Pointers == memory addresses
Variable declaration: int a = 5;
Creates a variable on the stack of size int with the value 5. Pointer declaration: int* b = &a;
Creates a pointer variable on the stack which can hold an address of an int and sets the value of the pointer (the address the pointer points to) to the address of “a”
Dereferencing Pointer: cout << *b << endl;
Will print the value stored at the address which b points to
An array is of one data type and its memory is stored contiguously Static Arrays: created on the stack and are of a fixed size
int stack_array[10];
Dynamic Arrays: created on the heap and their size may change
during runtime
int *heap_array = new int[10];
Arrays may be of one or more dimensions int stack_array_2d[5][7];
Pointers and Functions
void my_func(int a, int b);
Prototype indicating that this void function is expecting two parameters of
type int to be passed by value
Recall pass by value copies the value being passed into the formal parameters which are scoped to this function, any changes made to the values in the function will not reflect outside this scope
void my_func(int* a, int b);
Prototype indicating that void function is expecting two parameters, one of
type int* (an address of an int) and one of type int.
Since a is of type int* (an address) it will have to be dereferenced throughout the function if the value stored at that address is to be used. a may also receive a new address in the function. Changes made to this variable will persist beyond the scope of this function
The world is filled with them
Objects are often made of sub-objects
Book -> title, pages, authors
Protein Bar -> nutritional info, ingredients, manufacturer Car -> engine, wheels, frame, seats, etc
Engine -> spark plugs, pistons, rods, crankshaft, gaskets
How does this relate to C++?
While programing, we often want to “group” variables
Arrays give us a primitive technique (items must be the same type) int grades[150];
We want more flexibility
What if:
We weren’t limited to the primitive variable types?
We had the ability to store multiple types of variables in the same container?
Consider the hierarchy of a car
Simplified… obviously
We can define custom objects called structures or “structs” Container which holds many variables of different types
Very useful!
Can be used like any other data type with some extra features
Traditionally structures contain only data (no member functions) Classes are used when you want member functions
Like functions, structs must be defined before usage
How to define a struct
// definition of a book struct
struct book {
int pages;
unsigned int pub_date;
string title; // a string inside the struct int num_authors;
string* authors; // a pointer to a string
// declare a book struct
book text_book;
Working with structs
Can use the same way as any other type
The . operator allows us to access the member variables
book bookshelf[10];
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
bookshelf[i].num_pages = 100; bookshelf[i].title = “Place holder”; bookshelf[i].authors = new string[2];
Using pointers with structs
book bk1; // statically allocated
book* ptr1 = &bk1;
// dereference the pointer and access the data member
(*ptr1).title = “Old Yeller”;
// a shortcut to dereference the struct
// the -> operator
ptr1->title = “Old Yeller (abridged)”;
ptr1->num_pages = 196; // this works for objects on the heap as well book* ptr2 = new book; // dynamically allocated
ptr2->title = “Charlotte’s Web”;