CS计算机代考程序代写 \documentclass[11pt]{article}

\newcommand{\Implies}{\mbox{ IMPLIES }}
\newcommand{\Or}{\mbox{ OR }}
\newcommand{\AND}{\mbox{ AND }}
\newcommand{\Iff}{\mbox{ IFF }}
\def\reals{{\mathbb R}}
\def\ints{{\mathbb Z}}
\def\nats{{\mathbb N}}

{\bf \Large \bf CSC240 Winter 2021 Midterm Assessment Question 3}\\



(2 marks)
Give a recursive definition of the set ${\mathcal S}_P$ of propositional formulas that can formed
using the ternary predicate $P:\{\True,\False\}^3 \rightarrow \{\True,\False\}$
and the propositional variable $X$.

{\bf Solution}:


(8 marks)
Let $M:\{\True,\False\}^3 \rightarrow \{\True,\False\}$ be the ternary predicate that is true when 0 or 1 of its arguments are true
and is false when 2 or 3 of its arguments are true.\\
Use structural induction to prove that every formula in ${\mathcal S}_M$ is logically equivalent to $X$ or is logically equivalent to $\Not(X)$.

%The LaTeX symbol $\equiv$ may be useful.

{\bf Solution}:


(8 marks)
Let $N:\{\True,\False\}^3 \rightarrow \{\True,\False\}$ be the ternary predicate that is true when 0 of its arguments are true
and is false when at least 1 of its arguments is true.\\
Prove that every unary predicate $U:\{\True,\False\} \rightarrow \{\True,\False\}$
is logically equivalent to some formula in ${\mathcal S}_N$.

{\bf Solution}:
