import check
import copy #copies nested list to avoid mutating the consumed lists
## A Board, B, is a (listof (listof (anyof Str Nat Guess))
## Requires:
## len(B) > 0 and the length of each inner list equals len(B)
## If B[i][j] is a Str, len(B[i][j]) == 1.
## (i.e. each cage is represented by a string of length one)
## If B[i][j] is a Nat, then it is between 1 and len(B) (inclusive).
## (i.e. all filled in numbers are in the valid range)
## If B[i][j] is a Guess, then
## B[i][j].number is between 1 and len(B) (inclusive).
## (i.e. all guessed numbers are in the valid range)
## A Constraint, C, is a (list Str Nat (anyof ‘+’ ‘-‘ ‘*’ ‘/’ ‘=’))
## Requires:
## len(C[0]) == 1
## C[1] > 0
class Puzzle:
size (Nat)
board (Board)
constraints (listof Constraint)
size > 0
len(board) == size
If board[i][j] is a Guess, board[i][j].symbol is a cage in the puzzle.
There is a one to one correspondence between the cages in board and
constraints. For example, if “a” represents a cage in the puzzle,
it appears in board and there is exactly one constraint for “a”.
If constraints[i][2] is “=”, then the cage constraints[i][0]
appears exactly once in the puzzle.
If constraints[i][2] is “\” or “-“, then the cage constraints[i][0]
appears exactly twice in the puzzle.
def __init__(self, size, board, constraints):
Initializes a Puzzle.
Effects: Mutates self
__init__: Puzzle Nat Board (listof Constraint) -> None
Requires: size > 0
self.size = size
self.board = board
self.constraints = constraints
def __eq__(self, other):
Returns True if self and other are equal. False otherwise.
__eq__: Puzzle Any -> Bool
return (isinstance(other,Puzzle)) and \
self.size == other.size and \
self.board == other.board and \
self.constraints == other.constraints
def __repr__(self):
Returns a string representation of self.
__repr__: Puzzle -> Str
s = ‘Puzzle(\nSize=’+str(self.size)+’\n’+”Board:\n”
for i in range(self.size):
for j in range(self.size):
if isinstance(self.board[i][j],Guess):
s = s + str(self.board[i][j]) + ‘ ‘
s = s + str(self.board[i][j]) + ‘ ‘ * 12
s = s + ‘\n’
s = s + “Constraints:\n”
for i in range(len(self.constraints)):
s = s + ‘[ ‘+ self.constraints[i][0] + ‘ ‘ + \
str(self.constraints[i][1]) + ‘ ‘ + self.constraints[i][2]+ \
‘ ]’+’\n’
s = s + ‘)’
return s
class Guess:
symbol (Str)
number (Nat)
len(symbol) == 1
def __init__(self, symbol, number):
Initializes a Guess.
Effects: Mutates self
__init__: Guess Str Nat -> None
self.symbol = symbol
self.number = number
def __repr__(self):
Returns a string representation of self.
__repr__: Guess -> Str
return “Guess(‘{0}’,{1})”.format(self.symbol, self.number)
def __eq__(self, other):
Returns True if self and other are equal. False otherwise.
__eq__: Guess Any -> Bool
return (isinstance(other, Guess)) and \
self.symbol == other.symbol and \
self.number == other.number
class Posn:
x (Nat)
y (Nat)
Note: Origin (where x=0 and y=0) is top left.
def __init__(self,x,y):
Initializes a Posn.
Effects: Mutates self
__init__: Posn Nat Nat -> None
self.x = x
self.y = y
def __repr__(self):
Returns a string representation of self.
__repr__: Posn -> Str
return “Posn({0},{1})”.format(self.x, self.y)
def __eq__(self,other):
Returns True if self and other are equal. False otherwise.
__eq__: Posn Any -> Bool
return (isinstance(other, Posn)) and \
self.x == other.x and \
self.y == other.y
## ******** TESTING VALUES ***************
## Note: These are also used in the examples below.
puzzle1 = Puzzle(4, [[‘a’,’b’,’b’,’c’],
puzzle1partial = Puzzle(4, [[‘a’,’b’,’b’,’c’],
## a partial solution to puzzle1 with a cage partially filled in
puzzle1partial2 = Puzzle(4, [[Guess(‘a’,2),’b’,’b’,’c’],
## a partial solution to puzzle1 with a cage partially filled in
## but not yet verified
puzzle1partial3 = Puzzle(4, [[Guess(‘a’,2),’b’,’b’,’c’],
## a partial solution to puzzle1 with a cage partially filled in
## but not yet verified and incorrect guess
puzzle1partial4 = Puzzle(4, [[2,’b’,’b’,’c’],
puzzle1partial4a = Puzzle(4, [[2,Guess(‘b’,1),Guess(‘b’,3),’c’],
puzzle1partial4b = Puzzle(4, [[2,Guess(‘b’,1),Guess(‘b’,4),’c’],
## The solution to puzzle 1
puzzle1soln = Puzzle(4, [[2,1,4,3],[3,2,1,4],[4,3,2,1],[1,4,3,2]], [])
## For part h
puzzle1_first_guess = [Puzzle(4, [[Guess(‘a’, 1),’b’,’b’,’c’],
Puzzle(4, [[Guess(‘a’, 2),’b’,’b’,’c’],
Puzzle(4, [[Guess(‘a’, 3),’b’,’b’,’c’],
[[‘a’, 6,’*’],
[‘f’,3, ‘-‘],
Puzzle(4, [[Guess(‘a’, 4),’b’,’b’,’c’],
[‘i’,1,’-‘]]) ]
puzzle2a = Puzzle(4, [[4,2,’a’,’a’],
[‘b’, Guess(‘c’,3),’a’,4],
[‘b’, Guess(‘c’,1),Guess(‘c’,4),2],
puzzle2b = Puzzle(4, [[ 4,2,’a’,’a’],
[‘b’,3,’a’, 4],
[‘b’,1, 4, 2],
[1, 4, 2, 3]],
puzzle2c = Puzzle(4, [[4,2,’a’,’a’],
[‘b’, Guess(‘c’,3),’a’,4],
[‘b’, Guess(‘c’,3),Guess(‘c’,4),2],
## ******** END TESTING VALUES ***************
## ******** DO NOT CHANGE THESE FUNCTIONS ***************
def fill_in_guess(puz, pos, val):
Fills in the pos Position of puz’s board with a guess with value val.
fill_in_guess: Puzzle Posn Nat -> Puzzle
1 <= val <= len(puz.board)
0 <= pos.x < puz.size
0 <= pos.y < puz.size
res = Puzzle(puz.size, copy.deepcopy(puz.board),
tmp = copy.deepcopy(res.board)
res.board = place_guess(tmp, pos, val)
return res
def solve_kenken(orig):
Finds the solution to a KenKen puzzle, orig, or returns False
if there is no solution.
solve-kenken: Puzzle -> (anyof Puzzle False)
to_visit = []
visited = []
while to_visit != [] :
if find_blank(to_visit[0]) == False:
return to_visit[0]
elif to_visit[0] in visited:
nbrs = neighbours(to_visit[0])
new = list(filter(lambda x: x not in visited, nbrs))
new_to_visit = new + to_visit[1:]
new_visited = [to_visit[0]] + visited
to_visit = new_to_visit
visited = new_visited
return False
## ******** END OF PROVIDED FUNCTIONS ***************
# part a)
def read_puzzle(fname):
Reads information from fname file and
returns the info as a Puzzle value.
Effects: Reads from a file
read_puzzle: Str -> Puzzle
Requires: a file named fname exists and represents a puzzle as described
in the project specification.
Assume inp2195.txt contains:
a b b c
a d e e
f d g g
f h i i
a 6 *
b 3 –
c 3 =
d 5 +
e 3 –
f 3 –
g 2 /
h 4 =
i 1 –
then read_puzzle(“inp2195.txt”) =>
Puzzle(4, [[‘a’,’b’,’b’,’c’],
[[‘a’, 6,’*’],
[‘f’,3, ‘-‘],
test1 = read_puzzle(“inp2195.txt”)
check.expect(“Ta1”, test1, puzzle1 )
check.expect(“Ta1 size”, test1.size, puzzle1.size)
check.expect(“Ta1 board”, test1.board, puzzle1.board)
check.expect(“Ta1 constraints”, test1.constraints, puzzle1.constraints)
#part b)
def print_sol(puz, fname):
Prints the Puzzle puz in fname file
Effects: Writes to a file
print_sol: Puzzle Str -> None
Requires: Puzzle is solved.
puzzle1soln = Puzzle(4,
[[2,1,4,3],[3,2,1,4],[4,3,2,1],[1,4,3,2]], [])
print_sol(puzzle1soln, “out1.txt”) => None
and “out1.txt” contains:
2 1 4 3
3 2 1 4
4 3 2 1
1 4 3 2
result1.txt should contain:
2 1 4 3
3 2 1 4
4 3 2 1
1 4 3 2
check.set_file_exact(“out1.txt”, “result1.txt”)
check.expect(“Tb1”, print_sol(puzzle1soln, “out1.txt”), None)
#part c)
def find_blank(puz):
If no cells are blank, returns False.
Otherwise, if the first constraint has only guesses
on the board, returns ‘guess’.
Otherwise, returns the position of the
first blank space corresponding to
the first constraint.
find_blank: Puzzle -> (anyof Posn False ‘guess’)
find_blank(puzzle1) => Posn(0, 0)
find_blank(puzzle1partial2) => Posn(0, 1)
find_blank(puzzle1partial3) => ‘guess’
find_blank(puzzle1soln) => False
check.expect(“Tc1”, find_blank(puzzle1), Posn(0, 0))
check.expect(“Tc2”, find_blank(puzzle1partial2), Posn(0, 1))
check.expect(“Tc3”, find_blank(puzzle1partial3), ‘guess’)
check.expect(“Tc4″, find_blank(puzzle1soln), False)
#part d)
def available_vals(puz, pos):
Returns a list of distinct valid entries in increasing
order for the (x,y) position pos, of puz based on
the row and column constraints. That is, the entries
are those that do not conflict with any numbers that
have been filled in or guessed for the same row or
column as pos.
(We completely ignore arithmetic constraints here.)
available_vals: Puzzle Posn -> (listof Nat)
0 <= pos.x < puz.size
0 <= pos.y < puz.size
available_vals(puzzle1partial, Posn(2,2)) => [2, 4]
available_vals(puzzle1partial3, Posn(0,3)) => [1, 4]
check.expect(“Td1”, available_vals(puzzle1partial, Posn(2,2)), [2, 4])
check.expect(“Td2″, available_vals(puzzle1partial3, Posn(0,3)), [1, 4])
# part e)
def place_guess(brd, pos, val):
Fills in the (x,y) position, pos, of the
board, brd, with a Guess with value, val.
place_guess: Board Posn Nat -> Board
0 <= pos.x < len(brd)
0 <= pos.y < len(brd)
1 <= val <= len(brd)
brd at pos contains either a Str or a Guess
=> puzzle1partial3.board
## A copy of brd is assigned to res without any
## aliasing to avoid mutation of brd.
## You should update res and return it
res = copy.deepcopy(brd)
check.expect(“Te1”, place_guess(puzzle1partial2.board,
Posn(0,1),3), puzzle1partial3.board)
check.expect(“Te2”, place_guess(puzzle1partial4a.board,
Posn(2,0),4), puzzle1partial4b.board)
## Note that fill_in_guess calls place_guess
check.expect(“Te3″, fill_in_guess(puzzle1, Posn(3,2),4),
[‘f’,’h’,’i’,’i’]], puzzle1.constraints))
# part f)
def guess_valid(puz):
Returns True if the Guesses in puz corresponding to the
symbol in the first constraint satisfy their constraint
arithmetically and returns False otherwise.
(We completely ignore row and column constraints here.)
guess_valid: Puzzle -> Bool
All occurrences of the symbol of the first
constraint in puz are Guesses on the board.
guess_valid(puzzle1partial3) => True
guess_valid(puzzle1partial4a) => False
guess_valid(puzzle1partial4b) => True
check.expect(“Tf1”, guess_valid(puzzle1partial3), True)
check.expect(“Tf2”, guess_valid(puzzle1partial4a), False)
check.expect(“Tf3″, guess_valid(puzzle1partial4b), True)
# part g)
def apply_guess(puz):
Returns a new puzzle corresponding to converting
all guesses in puz into their corresponding
numbers and removes the first constraint from puz’s
list of constraints.
apply_guess: Puzzle -> Puzzle
guess_valid(puz) => True
Guesses corresponding to the first constraint symbol
do not violate the row and column restriction
apply_guess(puzzle1partial3) => puzzle1partial4
## A copy of puz is assigned to res without any
## aliasing to avoid mutation of puz.
## You should update res and return it
res = Puzzle(puz.size, copy.deepcopy(puz.board),
check.expect(“Tg1″, apply_guess(puzzle1partial3), puzzle1partial4)
# part h)
def neighbours(puz):
Returns a list of next puzzles after puz
as described in the assignment specification.
neighbours: Puzzle -> (listof Puzzle)
neighbours(puzzle1soln) => []
neighbours(puzzle2a) => [puzzle2b]
## a copy of puz is assigned to tmp without any
## aliasing to avoid mutation of puz.
tmp=Puzzle(puz.size, copy.deepcopy(puz.board),
check.expect(“Th1”, neighbours(puzzle1soln), [])
check.expect(“Th2”, neighbours(puzzle1), puzzle1_first_guess)
check.expect(“Th3”, neighbours(puzzle2a),[puzzle2b])
check.expect(“Th4″, neighbours(puzzle2c), [])
##Final Tests:
check.expect(“game1”,solve_kenken(puzzle1), puzzle1soln)
check.expect(“game2”,solve_kenken(puzzle1partial), puzzle1soln)
check.expect(“game3”,solve_kenken(puzzle1partial2), puzzle1soln)
check.expect(“game4”,solve_kenken(puzzle1partial3), puzzle1soln)
check.expect(“game5”,solve_kenken(puzzle1partial4), puzzle1soln)
check.expect(“game6 (fail)”,solve_kenken(puzzle1partial4a), False)
check.expect(“game7”,solve_kenken(puzzle1partial4b), puzzle1soln)
check.expect(“game8″,solve_kenken(puzzle1soln), puzzle1soln)