CS计算机代考程序代写 module Election where

module Election where


data Ballot = Red | Blue | Green
deriving (Show, Eq)

— An example list of Ballot, for testing purposes.
— There is no need to edit this.

exampleBallots = [Red, Red, Green, Blue, Green, Red]

— | countBallot
— Given a list of ballots and Ballot as input,
— return the count of the given Ballot in the list.
— Do not reorder the list.

— Examples:

— >>> countBallot Red []
— 0

— >>> countBallot Blue [Red, Blue, Green]
— 1

countBallot :: Ballot -> [Ballot] -> Int
countBallot = undefined

— | rankBallots:
— Given a list of ballots,
— return the ballots in the order of the number of counts.
— If there is a tie, the order does not matter between ties.

— Note that it is recommended to complete countBallot
— before attempting this question

— >>> rankBallots exampleBallots
— [Red, Green, Blue]

— >>> rankBallots []
— []

— >>> rankBallots [Red, Red, Red, Blue]
— [Red,Blue,Green]

rankBallots :: [Ballot] -> [Ballot]
rankBallots = undefined

— | winnerBallot
— Given a list of ballots, return Just the Ballot which has the most
— counts. If there is no clear winner, return Nothing.

— Note that it is NOT necessary to complete the previous functions
— before attempting this question, but it is allowed to use previous functions.

— Examples:

— >>> winnerBallot exampleBallots
— Just Red

— >>> winnerBallot []
— Nothing

— >>> winnerBallot [Red, Green]
— Nothing

winnerBallot :: [Ballot] -> Maybe Ballot
winnerBallot = undefined