CS 487 Software engineering HW 3
Problem 1 Reliability
In this exercise we will use different analysis to come up with the reliability and safety requirements. The automatic train allow door to open for passenger to exit it will open and close automatic safely.
a- (1 pt) Failure mode effect analysis (FMEA) is conducted as part of the reliability analysis. Severity, probability and detectability are a number from 1-10. Severity is given 10 for the highest severity, high probability of failure occurrence is also given high number and a high detection rank reflects low detection capability of the failure. The risk priority number (RPN) is the product of all three measure. It is important to reduce the RPN especially high RPN by adding mitigations.
Failure modes
S e v e r i t y
P r o b a b il it y
D et e ct a bi li ty
b-(0.3 pt) Write the reliability requirement associated with each mitigation and appropriate tests case to verify these requirements (3pts).
c-(0.3 pt) List application that requires the following attributes and appropriate metric: High reliability
High reliability on demand
High availability
d (0.9 pt)- Create a preliminary analysis for the automatic door on a locomotive, use the risk matrix provided in the class note (chapter 12)
S e v e r i t y
P r o b a b i l i t y
R i s k
e-(0.9 pt) Choose one hazard, create a fault tree analysis (FTA) and drill down to a detailed failure causes that contribute to the hazard.
f- 3 Security (1.6 points)
• (0.4 pt) Create a miss use case for a stock market application
• (0.9 pt) Create a design risk assessment for this application, think of all level of security infrastructure, application and operational for the vulnerability, also think about the different types of thread (interception, interruption, modification and fabrication) and fill the table below.
Causal/ Vulnerability
Exposure / Consequence
Security measure
• (0.3 pt) Come up with the security requirements needed for this application (3 req)