COMP9318 Review
Yifang Sun @ UNSW
April 22, 2021
Data Warehousing and OLAP
Understand the four characteristics of DW (DW vs. Data Mart)
Differences between OLTP and OLAP
Multidimensional data model; data cube;
fact, dimension, measure, hierarchies cuboid, cube lattice
three types of schemas
four typical OLAP operations
Query processing methods for OLAP servers, including the BUC
cubing algorithm. NOT needed:
Design good DW schemas and perform ETL from operational data sources to the DW tables.
Linear Algebra
Column vectors; Linear combination; Basis vectors; Span Matrix vector multiplication
Eigenvalues and eigenvectors
SVD: general idea.
Classification and Prediction
Classification basics:
overfitting/underfitting; cross-validation
Classification vs prediction; vs clustering (unsupervised learning);
eager learning vs. lazy learning (instance-based learning)
Decision tree:
The ID3 algorithm
Decision tree pruning
Derive rules from the decision tree
The CART algorithm (with gini index)
Naive Bayes classifier Smoothing
Two ways to apply NB on text data
Logistic regression/MaxEnt classifier; Maximum likelihood estimation of the model parameters + regularization; Gradient ascend.
SVM: Main idea; the optimization problem in the primal form; the decision function in the dual form; kernel
Cluster Analysis
Clustering criteria: minimize intra-cluster distance + maximize inter-cluster distance
how to deal with different types of variables
distance functions: Lp
metric distance functions
Cluster Analysis /2
Partition-based Clustering: k-Means (algorithm, advantages, disadvantages, . . . )
Hierarchical Clustering: agglomerative, single-link / complete-link / group average hierarchical clustering
Graph-based Clustering: Unnormalized graph laplacian and its semantics, overview of spectral clustering algorithm; embedding.
Association Rule Mining
Input: transaction db
Output: (1) frequent itemset (via minsup); (2) association rules (via
minconf )
Apriori algorithm:
Apriori property (2 versions) The Apriori algorithm
How to find frequent itemsets?
How to derive the association rules?
Association Rule Mining /2
FP-growth algorithm:
How to mine the association rule using FP-trees?
Derive association rules from the frequent itemsets.
Thanks You and Good Luck!