CS计算机代考程序代写 • Using grep on matrix, write the command line to show first 3 lines containing “/bin/bash” from /etc/passwd. You may use pipes for this answer.

• Using grep on matrix, write the command line to show first 3 lines containing “/bin/bash” from /etc/passwd. You may use pipes for this answer.


2. Using grep on matrix, write the command line to show last 3 lines not containing “/bin/bash” from file /etc/passwd. You may use pipes for this answer.


3. Rewrite the answer in the command line below so errors (lines containing “Permission denied”) get redirected to /dev/null. After running your answer on matrix, no lines containing “Permission denied” are displayed.


4. Rewrite the answer in the command line below so only errors (lines containing “Permission denied”) are displayed. After running your answer on matrix, only lines containing “Permission denied” are displayed.


5. Write a command line showing the number of lines in /etc/passwd. Do not use pipes.


6. Write a command line that sorts file cars and redirects the output to file cars.sorted.


7. Write the command to copy, using scp, the folder weekly_notes from user mark.fernandes on matrix into your pwd in Knoppix. How will you confirm the folder copied into Knoppix successfully?


• When would you use find and when would you use grep?


9. (2 Marks) Show with an example command line what ANY ONE of the following do: sort, cut, tr. Describe in at least two sentences what your command line does
