produced when we execute s ́. By Lemma 1, each node of rank r has ≥ 2r descendents. In a forest two nodes of the same height have distinct descendents. In particular, distinct nodes of rank r must have disjoint sets of descendents. Since there are n nodes in total, there are at most n/2r disjoint sets each of size ≥ 2r . Hence there are at most n/2r nodes of rank r.
Lemma 3: If during the execution of sequence s, node x is ever a proper descendent of node y, then rank(x) < rank(y) in s.
Proof: Simply observe that if path compression in the execution of s causes x to become a proper descendent of y, surely x will be a proper descendent of y at the forest resulting in the end of executing s ́ (that does not involve any path compression). Thus the height of x in that forest is less than the height of y and therefore rank(x) < rank(y) in s, as wanted.
We want to calculate an upper bound on the worst case time complexity to process a sequence s of m operations on a forest of size n. First of all, observe that each Make-Set and UNION takes only O(1) time and we can have n Make-Set and at most n − 1 UNION operations. So these operations will contribute at most O(n) time. Let’s now consider the complexity of at most m FIND operations.
It is useful to think of nodes as being in ‘‘groups’’ according to their rank. In particular we define the group number of node x, group(x) = lg*(rank(x)).
The time for a FIND(x) operation, where x is a node, is proportional to the number of nodes in the path from x to the root of its tree. Suppose these nodes are x1 = x, x2, ..., xk = root, where xi+1 = parent(xi), for 1 ≤ i < k. We will apportion the ‘‘cost’’ (i.e., time) for FIND(x) to the oper- ation itself and to the nodes x1, x2, ..., xk according to the following rule:
For each 1 ≤ i ≤ k:
(i) If xi = root (i.e. i = k) or if group(xi) ≠ group(xi+1), then charge 1 unit (of time) to the opera- tion FIND(x) itself.
N(g)≤ ≤ [1+ + +...]
(ii) If group(xi) = group(xi+1), then charge 1 unit (of time) to node xi.
The time complexity of processing the FIND operations can then be obtained by summing the
cost units apportioned to each operation and the cost units apportioned to each node.
From Lemma 2, the maximum rank of any node is lg n. Therefore the number of different groups is at most lg*( lg n). This is, then, the maximum number of units apportioned to any FIND operation. Therefore, for the total of at most m such operations the number of units charged to the FIND operations is at most O(m lg*(lg n)) = O(m lg* n) (1).
Next consider the cost units apportioned to the nodes. Each time path compression causes a node x to ‘‘move up’’, i.e. to acquire a new parent, the new parent of x has, by Lemma 3, higher rank than its previous parent (the previous parent was a proper descendent of the new parent before the path compression). This means that x will be charged by rule (ii) at most as many times as there are distinct ranks in group(x). After that, x must become the child of a node in a different group and thenceforth any further ‘‘move ups’’ of x will be accounted for by rule (i). (Note that, again by Lemma 3, once x has acquired a parent in a different group than it, all subse- quent parents of x will also be in a different group than x, since they have progressively higher ranks.)
Let g=group(x). By Fact 1, The number of different ranks in group g is exp*(g)−exp*(g−1) (this is the number of (integer) ranks r such that lg*(r)=g). Then, by the above discussion, the maximum number of units charged to any node in group g is exp*(g) − exp*(g − 1). Now let’s calculate the number of nodes in group g, N (g). By Lemma 2 we have:
r= exp*(g−1)+1 nn
r e x p * ( g −1 ) +1 2224
= exp*(g−1) = *
2 exp (g)
Thus, the total number of units charged to nodes of group g is at most N(g)⋅(exp*(g)−exp*(g−1)) ≤ n ⋅(exp*(g)−exp*(g−1)) = O(n).
We have already seen that the number of different groups is lg*( lg n) and therefore the total number of cost units charged to all nodes by rule (ii) is O(n ⋅ lg*( lg n)) = O(n lg*(lg n)) = O(n lg*n) (2).
By summing (1) and (2) we get that the worst case time complexity to process at most m FIND operations is O((m + n) lg* n). The latter is O(m lg* n) since m ≥ n. Since, as we already pointed out, O(n) UNIONs take only O(n) time, we conclude:
Theorem 1: The total worst-case time complexity to process an arbitrary sequence of m Make- Set, UNION and FIND operations, n of which are Make-Set’s, using weight balancing and path compression is O( m lg* n ).
[CLRS] [Weiss] [Tar83]
Chapter21. Chapter8.
R.E. Tarjan, ‘‘Data Structures and Network Algorithms,’’ CBMS-NSF, SIAM Mono- graph, 1983, (Chapter 2).
R.E. Tarjan, ‘‘Applications of path compression on balanced trees,’’ Journal of ACM, Vol. 26, No. 4, Oct. 1979, pp. 690-715.