CSE 240 Homework 12, Spring 2021 (50 points)
Due Saturday, April 17, 2021 at 11:59PM, plus one day grace period
The aim of this assignment is to make sure that you understand and are familiar with the concepts covered in the lectures. By the end of the assignment, you should have
• strong concept of logic / declarative paradigm;
• strong concept of facts, rules, and questions in Prlog.
• Recursive rules in Prolog
Reading: Text Chapter 5 and lecture slides. Also read Text Appendix B.4 Prolog Tutorial
You are expected to do the majority of the assignment outside the class meetings. Should you need assistance, or have questions about the assignment, please contact the instructor or the TA during their office hours.
You are encouraged to ask and answer questions on the course discussion board. (However, do not share your answers in the course discussion board.)
Practice Exercises (no submission required)
1. Answer the multiple choice questions in text section 5.9 that have been covered in the lectures.
2 Complete the questions 2 through 5 in text section 5.9.
3 Look up the Unix command table in Appendix B.1 and read the Prolog tutorial in B.4.
4 Log onto general.asu.edu and execute the Unix commands and Prolog exercises.
5 Follow the Prolog tutorial in Text Appendix B.4 or this tutorials given in the course Web site, start GNU Prolog and try following simple programs (build-in functions). Don’t forget the period at the end of the statement.
| ?- write(hello). % hello is a constant */
| ?-write(Hello). % Hello is a variable. Its address will be displayed*/
| ?- write(‘hello world’). % a string is printed */
| ?- read(Y), write(‘The variable entered is ‘), write(Y), nl. /* nl prints
a newline. Type a period and an enter at the end of the input */
| ?- X is 2+2.
| ?- Y is 5*8.
| ?- Y is 2**10.
| ?- length([a, b, x, y, 2, 45, z], L).
CSE240 – Introduction to Programming Languages Homework 12
1 | P a g e
| ?- append([a, b, c, d], [4, 6, 8], LL).
| ?- append(X,Y,[a,b,c]). Then, type “;” to obtain all possible answers. | ?- X is [1 | [2 | [3 | []]]], write(X). Explain the output.
6 Use trace and notrace before and after your questions in Question 5. For example
|?- trace.
| ?- X is [1 | [2 | [3 | []]]], write(X). Explain the output. |?- notrace.
Programming Assignment (50 points)
1. You are given a map as shown below. Create Prolog facts to store the map and define rules
to extend the capacity of the database.
[25 points]
Washington Oregon
North Dakoda
South Dakoda
Utah Colorado
1.1 Create Prolog facts that represent the neighboring states (only for west half of US shown above), using edge(s1, s2) format. [4]
1.2 Define Prolog facts that represent colors of states, using color(s, c) format. Two neighboring states must use different colors. You should use a minimum number of colors in your definition. For testing purposes, you must make two of the states that have conflict color, and use comment to indicate which color should be changed into what color in order to fix the error. Example given on next page. [4]
CSE240 – Introduction to Programming Languages 2 | P a g e Homework 12
1.3 Define Prolog facts that represent the population of states, in the format population(s, p), where the p is an estimated number in millions. You can use the numbers from this site: http://worldpopulationreview.com/states/ and round the numbers to the closest integers. For eg- CA population is 39,776,830 so use p=40. [4]
1.4 Define Prolog rule that can detect coloring conflict: two neighboring states have the same color. You may need to define other rules to support this rule. [4]
1.5 Define recursive rule, in the form of totalpopulation(Lst, Total), which can calculate the total population of a list of states, where Lst is in the format of [[s1, p1], [s2, p2], … [sn, pn]]. You can use the following test case to test your program: [9]
Sample test case (You must add more states into your test case):
q1 :- miscolor(S1, S2, Color1),
write(S1), write(‘ and ‘), write(S2),
write(‘ have conflict color: ‘), write(Color1), nl, totalpopulation([[az, 7], [ca, 40], [ne, 3],
[ut, 3], [or, 4], [id, 2], [wy, 1]], Total), write(‘Total = ‘),
write(Total), nl.
Sample expected result:
| ?- q1.
ut and id have conflict color: yellow
Total = 60
true ? ;
id and ut have conflict color: yellow
Total = 60
Note: the system will return a “yes”, if it finds a “true” answer and there exists no more true answers. The system will return “true ?” if it finds a “true” answer and there are still possibly further matches. In this case, if you type “enter”, it will return “yes” and stop. If you type “;”, it will continue to search for further answers.
2 Consider the following database information for the following two ASU students, jack and
[15 points]
jack sam
school: cidse subjects: computer_science
– CSE240
– CSE446 software_engg
– SER321 – SER322
school: ssebe subjects: construction_engg
– CNE210
– CNE213 environmental_engg
– EVE214 – EVE261
CSE240 – Introduction to Programming Languages Homework 12
3 | P a g e
2.1 Create facts for the students’ school: school(X, Y) where X is the student (jack or sam) and Y is the school (cisde or ssebe).
Create facts for the students’ subjects: subject(X, Y) where X is the student (jack or sam) and Y is the subject (computer_science, software_engg, construction_engg, or environmental_engg).
Create facts for the students’ courses : course(X, Y) where X is the subject (computer_science, software_engg, construction_engg, or environmental_engg) and Y is the course (CSE240, CSE446, SER321, SER322, CNE210, CNE213, EVE214, or EVE261).
2.2 Create a rule info(X, Y), where X is the student (jack or sam) and Y is the info for the student. For example, info(jack, X) should return the school and subjetcs: cidse, computer_science, software_engg. [5]
2.3 Create a rule schedule(X, Y), where X is the student (jack or sam) and Y is the course (CSE240, CSE446, SER321, SER322, CNE210, CNE213, EVE214, or EVE261). For
example, schedule(sam, X) should return CNE210, CNE213, EVE214, EVE261. 3 Complete the code for the following problem in Prolog.
𝑥 + 1 𝑖𝑓 𝑦 ≤ 0
𝑓𝑜𝑜(𝑥, 𝑦) = {𝑦 + 1 𝑖𝑓 𝑥 ≤ 0 𝑥+2+𝑓𝑜𝑜(𝑥−2,𝑦) 𝑖𝑓𝑥<𝑦
𝑦+3+𝑓𝑜𝑜(𝑥,𝑦−3) 𝑖𝑓𝑥≥𝑦
[5] [10 points]
Assume that both x and y are originally non-negative integers greater than 0
For example: foo(5, 6) = 7 + foo(3, 6) 5 + foo(1, 6) 3 + foo(-1, 6) 7
= 7 + 5 + 3 + 7 = 22
You must use recursion. Follow the Fantastic Four-Step Abstract approach. You must indicate the steps in the comments for all parts. (Note, a Prolog rule does not return a value. You need to use an additional parameter to hold the return value.)
Define a rule foo(X, Y, Z), where Z is used for the return value.
What to Submit?
You are required to submit your solutions in a compressed format (.zip). Make sure your compressed file is label correctly - lastname_firstname12.zip.
The compressed file MUST contain the following:
CSE240 – Introduction to Programming Languages 4 | P a g e Homework 12
No other files should be in the compressed folder.
If multiple submissions are made, the most recent submission will be graded, even if the assignment is submitted late.
Submission preparation notice: The assignment may consist of multiple files. You must copy these files into a single folder for canvas submission. To make sure that you have all the files included in the zip file and they work after unzip operation, you must test them before submission. You must also download your own submission from the canvas. Unzip the file on a different machine and test your assignment and see if you can open and test the files in a different location, because the TA will test your application on a different machine. If you submitted an empty project folder, an incomplete project folder, or a wrong folder, you cannot resubmit after the submission linked is closed! We grade only what you submitted in the canvas. We cannot grade the assignment on your computer or any other storage, even if the modification date indicated that the files were created before the submission due dates. The canvas submission may take a few minutes. Be patient and wait for it to complete.
Where to Submit?
All submissions must be electronically submitted to the respected homework link in the course web page where you downloaded the assignment.
Late submission deduction policy
● No penalty for late submissions that are received within 24 hours after the deadline;
● 10% grade deduction for every day it is late after the grace period;
● No late submission after Tuesday at 11:59PM.
Grading Rubrics
Each sub-question (programming tasks) has been assigned certain points. We will grade your programs following these steps:
(1) Compile the code. If it does not compile, 50% of the points given for the code under compilation will be deducted. Then, we will read the code and give points between 50% and 0, as shown in right part of the rubric table.
(2) If the code passes the compilation, we will execute and test the code using test cases. We will assign points based on the left part of the rubric table.
(3) In both cases (passing compilation and failed compilation), we will read your program and give points based on the points allocated to each sub-question, the readability of your code (organization of the code and comments), logic, inclusion of the required functions, and correctness of the implementations of each function.
CSE240 – Introduction to Programming Languages 5 | P a g e Homework 12
(4) Please notice that we will not debug your program to figure out how big or how small the error is. You may lose 50% of your points for a small error such missing a comma or a space!
(5) We will apply the following rubrics to each sub-question listed in the assignment. Assume that points assigned to a sub-question is pts:
Code passed compilation
Code failed compilation
Pts * 100%
Pts * 90%
Pts * 80%
Pts * 60%-70%
Pts * 40%- 50%
Pts * 10%- 30%
Each Sub- question
Meeting all requirements, well commented, and working correctly in all test cases
Working correctly in all test cases. Comments not provided to explain what each part of code does.
Working with minor problem, such as not writing comments, code not working in certain uncommon boundary conditions.
Working in most test cases, but with major problem, such as the code fail a common test case
Failed compilation or not working correctly but showing serious effort in addressing the problem.
Failed compilation, showing some effort, but the code does not implement the required work.
No attempt
Please read the FAQ file in the Course Information folder:
Q: For some reason, my assignment submission did not go through, but I thought it went through. I can show you on my local disk or in my Dropbox that I completed the assignment before the due date. Can my assignment be graded?
A: You should always download your own submission from the blackboard after submission and test if the submission contains all the required files. We will grade the assignment submitted to Canvas only. We cannot grade the assignment sent from email or stored in any other places, regardless its last-modified-time. If you submitted your assignment into the blackboard, it cannot be downloaded from the instructor side, but it can download from your side, we can download from your blackboard and grade the assignment. Please meet the instructor or TA in this case.
CSE240 – Introduction to Programming Languages 6 | P a g e Homework 12