CS计算机代考程序代写 decision tree algorithm COMP9318 Review

COMP9318 Review
Yifang Sun @ UNSW
April 22, 2021

Data Warehousing and OLAP
􏰢 Understand the four characteristics of DW (DW vs. Data Mart)
􏰢 Differences between OLTP and OLAP
􏰢 Multidimensional data model; data cube;
􏰢 fact, dimension, measure, hierarchies 􏰢 cuboid, cube lattice
􏰢 three types of schemas
􏰢 four typical OLAP operations
􏰢 Query processing methods for OLAP servers, including the BUC
cubing algorithm. NOT needed:
􏰢 Design good DW schemas and perform ETL from operational data sources to the DW tables.

Linear Algebra
􏰢 Column vectors; Linear combination; Basis vectors; Span 􏰢 Matrix vector multiplication
􏰢 Eigenvalues and eigenvectors
􏰢 SVD: general idea.

Classification and Prediction
􏰢 Classification basics:
􏰢 overfitting/underfitting; cross-validation
􏰢 Classification vs prediction; vs clustering (unsupervised learning);
eager learning vs. lazy learning (instance-based learning)
􏰢 Decision tree:
􏰢 The ID3 algorithm
􏰢 Decision tree pruning
􏰢 Derive rules from the decision tree
􏰢 The CART algorithm (with gini index)
􏰢 Naive Bayes classifier 􏰢 Smoothing
􏰢 Two ways to apply NB on text data
􏰢 Logistic regression/MaxEnt classifier; Maximum likelihood estimation of the model parameters + regularization; Gradient ascend.
􏰢 SVM: Main idea; the optimization problem in the primal form; the decision function in the dual form; kernel

Cluster Analysis
􏰢 Clustering criteria: minimize intra-cluster distance + maximize inter-cluster distance
􏰢 Distance/similarity
􏰢 how to deal with different types of variables
􏰢 distance functions: Lp
􏰢 metric distance functions

Cluster Analysis /2
􏰢 Partition-based Clustering: k-Means (algorithm, advantages, disadvantages, . . . )
􏰢 Hierarchical Clustering: agglomerative, single-link / complete-link / group average hierarchical clustering
􏰢 Graph-based Clustering: Unnormalized graph laplacian and its semantics, overview of spectral clustering algorithm; embedding.

Association Rule Mining
􏰢 Concepts:
􏰢 Input: transaction db
􏰢 Output: (1) frequent itemset (via minsup); (2) association rules (via
minconf )
􏰢 Apriori algorithm:
􏰢 Apriori property (2 versions) 􏰢 The Apriori algorithm
􏰢 How to find frequent itemsets?
􏰢 How to derive the association rules?

Association Rule Mining /2
􏰢 FP-growth algorithm:
􏰢 How to mine the association rule using FP-trees?
􏰢 Derive association rules from the frequent itemsets.

Thanks You and Good Luck!