数据库代写 CSC 343 Fall 2018

CSC 343 Fall 2018
Group Assignment 3
University of Toronto Mississauga
Due: Wednesday December 5th, 2018 by 11:59pm

Michael Liut November 17, 2018

I. Database Design (25 marks) Question 1 (10 marks)

You have been contracted by Professor Minerva McGonagall, of Hogwarts University, to design a better schema for its current Schedule relation. The specifications of this schema are as follows:

        Schedule (course, professor, teaching assistant, location, day, time)

course represents the course code, location represents the room the course is held in, day represents the day of the week the course is offered, time represents the time of day the course is held, professor represents the name of the course instructor, and teaching assistantrepresentsthenameoftheHeadTeachingAssistantofthecourse.

From the Schedule relation, you are required to represent the following additional informa- tion:

  1. a)  No professor can be assigned to teach two (or more) courses on the same day and time.
  2. b)  There is at most one teaching assistant per course.
  3. c)  No two (or more) courses can be assigned to the same location on the same day and time.
  4. d)  Notwo(ormore)professorscanbeassignedtothesamelocationonthesamedayandtime.
  5. e)  The combination of course, day, and time will uniquely determine what professor is teach- ing.


Answer the following questions:

  1. Given the additional information, a – e, list all of the functional dependencies that can be inferred. [5 marks]
  2. Professor McGonagall will only be satisfied if your design is a good one (i.e. the schema satisfies either the 3NF or the BCNF). Is the design of your schema with the functional dependencies from part (1), above, a good one? Justify your answer. If the design is not a good one, provide a better one, using one of the decomposition algorithms discussed in class. [5 marks]

Question 2 (5 marks)

Given the following relation R:

a1 b1 c1
a1 b1 c2
a2 b1 c1
a2 b1 c3
  1. List all of the functional dependencies that this Relation Table satisfies. [3 marks]
  2. Now let’s modify attribute C’s last record from c3 to c2. What functional dependencies, if any, from question (2) part (1), above, have been changed? List them. Explain your reasoning in no more than two sentences. [2 marks]

Question 3 (10 marks)

Consider a relation schema R with a set of attributes α = {A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H} and the set of functional dependencies F = { A → B, ABD → FGH, AEH → BD, BC → EH, C → ACG, C →AFH, DE →HB, DF →AC, E →F, H →EA}

  1. (a)  [7 marks] Find all candidate keys (i.e., minimal keys) of relation R. You must show your work and clearly state which of Armstrong’s axiom(s) were used to derive each key.
  2. (b)  [3 marks] True-or-False, prove by validity, or disprove by counter-example. i. Given R, with α and F, a 3NF decomposition would result in the same candidate keys found in (a). ii. Given R, with α and F, there can only be one unique 3NF decomposition.


II. Transactions and Concurrency (25 marks) Question 4 (10 marks)

Consider the following classes of schedules: serializable, conflict-serializable, view-serializable, recoverable, avoids-cascading-aborts, and strict. For each of the following schedules, state which of the preceding classes it belongs to. If you cannot decide whether a schedule belongs in a certain class based on the listed actions, explain briefly.

The actions are listed in the order they are scheduled and prefixed with the transaction name. If a commit or abort is not shown, the schedule is incomplete; assume that abort or commit must follow all the listed actions.

1. T1:W(A), T2:R(B), T1:R(B), T2:R(A)
2. T1:R(A), T2:W(A), T1:W(A), T2:Abort, T1:Commit
3. T1:W(A), T2:R(A), T1:W(A), T2:Abort, T1:Commit
4. T2:R(A),T3:W(A),T3:Commit,T1:W(B),T1:Commit,T2:R(B),T2:W(C),T2:Commit 5. T1:R(A), T2:W(A), T2:Commit, T1:W(A), T1:Commit, T3:R(A), T3:Commit

Answers are to be selected in the table below; you are to use a check mark “􏰊” to identify which desirable properties are guaranteed and an “X” to identify the ones which are not guaranteed. For those that cannot be determined mark them with a “?” and add an explanation to the side.

Property Question Serializable Conflict-Serializabile View-Serializabile Recoverable Avoids Cascading Aborts


Question 5 (15 marks)

You will simulate concurrent database queries, using two different database connections, against the Accounts table (run createTable.ddl prior to starting this).

You will open two terminal sessions, and execute the following commands to prepare your envi- ronments. For simplicity we will call the two sessions, A and B.

In Session A

  1. InvokeMySQLontheCSCserverusingmysql -u utorID -p -h utorID343.ThenenterthecommandSET autocommit = 0;.Thiscommand turns off the AUTO COMMIT feature in MySQL. You will now be at the MySQL command line.
  2. VerifyAUTOCOMMITisturnedOFFbyrunningthecommandSHOW VARIABLES WHERE Variable name=‘autocommit’;. You should see the value for “auto- commit” as “OFF” in the second entry of the table.
  3. Change the transaction isolation level to to ‘Repeatable Read’ by running the com- mandSET SESSION TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ;. Transaction isolation levels define the degree of access and interaction among a set of concurrent transactions which operate against the same data. Please see the MySQL reference for more information on isolation levels in MySQL.
  4. VerifyyourisolationlevelchangebyrunningthecommandSHOW VARIABLES WHERE Variable name=‘tx isolation’;.

In Session B

  1. InvokeMySQLontheCSCserverusingmysql -u utorID -p -h utorID 343 (do not turn AUTO COMMIT off).
  2. Change the transaction isolation level to ‘Repeatable Read’ by running the command SET SESSION TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ;.
  3. VerifyyourisolationlevelchangebyrunningthecommandSHOW VARIABLES WHERE Variable name=‘tx isolation’;.



Run the following commands (in the given order) and provide your answers to the stated ques- tions:

  1. In Session A, insert the record (‘yoda’, ‘Yoda’, 6000.00), followed by a select * from Accounts.
  2. In Session B, run select * from Accounts. Is the output you get the same or dif- ferent than in (1)? Why did this occur? What is a possible solution?
  3. Return to Session A, and implement your solution from the previous step.
  4. In Session B, do the SELECT * query again (to list all records). Provide your output.
  5. We will update Accounts from two different transactions. In Session A, change the iso- lation level to READ COMMITTED. In Session B, change the isolation level to READ UNCOMMITTED. (You will have to disconnect and reconnect to the database.)
  6. In Session A, transfer $750 from Anakin’s account into Chewbacca’s account.
  7. In Session B, list all Accounts and their balances. Then issue a $300 transfer from Padme ́’s account to Chewbacca’s account. What happens and why?
  8. Commit the transaction in Session A. What is Chewbacca’s balance now?
  9. Change the transaction isolation level in Session A to READ UNCOMMITTED.
  10. Now, in Session A, transfer 80% of Chewbacca’s account balance to R2-D2’s account. Commit the transaction.
  11. In Session A, transfer 50% of Yoda’s funds to R2-D2’s account. In Session B, list all data records. What is R2-D2’s balance? Does it reflect the latest transfer from Yoda? Based on your transaction in step (7) and this step, what can you say about the allowed actions in READ COMMITTED and READ UNCOMMITTED isolation levels? How do these compare with the REPEATABLE READ isolation level?
  12. Abort the Yoda to R2-D2 transfer transaction in Session A, by executing the command rollback;.
  13. In Session A and B, list all data records. What are the final balances for each user?

Please Note: questions 2, 4, 7, 8, 11, and 13 require written responses. Additionally, for question 13, you must display the tables for both sessions.



This is a group assignment to be completed in pairs (i.e. a team of 2 people); unless advanced written approval has been given by the Course Instructor. This assignment is worth 10.0% of your final grade in this course.


All files are to be submitted using the MarkUs platform (https://mcsmark.utm.utoronto.ca/csc343f18/). Only one person from each group is required to submit the files.

Please ensure your answers are typed and submissions are clearly legible. Include your, and your partner’s, full name and student ID number in all files.

Upload one files with the indicated file extensions (no compression based .tar, .zip, .rar files). Submit your solutions to all questions in a file called asg3.pdf.

Please note that late assignments will be docked 20% per day of lateness and after four (4) days, the assignment will no longer be accepted.


Please refer to the course outline and introduction slides. To serve as a reminder: Turnitin will be used for all written work and MOSS for all code submissions. UTM’s policy on Academic Integrity:

Academic Integrity