CS计算机代考程序代写 database chain flex concurrency algorithm How to determine a good multi-programming level for external scheduling

How to determine a good multi-programming level for external scheduling
Bianca Schroeder§ Mor Harchol-Balter§∗ §Carnegie Mellon University Department of Computer Science Pittsburgh, PA USA
Scheduling/prioritization of DBMS transactions is im- portant for many applications that rely on database back- ends. A convenient way to achieve scheduling is to limit the number of transactions within the database, maintain- ing most of the transactions in an external queue, which can be ordered as desired by the application. While external scheduling has many advantages in that it doesn’t require changes to internal resources, it is also difficult to get right in that its performance depends critically on the particular multiprogramming limit used (the MPL), i.e. the number of transactions allowed into the database. If the MPL is too low, throughput will suffer, since not all DBMS resources will be utilized. On the other hand, if the MPL is too high, there is insufficient control on scheduling. The question of how to adjust the MPL to achieve both goals simultaneously is an open problem, not just for databases but in system de- sign in general. Herein we study this problem in the context of transactional workloads, both via extensive experimenta- tion and queueing theoretic analysis.
We find that the two most critical factors in adjusting the MPL are the number of resources that the workload utilizes and the variability of the transactions’ service demands. We develop a feedback based controller, augmented by queue- ing theoretic models for automatically adjusting the MPL. Finally, we apply our methods to the specific problem of ex- ternal prioritization of transactions. We find that external prioritization can be nearly as effective as internal prioriti- zation, without any negative consequences, when the MPL is set appropriately.
1. Introduction
Many of todays web applications are largely dependent on a backend database, where the majority of the request
∗Supported by NSF grants CCR-0133077, CCR-0311383, 0313148, and a 2005 Pittsburgh Digital Greenhouse Grant.
Arun Iyengar† Erich Nahum† Adam Wierman§ †IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
Yorktown Heights, NY USA @us.ibm.com
processing time is spent. For such applications it is often desirable to control the order in which transactions are exe- cuted at the DBMS. An e-commerce applications for exam- ple might want to give faster service to those transactions carrying a lot of revenue.
Recently, systems researchers have started to investigate the idea of external scheduling as a method of controlling the order in which transactions are executed. The basic mechanism in external scheduling is demonstrated in Fig- ure 1, and simply involves limiting the number of transac- tions concurrently executing within the DBMS. This limit is referred to as the MPL (multi-programming limit). If the MPL is already met, all remaining transactions are queued up in an external queue. The application can then control the order in which transactions are executed by scheduling the external queue.
incoming transactions
external queue
Figure 1. Simplified view of the mechanism used in external scheduling. A fixed limited number of trans- actions (MPL=4) are allowed into the DBMS simul- taneously. The remaining transactions are held back in an external queue. Response time is the time from when a transaction arrives until it completes, includ- ing time spent queueing externally to the DBMS.
Examples of recent work on external scheduling come from many areas including storage servers, web servers, and database servers. For example, Jin et al. [9] develop an ex- ternal scheduling front-end to provide proportional sharing among the requests at a storage service utility. Blanquer et al. [4] study external scheduling for quality of service pro-
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE’06) 8-7695-2570-9/06 $20.00 © 2006 IEEE

visioning at an Internet services cluster. In our own recent work [22] we propose external scheduling for providing class-based quality of service guarantees for transactional, database driven workloads. Finally, for many commercial DBMS there exist tools that provide mechanisms for exter- nal scheduling, such as the IBM DB2 Query Patroller [2].
The advantage of the external approach is that it is portable and easy to implement since it does not require changes to complex DBMS internals. Moreover it is ef- fective across different types of workloads, since (unlike the internal approach which directly schedules the resources inside the backend DBMS) external scheduling works inde- pendently of the system’s bottleneck resource. It is also very flexible in that it allows applications to implement their own custom-tailored scheduling policy, rather than being limited to the policies supported by the backend DBMS.
While the basic idea behind external scheduling is sim- ple, its efficacy in practice hinges on the right choice of the MPL. For scheduling to be most effective a low MPL is de- sirable, since then at any time only a small number of trans- actions will be executing inside the DBMS, while a large number are queued under the control of the external sched- uler. On the other hand, too low an MPL can hurt the over- all performance of the DBMS, e.g., by underutilizing the DBMS resources resulting in a drop in system throughput. While many have cited the problem of choosing the MPL in external scheduling as critical, previous research in all ar- eas of system design leaves it as an open problem. Existing tools for external scheduling leave the choice of MPL to the system administrator.
The question of this paper is: How low can we choose the MPL to facilitate effective scheduling, without hurting overall system performance? There are three important con- siderations when choosing an MPL: (1) As already men- tioned, by holding back transactions outside the DBMS, the concurrency inside the DBMS is lowered, which can lead to a drop in throughput. We seek algorithms that determine, for any input scenario, the lowest possible MPL value nec- essary to ensure near-optimal throughput levels (when com- pared to the system without MPL). (2) Holding back trans- actions, and sequencing them (rather than letting them all share the database resources concurrently), creates the po- tential for head-of-line (HOL) blocking where some long- running transactions prevent other shorter transactions from entering the DBMS and receiving service. This can result in an actual increase in overall mean response time. We seek algorithms that determine, for any input scenario, the low- est possible MPL value necessary to prevent an increase in overall mean response time. (3) Lastly, it is not at all ob- vious that external scheduling, even with a sufficiently low MPL, will be as effective as internal scheduling, since an external scheduler does not have any control over the trans- actions once they’re dispatched to the DBMS.
Section 2 describes the wide range of hardware configu- rations, workloads and different DBMS we use in our exper- iments. Section 3 evaluates experimentally how low we can set the MPL without hurting throughput and overall mean response time. We find that the answer to this question is complex, and we identify the dominant factors that provide the answer to this question. Next, in Section 4 we create queueing theoretic models based on the findings in Sec- tion 3, that capture the relationship between the MPL and throughput and overall mean response time. We then show how a feedback-based controller can be used, in conjunc- tion with the queueing models, to automatically adapt the MPL. Finally, in Section 5 we evaluate the effectiveness of external scheduling in one particular application involving prioritization of transactions. We study whether external scheduling with the appropriately chosen MPL can be as effective as internal scheduling with respect to providing differentiation between high and low priority transactions.
It is important to note that throughout this paper the ques- tion is how low an MPL one can choose without hurting system performance. While this question has not been ad- dressed in any previous work, a complementary question involving high MPLs has been looked at in the context of admission control, see for example [5, 8, 10, 12, 18]. The point of these studies is that throughput suffers when too many transactions are allowed into the DBMS at once, due to excessive lock contention (lock thrashing) or due to over- load of some system resource. Hence it is beneficial to have some high MPL upper bound on the number of transactions allowed within the DBMS, with the understanding that if this MPL is set too high, then throughput will start to drop. Admission control studies how to limit the number of con- current transactions within the DBMS by dropping trans- actions when this limit is reached. Our work looks at the other end of this problem – that of very low MPLs needed to provide prioritization differentiation or some other type of scheduling – and does not involve dropping requests.
2. Experimental setup
To answer the questions of feasibility and effectiveness of external prioritization, it is important to evaluate the ef- fect of different workloads and hardware configurations on these questions. The importance of looking at different workloads is that an I/O bound workload may, for exam- ple, require a higher MPL, as disks need more simultaneous requests to perform efficiently. The importance of consider- ing different hardware configurations is that a higher MPL may be required to achieve good throughput in a system with a large number of hardware resources, since more re- quests are needed to keep the many resources busy. We will therefore experiment with a wide range of hardware config- urations and workloads, and two different DBMS.
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE’06) 8-7695-2570-9/06 $20.00 © 2006 IEEE

Main memory
CPU load
IO load
10 warehouses,
TPC-W Browsing
100 EBs, 10K items, 140K customers
500 MB
TPC-W Browsing
500 EBs, 10K items, 288K customers
100 MB
60 warehouses,
10 warehouses,
TPC-W Ordering
100 EBs, 10K items,140K customers
Table 1. Description of the workloads used in the experiments. 2.1. Experimental architectures
Number CPUs
Number disks
Isolation level
The DBMS we experiment with are IBM DB2 [1] ver- sion 8.1, and Shore [20]. Shore is a prototype storage man- ager with state-of-the-art transaction management, 2PL, and Aries-style recovery; we use it because we have the source code, enabling us to implement internal priorities. All of our external scheduling results are also corroborated using Post- greSQL [21] version 7.3, although we do not show these results here for lack of space.
The DBMS is running on a 2.4-GHz Pentium 4 running Linux 2.4.23. The buffer pool size and main memory size will depend on the workload (see Table 1). The machine is equipped with six 120GB IDE drives, one of which we use for the database log. The number of remaining IDE drives that we use for the data will depend on the particular experiment. The workload generator is run on a separate machine with the same specifications as the database server.
2.2. Experimental workloads and setups
When discussing the effect of the MPL it is important to consider a wide range of workloads. Unfortunately there are only a limited number of standard OLTP benchmarks which are both well-accepted and publicly available, in par- ticular TPC-C [6] and TPC-W [7]. Fortunately, however, these two benchmarks can be used to create a much wider range of workloads by varying a large number of (i) hard- ware and (ii) benchmark configuration parameters. Table 1 describes the different workloads we create based on dif- ferent configuration of the two benchmarks. The bench- mark configuration parameters that we vary include: (a) the number of warehouses in TPC-C, (b) the size of the database in TPC-W (this includes both the number of items included in the database store and the number of “emulated browsers” (EBs) which affects the number of customers), and (c) the type of transaction mix used in TPC-W, partic- ularly whether these are primarily “browsing” transactions or primarily “ordering” transactions. We run the workloads from Table 1 under different hardware configurations cre- ating 17 different “Setups” as summarized in Table 2. The hardware parameters that we vary include: (a) the number of disks (1 – 6), (b) the number of CPUs (1 or 2), and (c)
Table 2. Definition of setups based on the workloads in Table 1.
the main memory (ranging between 512 MB and 3 GB). We also vary the isolation level to create different levels of lock contention, starting with the default isolation level of 3 (corresponding to RR in DB2 – Repeatable Read), but also experimenting with lower isolation levels (UR – Uncommit- ted Read), leading to less lock contention. In all workloads, we hold the number of clients constant at 100.
3. Feasibility of low MPL: Experimental study
In this section we ask how low can we make the MPL without causing deterioration in throughput and/or overall mean response time. The aim is to look at low values of the MPL and study their effect on throughput and then on mean response time using the experimental setups described in the previous section. (We will not be considering high values of the MPL, that are commonly looked at in studies dealing with overload and admission control.) We will be interested in identifying the workload factors that affect the answer to the question of “how low can one make the MPL.” These results are summarized in Section 3.3.
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE’06) 8-7695-2570-9/06 $20.00 © 2006 IEEE

140 120 100
80 60 40 20
3.1. Effect on throughput For CPU bound workloads
Figure 2 shows the effect of the MPL on the throughput under two CPU-bound workloads: WCP U−inventory and WCPU−browsing. The two lines shown consider the case of 1 CPU versus 2 CPUs. In the single CPU case, under both workloads, the throughput reaches its maximum at an MPL of about 5. In the case of 2 CPUs, the maximum throughput is reached at around M P L = 10 in the case of workload WCPU−inventory and at around MPL = 7 in the case of workload WCPU−browsing. Observe that a higher MPL is needed to reach maximum throughput in the case of 2 CPUs as compared with 1 CPU because more transactions are needed to saturate 2 CPUs. The fact that the WCPU−inventory requires a slightly higher MPL is likely due to the fact that the WCPU−inventory workload has some I/O components due to updates. The additional I/O component means that more transactions are needed to fully utilize the CPU, since some transactions are blocked on I/O to the database log. All these maximum throughput points are achieved at surprisingly low MPL values, considering the fact that both these workloads are intended to run with 100 clients according to the TPC specifications.
For I/O bound workloads
Figure 3 shows the effect of the MPL on the through- put under two I/O-bound workloads: WI/O−inventory and WI/O−browsing. The lines shown consider different num- bers of disks. The WI/O−inventory workload is a pure I/O- only workload, because of the larger database size. For this workload, the MPL point at which maximum throughput is reachedisMPL=2forthecaseof1disk,MPL=5 for the case of 2 disks, MPL = 7 for the case of 3 disks, and MPL = 10 for the case of 4 disks. Observe that the MPL needed to maximize throughput grows for systems with more disks, since more transactions are required to sat-
4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0
5 10 15 20 25 MPL
5 10 15 20 25 30 MPL
(a) WCPU−inventory
(b) WCPU−browsing
(a) WI/O−inventory
(b) WI/O−browsing
Figure 2. Effect of MPL on throughput in CPU boundworkloads:(a)WCPU−inventory (Setups1and 2 of Table 2) and (b) WCPU−browsing (setups 3 and 4 of Table 2).
Figure 3. Effect of MPL on throughput in I/O bound workloads: (a) WI/O−inventory (setups 5–8 of Ta- ble 2) and (b) WI/O(TPC−browsing (setups 9 and 10 of Table 2).
urate more resources. Again, these numbers are extremely low considering the fact that the TPC specifications for this workload assumes 600 clients (we use 100 clients experi- mentally).
It is interesting to note that the the increase in MPL necessary to ensure x% of the maximum throughput is a somewhat linear function. We will give analytical vali- dation for this observation in Section 4. Although it may appear problematic that the necessary MPL grows linearly with more disks, it is important to notice that systems with many disks also have a proportionately larger population of clients, hence an MPL that seems large may still be small in proportion to the client population.
For WI/O−browsing, the MPL at which maximum throughput is reached is higher than for WI/O−inventory (about MPL = 13 for one disk and about MPL = 20 for four disks). The reason is that the size of this database is smaller than for the WI/O−inventory workload, thus resulting in a larger CPU component than in the purely I/O-based WI/O−inventory . As explained in Section 3.1 the additional CPU component will add to the MPL needed. Still, it is surprising that an MPL of 20 suffices given that the TPC specifications for this workload assumes 500 clients (recall we use 100 clients experimentally).
For “balanced” CPU + IO workloads
Figure 4 considers workload WCPU+I/O−inventory
which is balanced (equal) in its requirements of CPU and I/O (both resources are equally utilized). In the case of just 1 disk and 1 CPU, an MPL of 5 suffices to reach maximum throughput. Adding only disks to the hardware configura- tion changes this value only slightly, since the CPU bot- tleneck remains. Similarly, adding only CPUs changes the required MPL value only slightly, since now the workload becomes solely I/O bound. However if we add 4 disks and 2 CPUs (maintaining the initial balanced proportions of CPU and I/O), we find that the MPL needed to reach maximum throughput increases to around 20. This number is still low
0 5 10 15 20 25
Two CPUs One CPU
4 disks 1 disk
5 10 15 20 25 30 MPL
Two CPUs One CPU
4 disks 3 disks
2 disks 1disk
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE’06) 8-7695-2570-9/06 $20.00 © 2006 IEEE
Throughput (xact/sec)
Throughput (xact/sec)
Throughput (xact/sec)
Throughput (xact/sec)

4 disks, 2 CPUs 1 disk, 1 CPU
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Figure 4. Effect of MPL on throughput in workload exhibiting both high I/O and CPU: WCPU+I/O−inventory (setups 11 and 12 of Table 2).
in light of the fact that the TPC specified number of clients for this workload is 100.
In summary, the MPL required is largely proportional to the number of resources that are utilized in a system without an MPL. In a balanced workload the number of resources that are utilized will be high; hence the MPL is higher.
For Lock-bound workloads
Figure 5 illustrates the effect of increasing the locking needed by transactions (increasing the isolation level from UR to RR) on the MPL for workloads WCPU−inventory and WCPU−ordering. While the MPL needed overall is al- ways under 20, the basic trend is that increasing the amount of locking lowers the MPL. The reason is that when the amount of locking is high, throwing more transactions into the system doesn’t increase the rate at which transactions complete, since they are all queueing. Beyond some point, increasing the number of transactions actually lowers the throughput, as seen in [5, 8, 12, 18].
3.2. Effect on response time
Section 3.1 showed that external scheduling with low MPL is feasible in that it doesn’t cause a significant loss in throughput provided the MPL is not too low. Because we are working in a closed system, an immediate consequence of this fact is that the overall mean response time also does not suffer (see Little’s Law [15]). However, this point is far less obvious for an open system, where response time is not inversely related to throughput. In this section we will investigate the effect of the MPL value on mean response time in great detail, starting with experimental work and then moving to queueing theoretic analysis.
Experimentally, we modify our experimental setup to an open system with Poisson arrivals. For the open system we find that for workloads based on TPC-C the response time is insensitive to the MPL value, provided it is at least 4. In the case of TPC-W based workloads, the MPL value needs to
(a) WCPU−inventory
(b) WCPU−ordering
140 120 100
80 60 40 20
5 10 15 20 25 30 MPL
Isolation UR Isolation RR
40 35 30 25 20 15 10
5 0
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 MPL
UR isolation RR isolation
Figure 5. Effect of MPL on throughput in workloads with heavy locking: (a) WCPU−inventory (setups 1 and 17 of Table 2) and (b) WCPU−ordering (setups 15 and 16 of Table 2).
be at least 8, for a system utilization of 70%, and at least 15 if the system utilization increases to 90 in order to obtain close-to-optimal mean response times (when compared to the system without MPL).
The most important observation is that the degree to which the MPL affects the mean response time is dominated by the variability of the workload, rather than other fac- tors such as the resource utilization. For example the work- loads based on the TPC-W benchmark consistently require a higher MPL than the TPC-C based benchmarks, indepen- dentofwhethertheyareCPUbound(e.g. WCPU−browsing) or IO bound (e.g. WIO−browsing). The reason is that the service demands of the transactions in the TPC-W bench- mark are more variable than those in the TPC-C benchmark.
The above observation can be explained both intuitively as well as through queueing theory. Intuitively, a low MPL increases overall mean response time when short transactions (which in a standard, non-MPL system would have short response times) get stuck waiting behind very long transactions in the external queue (independently of whether the long transaction is IO-bound or CPU-bound). For this to happen the workload needs to exhibit high vari- ability of the service requirements, i.e. the transaction mix must contain some transactions that are much longer than the average. From a theoretical perspective our external scheduling mechanism with MPL parameter can be viewed as a single unbounded First-in-first-out (FIFO) queue feed- ing into a Processor-Sharing (PS) server where only MPL jobs may share the PS server. A high MPL makes the sys- tem behave more like a PS server, while a low MPL makes it more similar to a FIFO server. In queueing theory it is well known that the mean response time at a FIFO server is directly affected by job size variability [13], while that of a PS server is insensitive to job size variability.
To get an idea of whether the levels of variability ex- hibited by the TPC-C and TPC-W benchmarks are repre- sentative, we obtain traces from one of the top-10 online retailers and from one of the top-10 auctioning sites in the
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE’06) 8-7695-2570-9/06 $20.00 © 2006 IEEE
Throughput (xact/sec)
Throughput (xact/sec)
Throughput (xact/sec)

US for comparison. We compute the squared coefficient of variation (C 2 ), a standard statistical measure for variability, for both the traces and the benchmarks. We find that the C2 values of the traces are in agreement with the TPC-C benchmark: In the TPC-C benchmark the C2 value varies between 1.0 and 1.5 (depending on the setup), while the traces exhibit values for C2 of around 2. The variability in the TPC-W benchmark is higher exhibiting C2 values of 15.
3.3 Results: Factors influencing choice of MPL
Our aim in this section has been to determine how low we can feasibly make the MPL without noticeably hurting throughput and mean response time. We have seen, via a wide range of experimental workloads, that the answer to this question is strongly dominated by just a few key factors of the workload.
For throughput, what’s important is the number of re- sources that the workload would utilize if run without an MPL. For example, if an IO-bound workload is run on a system with 4 disks, then a higher MPL is required than if the same workload is run on a system with only 1 disk.
With respect to not hurting overall mean response time, the dominant factor in lower-bounding the MPL is the vari- ability in service demands of transactions. Workloads with more variable service demands require a higher MPL.
Importantly, we find that the question of how low one can feasibly make the MPL, both with respect to throughput and mean response time, is hardly affected by whether the workload is I/O bound, CPU bound, or lock bound. This is a surprising finding, and shows that the number of resources that must be utilized to keep throughput high is more impor- tant than the type of resources.
We note that the graphs shown in this section all assume a high offered load in terms of the transaction arrival rate, and as we have seen, it is quite feasible to make the MPL low with only small deterioration in throughput. When the offered load is low, the deterioration in throughput is even smaller, since the external queue is typically empty.
4. Finding the right MPL
The previous section demonstrates the general feasibility of external scheduling across a wide range of workloads. In all experiments an MPL of less than 20 suffices to achieve near optimal throughput and mean response time, while the number of clients is comparatively far higher than 20 (typi- cally a hundred or several hundred).
However, the performance study in the previous section merely indicates the general existence of a good MPL value. The purpose of this section is to develop techniques for automatically tuning the MPL value to make the external scheduling approach viable in practice. We seek a method
for identifying the lowest MPL value that limits throughput and response time penalties to some threshold specified by the DBA (e.g. “throughput should not drop by more than 5%”).
Database workloads are complex, and exactly predicting throughput and response time numbers is generally not fea- sible. The key observation is that for us it suffices to predict how a given MPL changes throughput and mean response time relative to the optimal performance. The change in per- formance caused by an MPL value is strongly dominated by only a few parameters (as summarized in Section 3.3); the change in throughput is mostly affected by the number of parallel resources utilized inside the DBMS; the change in mean response time is mainly affected by the variability in the workload. In both cases queueing-related effects domi- nate, rather than other performance factors.
The above observations leads us to the idea of tuning the MPL through a feedback control loop augmented with queueing theoretic guidance. We start by developing queue- ing theoretic models and analysis to capture basic properties of the relationship between system throughput and response time and the MPL. We then use these models to predict a lower bound on the MPL that limits performance penalties to some specified threshold. While the analytically obtained MPL value might not be optimal, it provides the control loop with a good starting value. The control loop then opti- mizes this starting value in alternating observation and reac- tion phases. The observation phase collects data on the rel- evant performance metrics (throughput and mean response time) and the reaction phase updates the MPL accordingly, i.e. if the throughput is too low the MPL is increased and if it is too high the MPL is decreased.
In the remainder of this section we detail the above ap- proach. We first explain the queueing theoretic methods for predicting the relationship between MPL and through- put (Section 4.1) and mean response time (Section 4.2). In Section 4.3, we show how this knowledge can be used in a feedback control loop to fine-tune the MPL parameter.
4.1. Queueing analysis of throughput vs. MPL
We start by creating a very simplistic model of the database internal resources as shown in Figure 6. 1 We model the MPL by using a “closed” system with a fixed (MPL) number of clients as represented in Figure 6. We as- sume that the service times of all devices are exponentially distributed with service rate proportional to their utilization in the unlimited system (with unbounded MPL).
The reason why such a simple model is sufficient is that we are only interested in achieved throughput relative to the
1Our current model includes only CPU and disk resources. We don’t model memory (or bufferpool) as a separate resource since the time a trans- action spends accessing memory is time it either occupies the CPU (mem- ory hit) or utilizes a disk (memory miss) and is therefore accounted for.
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE’06) 8-7695-2570-9/06 $20.00 © 2006 IEEE

16 14 12 10
8 6 4 2 0
16 disks 8 disks 4 disks 3 disks 2 disks 1 disk
Disk 1
Disk 2
Figure 6. Theoretical model representing the DBMS internals. This model provides us with a theoretical upper bound on the MPL needed to provide maximum throughput.
optimal throughput. It is therefore not necessary to know the exact service demands at a device, just the relative pro- portions, since these will equally affect the throughput with and without MPL (e.g. a 5-times higher service demand will reduce throughput in both cases by a factor of 5). More- over, in this type of queueing model the distribution of the service demand at the individual servers will not impact the throughput.
We analyze this “closed” system for different MPL val- ues and and determine the achieved throughput. We com- pare the results to the maximum throughput for the system, until we find the lowest MPL value that leads to the de- sired throughput level (e.g. not more than 5% lower than the maximum throughput). Simple binary search can be used to make this process more efficient.
The MPL yielded by this analysis is in fact an upper bound on the actual MPL that we would get in experiments for two reasons: First, we purposely create the “worst-case” in our analytical model by assuming that all resources are equally utilized. This is realistic for the experimental setups that we consider, since we assume that the data is evenly striped over the disks and the CPU scheduler will ensure that on average all CPUs are equally utilized. For unbal- anced workloads a smaller MPL might actually be feasible, and this could easily be integrated into the model. Second we do not allow for the fact that a client may be able to utilize two resources (e.g., two disks) at once.
To evaluate the usefulness of the model in predicting good MPL ranges we parameterize and evaluate the model based on the WI/O−inventory workload. For this workload there is almost no CPU usage, however the number of disks play an important role. In our experiments, we were able to experiment with up to 4 disks, as shown in Figure 3. How- ever in analysis we can go much further. Figure 7 shows the results of the analysis with up to 16 disks. The first ob- servation is that the results of the analysis for 1 to 4 disks look very similar to the actual experimental results from Figure 3. Next, we observe that the MPL required to reach
Figure 7. Results of theoretical analysis showing the effect of the MPL on throughput as a function of the number of resources. The squares (circles) denote the minimum MPL that limits throughput loss to 5% (20%). Note that the set of circles form a perfectly straight line, as do the squares.
near maximum throughput grows linearly with the number of disks: The minimum MPL that is sufficient to achieve 80% of the maximum throughput is marked with circles, and the minimum MPL that is sufficient to achieve 95% of the maximum throughput is marked with squares. Both the circles and the squares form straight lines. This matches the linear trend we also observed in experiments.
The take-away point is that simple queueing analysis, as we have done, captures the main trends of the throughput vs. MPL function well, and is a useful tool in obtaining an initial estimate of the MPL required to achieve the de- sired throughput. While we find that the current analysis is a very good predictor of our experimental results for the 4-disk system, it is certainly possible to refine the analytic queueing model further, or to integrate it with existing sim- ulation tools for more realistic modeling of the hardware resources involved. However, such improvements are not crucial since the main purpose of the above model is merely to provide the controller with a good starting value, rather than a perfect prediction.
4.2. Queueing analysis of response time vs. MPL
Section 3 indicates that the effect of the MPL on the mean response time is dominated by the variability in the workload and hardly affected by other workload parameters such as the bottleneck resource or the level of lock con- tention. For workloads with little variability (C2 ≈ 1) MPL values around 4 are sufficient to achieve optimal mean re- sponse time, while more variable workloads (C2 ≈ 15) re- quire an MPL of 8-15 (depending on system load). How- ever, these particular results for the right choice of the MPL are hard to generalize, since they are based on only two benchmarks with two different levels of variability (C2 ≈ 1 and C2 ≈ 15). We therefore resort to analysis to obtain more general results.
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE’06) 8-7695-2570-9/06 $20.00 © 2006 IEEE

From a theoretical perspective our external scheduling mechanism with MPL parameter can be viewed as a sin- gle unbounded First-in-first-out (FIFO) queue feeding into a Processor-Sharing (PS) server where only MPL jobs may share the PS server as illustrated in Figure 8. Note that this is not a poor approximation of our system in that, as we see in [22], Figure 8, the DBMS in many ways behaves like a PS system.
2 2pμ1 3 2pμ1 4
pμ2 2qμ1 pμ2 2qμ1
1 λp
2μ1 λq
μ1 λq
μ2 λp
2 pμ1+qμ2 3
pμ1+qμ2 4
Poisson arrivals
FIFO Multi−
queue programming
Limit (MPL) = 2
qμ1 2pμ2
2 2qμ2 3 2qμ2 4
Figure 8. Queueing network model of external scheduling mechanism with MPL = 2.
To the best of our knowledge, there is no existing simple solution to our queueing network in Figure 8. Therefore, we derive the following solution approach: We start by model- ing the job sizes (service requirements) by a 2-phase hyper- exponential (H2) distribution, with probability parameter p and rates μ1 and μ2, allowing us to arbitrarily vary the C2 parameter. We can then represent the network in Figure 8 by an equivalent special “flexible multiserver queue” where the number of servers fluctuates between 1 and MPL as needed, and where the sum of the service rates at the multiple servers is always maintained constant and equal to that at the single PS server. The continuous-time Markov chain correspond- ing to the flexible multiserver queue is shown in Figure 9 for the case of an H2 service time distribution (with param- eters p, μ1, and μ2), arrival rate λ and MPL = 2. Note that we define the shorthand q = 1 − p. This Markov chain lends itself to Matrix-analytic analysis [14, 19], because of its repeating structure.
Figure 10 shows the results of evaluating the Markov chain in Figure 9. We find that for low C2 values of 1 or 2, the mean response time is largely independent of the MPL value and equal to that for the pure PS system (with infinite MPL), assuming the MPL is at least 5. For higher C2 val- ues of 5–15, we find that the MPL depends on the load and needs to be at least 10 (for load of 0.7) or 30 (for load of 0.9) to ensure low mean response time (similar to PS).
4.3. A simple controller to find lowest feasible MPL
Next we explain how we use feedback control combined with queueing theory for tuning the MPL parameter.
When using feedback control for tuning parameters, the difficult part is choosing the right amount by which to ad- just the parameter in each iteration: too small, conservative adjustments will lead to long convergence times, while too
Figure 9. Continuous-time Markov chain (CTMC) corresponding to the flexible multiserver queue rep- resentation of the queueing network in Figure 8. The two jobs in service may both have service rate μ1 (top row), or may have rates μ1 and μ2 (middle row), or may both have service rates μ2 (bottom row).
large adjustments can cause overshooting and oscillations. We circumvent the problem by using the queueing theoretic models from the previous subsections to “jump-start” the control-loop with a good, close-to-optimal starting value for the MPL. Initializing the control-loop with a close-to- optimal starting value provides fast convergence times, even given only small conservative constant adjustments.
A second critical factor in implementing the feedback based controller is the choice of the observation period. It needs to contain enough samples to provide a reliable es- timate of mean response time and throughput. We deter- mine the appropriate number of samples through the use of confidence intervals. For our workloads an observation pe- riod needs to span around 100 transactions to provide stable estimates. It is also important the observation period be- ing studied does not have unusually low load, as this would cause low throughput independent of the current MPL used. Our controller takes the above two points into account by updating the MPL only after observation periods that con- tain a sufficient number of executed transactions and exhibit representative system loads.
We find in experiments that our queueing theoretically enhanced controller converges for all our experimental se- tups in less than 10 iterations to the desired MPL. While we find that using our simplistic control-loop is effective in determining the desired MPL, our approach could easily be extended to incorporate more complex control methods, e.g. following guidelines provided in [11]. This will be particularly useful for situations where queueing theoretical
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE’06) 8-7695-2570-9/06 $20.00 © 2006 IEEE

800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Multiprogramming limit
of the above goals by specifying an exact MPL which will achieve the required throughput and overall mean response time, while being as low as possible, and hence provid- ing maximal differentiation between high and low priority transactions.
In Section 5.1 we present results achieved via external prioritization, where, for each workload, the MPL is ad- justed using the methods from Section 4. In Section 5.2 we discuss how one could alternatively implement priori- tization internally to the DBMS by scheduling internal re- sources. Finally in Section 5.3, we compare the effective- ness of our external and internal approaches, and show that external scheduling, with the proper MPL, can be as effec- tive as internal scheduling for our workloads.
5.1. Effectiveness of external prioritization
We start by implementing and studying the effective- ness of external prioritization. The algorithm that we use for prioritization is relatively simple. For any given MPL, we allow as many transactions into the system as allowed by the MPL, where the high-priority transactions are given first priority, and low-priority transactions are only chosen if there are no more high-priority transactions (see Figure 1). The MPL is held fixed during the entire experiment.
Note that this paper does not deal with how the trans- actions obtain their priority class. As stated earlier, we as- sume that the e-commerce vendor has reasons for choosing some transactions/clients to be higher or lower-priority. Ex- perimentally, we handle this by simply at random assigning 10% of the transaction “high”-priority and the remainder “low”-priority.
We first consider the case where the MPL is adjusted to limit throughput loss to 5% (compared to the case where no external scheduling is used), see Figure 11(top), and then the case where the MPL is chosen to limit throughput loss to 20%, see Figure 11(bottom). For each of these two cases, we experiment with all 15 setups shown in Table 2. In each experiment we apply the external scheduling algorithm de- scribed in above and measure the mean response times for high and low priority transaction, in addition to the overall mean response time when no priorities are used.
We find that using external prioritization, in the case of 5% throughput loss (Figure 11(top)), high priority trans- actions perform 4.2 to 21.6 times better than low priority transactions with respect to mean response time. The av- erage improvement of high priority transactions over low priority transactions is a factor of 12.1. The low priority transactions suffer only a little as compared to the case of no prioritization, by a factor ranging from 1.15 to 1.17, with an average suffering of 16 %. The above numbers are visi- ble from the figure (or caption). Not visible from the figure is whether prioritization causes the overall mean response
C2=15 C2=10 C2=5
C2=2 PS
3000 2500 2000 1500 1000
500 0
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Multiprogramming limit
C2=15 C2=10 C2=5
C2=2 PS
Figure 10. Evaluation of CTMC for different C2. The system load is 0.7 (top) and 0.9 (bottom).
models are not precise enough in predicting good, close-to- optimal starting values for the controller.
5. External scheduling for Prioritization
Thus far we have presented an algorithm for finding a low MPL that doesn’t hurt throughput or overall mean re- sponse time. The goal in keeping the MPL low is that a low MPL gives us control on the order in which transactions are scheduled, since we can pick the order in which transac- tion are dispatched from the external queue. Thus we are enabling certain transactions to run in isolation from others.
In this section, we apply our technique to the problem of differentiating between “high” and “low” priority trans- actions. Such a problem arises for example in the case of a database backend for a three-tiered e-commerce web site. A small fraction of the shoppers at the web site spend a large amount of money, whereas the remaining shoppers spend a small amount of money. It makes sense from an economic perspective to prioritize service to the “big spenders,” pro- viding them with lower mean response time.
We would like to offer high priority transactions low re- sponse times and low priority transactions higher response times. The lower the MPL that we use, the greater the dif- ferentiation we can create between high and low priority response times. At the same time we would like to keep the MPL high enough that throughput and overall mean re- sponse time are not hurt beyond a specified threshold. The technique presented in Section 4 allows us to achieve both
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE’06) 8-7695-2570-9/06 $20.00 © 2006 IEEE
Response Time (msec) Response Time (msec)

15 10 5 0
15 10 5 0
Figure 11. Results of external scheduling algorithm. This figure shows the mean response times for high and low priority requests, as well as the case of no prioritization, for all 17 setups described in Table 2. In the top graph, the MPLs have been set to sacrifice a maximum of 5% throughput for each experiment. In the bottom graph, The MPLs are set to sacrifice a maximum of 20% throughput. Observe that workloads 5, 9, and 10 have been cut off. The values for these workloads in (top) are (7.6 sec, 76.864 sec), (26.2 sec, 111 sec), and (9.4 sec, 50.9 sec), respectively, and in (bottom) are (4.1 sec, 79.3 sec) (15 sec 112 sec) (4.2 sec and 51.9 sec) respectively.
High Prio Low Prio No Prio
High Prio Low Prio No Prio
time to rise. It turns out that the overall mean response time is never hurt by more than 6% compared to the orginal sys- tem without external scheduling.
We find that using external prioritization, in the case of 20% throughput loss (Figure 11(bottom)), high priority transactions perform 7 to 24 times better than low prior- ity transactions with respect to mean response time. The average improvement of high priority transactions over low priority transactions is a factor of 18. The low priority trans- actions suffer by a factor ranging from 1.35 to 1.39, as com- pared to the case of no prioritization, with an average suffer- ing of 37%. The above numbers are visible from the figure (or caption). Not visible from the figure is whether prior- itization causes the overall mean response time to rise. It turns out that the overall mean response time is never hurt by more than 25% compared to the orginal system with- out external scheduling. Observe that in the case of 20% throughput loss, the differentiation between high and low priority requests is more pronounced, since the MPL values are lower, but this comes at the cost of lower throughput and higher overall response times.
5.2. Implementation of internal scheduling
Scheduling the internals of the DBMS is obviously more involved than external scheduling. It is not even clear which
resource should be prioritized: the CPU, the disk, the lock queues, etc. Once one resolves that first question, there is the follow-up question of which algorithm should we use to give priority to high-priority transactions, without exten- sively penalizing low priority transactions. Both questions are not obvious.
In a recent publication, [16], we address the first question of which resource should be prioritized via a detailed re- source breakdown. We find that in OLTP workloads run on 2PL (2-phase locking) DBMS, transaction execution times are often dominated by lock waiting times, and hence pri- oritization of transactions is most effective when applied at the lock queue. We find that other workloads or DBMS lead to transaction execution times being dominated by CPU us- age or I/O, and hence prioritization of transactions is most effective when applied at those other resources.
Having seen that it is not obvious which internal resource needs to be scheduled, we now turn to the particular 17 se- tups shown in Table 2. Some of these (e.g., setup 3 and 4) are CPU bound, while others (e.g., 1 and 2) are lock- bound, and still others are I/O bound (e.g. setup 5-10). In our experiments with internal scheduling we consider two particular setups: Setup 1 (Lock-bound) and Setup 3 (CPU- bound).
For setup 1, we implement the Preempt-on-Wait (POW) lock prioritization policy [17] in Shore [20]. In POW, high
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE’06) 8-7695-2570-9/06 $20.00 © 2006 IEEE
Response Time (sec) Response Time (sec)

3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0
ext95 MPLext80
shows the results for setup 3.
For both setups, we find that with respect to differenti-
ating between high and low priority transactions, external scheduling is nearly as effective as the internal scheduling algorithms that we looked at herein (for the case of zero throughput loss), and can even be more effective when the MPL is low (at the cost of a sacrifice in throughput). Look- ing at the suffering of the low priority transactions as com- pared to the overall mean response time, we find that exter- nal scheduling results in only negligibly more suffering for the low priority transactions, when compared with the in- ternal scheduling algorithms herein. The penalty to the low priority transactions is minimized when the MPL is chosen so that no throughput is lost.
Because of the inherent difficulty in implementing inter- nal scheduling, we were only able to provide numbers for setups 1 and 3 out of the 17 setups in Figure 2. However it is clear that for these two setups, external scheduling is a viable approach when compared with internal scheduling, and we hypothesize that external scheduling will compare favorably on the remaining setups as well, given the strong results shown for external scheduling in Figure 2.
We are not trying to say that external scheduling is al- ways as effective as internal scheduling. Although the inter- nal scheduling algorithms that we considered are quite ad- vanced, there may be other internal scheduling algorithms which are superior to our external approach for certain workloads. Similarly, we are not trying to say that our pro- posed method for external scheduling is optimal. There may be many ways of further enhancing our external scheduler, for example by leveraging DBMS internal information on resource utilization, or information on resource demands of transactions. The point that we make in this paper is that ex- ternal scheduling is a promising approach, when the MPL is adjusted appropriately.
6. Conclusion
This paper lays the experimental and theoretical ground- work for an exploration of the effectiveness of external scheduling of transactional workloads.
At the heart of our exploration is the question of how ex- actly should one limit the concurrent number of transactions allowed into the DBMS, i.e., the MPL (multi-programming limit). The obvious tradeoff is that one both wants the MPL to be low enough to create good prioritization differentia- tion and at the same time high enough so as not to limit throughput or create other undesirable effects like increas- ing overall mean response time.
Our work begins with an experimental study of how the MPL setting affects throughput and mean response. Our experiments include a vast array of 17 experimental setups (see Table 2), spanning a wide variety of hardware config-
High Prio Low Prio Mean
Figure 12. Comparison of internal vs external pri- oritization for setup 1.
14 12 10
8 6 4 2 0
ext 95
ext 80
ext 99
High Prio Low Prio Mean
Figure 13. Comparison of internal vs external pri- oritization for setup 3.
priority transactions move ahead of low-priority transac- tions in the lock queue, and are allowed to even preempt a low-priority lock holder if that low-priority lock holder is waiting at another lock queue.
For setup 3, CPU prioritization is available in IBM DB2 through the DB2gov tool [3]. However, we find that we achieve better priority differentiation by “manually” setting the CPU scheduling priorities used by the Linux operating system. We use the renice command in Linux to set the CPU priority of a DB2 process executing a high priority transaction to -20 (the highest available CPU priority) and the CPU priority of a DB2 process executing a low priority transaction to 20 (the lowest available CPU priority).
In the next section we show the results for internal scheduling for these setups.
5.3. Internal prioritization results and comparison with external results
In this section we consider setup 1 and 3 from Table 2. For each setup, we compare the performance obtained via internal prioritization with that obtained via external prior- itization. We consider 3 versions of external prioritization, the first involving 5% throughput loss, the second involving 20% throughput loss, and the third involving 0% throughput loss. Figure 12) shows the results for setup 1, and Figure 13
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE’06) 8-7695-2570-9/06 $20.00 © 2006 IEEE
Response Time (sec)
Response Time (sec)

urations and workloads, and two different DBMS (Shore, References IBM DB2). We find that the choice of a good MPL is dom-
inated by a few key factors. The dominant factor in lower- bounding the MPL with respect to minimizing throughput loss is the number of resources that the workload utilizes. The key factor in choosing an MPL so as not to hurt overall mean response time, is the variability in service demands of transactions. The fact of whether a workload is I/O bound, CPU bound, or lock bound is much less important in choos- ing a good MPL. Throughout we find that the values of MPL that are needed to ensure high throughput and low over- all mean response time are in the lower range, in particular when compared with the typical number of users associated with the above experimental setup workloads.
The above experimental study encourages us to develop a tool for dynamically determining the MPL as a function of the workload and system configuration. The tool takes as input from the DBA the maximum acceptable loss in system throughput and increase in mean response time, and deter- mines the lowest possible MPL that meets these conditions. The tool uses a combination of queueing theoretic models and a feedback based controller, based on our discovery of the dominant factors affecting throughput and overall mean response time.
Finally, we apply our tool for adjusting the MPL to the problem of providing priority differentiation. Given high and low priority transactions, we schedule the exter- nal queue based on these priorities (high priority transac- tions are allowed to move ahead of low priority transac- tions) and the current MPL. We experiment with different MPL values by configuring our tool with different thresh- olds for the maximum acceptable loss in system throughput and increase in mean response time. We find that the ex- ternal scheduling mechanism is highly effective in provid- ing prioritization differentiation. Specifically, we achieve a factor of 12 differentiation in mean response time between high and low priority transactions across our 17 experimen- tal setups, if the MPL is adjusted to limit deterioration in throughput and mean response time to 5%. If we allow up to 20% deterioration in throughput and overall mean response time, we obtain a factor of 16 differentiation between high and low priority response times.
Lastly, to gauge the effectiveness of our external ap- proach, we implement several internal prioritization mech- anisms that schedule the lock resources and the CPU re- sources. We find that our external mechanism and internal mechanisms are comparable with respect to their effective- ness in providing priority differentiation for the workloads studied.
Our methods for dynamically adapting the MPL are very general. While we have applied them only to OLTP work- loads in this paper, they are likely to apply to other work- loads as well, and also to more general scheduling policies.
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Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE’06) 8-7695-2570-9/06 $20.00 © 2006 IEEE