CS计算机代考程序代写 /**

* BinaryTree – this implements a simple binary search tree for storing a set of
* integers.
package Lab3_Trees.task1;
public abstract class BinaryTree > {

public abstract BinaryTree insert(T d); // add an element to the tree, this returns the new/modified tree

public abstract int size(); // the number of element in the tree

public abstract int height(); // the height of the tree

public abstract String preOrderShow(); // show the tree

public abstract String treeshow(); // print the tree using an ascii drawing

public abstract boolean isEmpty(); // check if the tree is empty

public abstract BinaryTree delete(T d); // remove an element from the tree, this return the new/modified tree

public abstract T biggest(); // find the biggest element in the tree

public abstract T smallest(); // find the smallest element in the tree

public abstract boolean find(T d); // check if the element is in the tree