
0. Introduction

This Lab will

DPT Distributed Erlang Lab

Distributed Erlang Lab

  • familiarise you with Distributed Erlang, and specifically
  • concurrency: creating processes, message passing, etc.
  • distribution: running processes on multiple nodes and hosts etc.
  • reliability: trapping process exits, and recovering etc.


    1. Don’t retype example programs: you can paste program text from the tutorial. It may need some reformatting, so many of tutorial examples are available from the link below. This is particularly useful for the larger examples like messenger.erl

    2. Strongly recommend that you follow the Erlang idiom of creating each substantial program in its own directory, e.g. totientRange/totientRange.erl

    1. Concurrency and Distribution

    You should work through Sections 1.3 of the Erlang Tutorial:

    2. Reliability

    You should work through Sections 1.4 of the Erlang Tutorial: