# The following format is required for all submissions in CMPUT 229
# Assignment: 1
# Due Date: January 15, 2000
# Name: John Doe
# Unix ID: johnd
# Lecture Section: B1
# Instructor: John Smith
# Lab Section: L3 (Tuesday 0000 – 0300)
# Teaching Assistant: Joe Johnson
# The main program loads a0 and a1 with the input parameters for
# hex2dec, calls the subroutine hex2dec to perform hexadecimal to
# ASCII-coded decimal conversion, and prints the result using the
# print_string system call.
# Register Usage:
# a0: contains the number to be converted
# a1: contains the address of the output buffer
li $a0, -0x1234 # load the number to be converted into $a0
la $a1, buffer # load the address of buffer for
# ASCII decimal into $a1
jal hex2dec # call the subroutine
# print out the result of the conversion using
# the system call print_int
move $a0, $v0 # initialize a0 to buffer
li $v0, 4 # tell syscall to do the print_string function
syscall # make the call
# print a newline character
la $a0, str_newline# load a0 with the address of the char
li $v0, 4 # invoke system call no. 4
syscall # make the actual call
# Return to OS
li $v0, 10 # return to the OS by call sys call no. 10
syscall # make the actual call
# Subroutine hex2dec takes as input a 32-bit number and converts it
# to ASCII decimal.
# Inputs:
# a0 number to be converted
# a1 address of result buffer
# ra return address
# Register Usage
# t0: 1 if a0 was negative, otherwise 0
# t1: holds the number 10 for dividing by 10
# t2: buffer pointer (starts at end of buffer and moves backwards)
# t3: remainder of division, converted to ascii decimal
slt $t0, $a0, $zero # determine the sign, setting $t0
# to 1 if $a0 is negative
beqz $t0, next # skip the next instruction if >= 0
neg $a0, $a0 # negate the sign if negative
li $t1, 10 # for dividing by 10
la $t2, 11($a1) # set $t2 to end of buffer
beqz $a0, done_while
div $a0, $t1 # divide $a0 by 10
mflo $a0 # put quotient back into $a0
mfhi $t3 # put remainder ( < 10 ) into $t3
add $t3, $t3, 0x30 # convert to ascii decimal
subu $t2, $t2, 1 # decrement buffer pointer
sb $t3, ($t2) # store it in the next available location
b while_loop # continue loop
# add the sign to the buffer if negative
beqz $t0, quit # branch to quit if $t0 = 0
li $t0, '-' # reusing $t0 to hold '-'
subu $t2, $t2, 1 # decrement buffer pointer
sb $t0, ($t2) # add '-' to the front of string
move $v0, $t2 # set $v0 to last used buffer address
jr $ra # return to calling program
# This is the buffer where the number will be stored.
.word 0, 0, 0 # 12 bytes of zeroes
.asciiz "\n" # null-terminated ascii string for (CR+LF)