
Problem Description

Assignment 4

CP 202 Website Design
Computer Science, Faculty of Science, Waterloo Fall 2018

Create an HTML5 web page that will include the following:

  1. [6 marks] At least two HTML5 form control elements, e.g., email, url, telephone, search field, etc. with proper label elements.
  2. [8 marks] At least two advanced HTML5 form control, e.g., datalist, slider, spinner, calendar, color picker, etc. with proper label element
  3. [4 marks] A reset button and a submit button
  4. [4 marks] The form should have at least one fieldset element that would group related controls
  5. [4 marks] The form should be submitted to any valid URL and should have correct name/id for the control elements as appropriate.
  6. [4 marks] Add a comment in the <head> section, explaining the use case your form is addressing. The explanation should clearly explain what the form is trying to achieve.
  7. [4 marks] Style the web page to have proper header, footer and nav bar (no image required).
  8. [4 marks] The form should be properly styled using CSS as shown in class.
  9. [2 marks] You should use only one HTML file and add embed the CSS rules in <style> tag.

Submission Guideline

  1. a)  You can upload only one html file as described above.
  2. b)  If your student number is 1234567, the file should be named 1234567.html
  3. c)  3 marks will be deducted if any file format other than .html is uploaded.


  •   Submissions will be checked for originality of the content.
  •   Proper action will be taken for any academic misconduct.