2 to 4 Line Decoder Structural
CSU22022, 6th HDL Lecture, Dr. M. Manzke, Page: 1
2 to 4 Line Decoder (Page 1) Structural
— 2-to-4 Line Decoder: Structural VHDL Description
library ieee, lcdf_vhdl;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all, lcdf_vhdl.func_prims.all; entity decoder_2_to_4 is
port(E, A0, A1: in std_logic;
D0, D1, D2, D3: out std_logic);
end decoder_2_to_4;
architecture structural_1 of decoder_2_to_4 is
component NOT1 port(in1: in std_logic;
out1: out std_logic); end component;
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2 to 4 Line Decoder (Page 3) Structural
component NAND3
port(in1, in2, in3: in std_logic;
out1: out std_logic); end component;
signal not_A0, not_A1: std_logic; begin
g0: NOT1 port map (in1 => A0, out1 => not_A0);
g1: NOT1 port map (in1 => A1, out1 => not_A1);
g2: NAND3 port map (in1 => not_A0, in2 => not_A1,
in3 => E, out1 => D0); g3: NAND3 port map (in1 => A0, in2 => not_A1,
in3 => E, out1 => D1); g4: NAND3 port map (in1 => not_A0, in2 => A1,
in3 => E, out1 => D2); g5: NAND3 port map (in1 => A0, in2 => A1,
end structural_1;
in3 => E, out1 => D3);
CSU22022, 6th HDL Lecture, Dr. M. Manzke, Page: 3
4 to 1 Line Multiplexer
CSU2022, 6th HDL Lecture, Dr. M. Manzke, Page: 4
4 to 1 Line Multiplexer (Page 1)
— 4-to-1 Line Multiplexer: Structural VHDL Description
library ieee, lcdf_vhdl;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all, lcdf_vhdl.func_prims.all; entity multiplexer_4_to_1_st is
port(S: in std_logic_vector(0 to 1); D: in std_logic_vector(0 to 3); Y: out std_logic);
end multiplexer_4_to_1_st;
architecture structural_2 of multiplexer_4_to_1_st is component NOT1
port(in1: in std_logic; out1: out std_logic);
end component; component AND3
port(in1, in2, in3: in std_logic; out1: out std_logic);
end component;
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4 to 1 Line Multiplexer (Page 2)
component OR4
port(in1, in2, in3, in4: in std_logic;
out1: out std_logic); end component;
signal not_S: std_logic_vector(0 to 1); signal N: std_logic_vector(0 to 3); begin
g0: NOT1 port map (S(0), not_S(0));
g1: NOT1 port map (S(1), not_S(1));
g2: AND3 port map (not_S(1), not_S(0), D(0), N(0)); g3: AND3 port map (not_S(1), S(0), D(1), N(1));
g4: AND3 port map (S(1), not_S(0), D(2), N(2));
g5: AND3 port map (S(1), S(0), D(3), N(3));
g6: OR4 port map (N(0), N(1), N(2), N(3), Y);
end structural_2;
CSU22022, 6th HDL Lecture, Dr. M. Manzke, Page: 6
2 to 4 Line Decoder Dataflow
Same as slide 1
CSU22022, 6th HDL Lecture, Dr. M. Manzke, Page: 7
2 to 4 Line Decoder(Page 1) Dataflow
— 2-to-4 Line Decoder: Dataflow VHDL Description
library ieee, lcdf_vhdl;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all, lcdf_vhdl.func_prims.all; entity decoder_2_to_4 is
port(E, A0, A1: in std_logic;
D0, D1, D2, D3: out std_logic);
end decoder_2_to_4;
architecture dataflow_1 of decoder_2_to_4 is
signal not_A0, not_A1: std_logic; begin
not_A0 <= not A0;
not_A1 <= not A1;
D0 <= not ( not_A0 and not_A1 and E); D1 <= not ( A0 and not_A1 and E);
D2 <= not ( not_A0 and A1 and E);
D3 <= not ( A0 and A1 and E);
end dataflow_1;
CSU22022, 6th HDL Lecture, Dr. M. Manzke, Page: 8
4 to 1 Line Multiplexer Conditional Dataflow (When-Else)
Same as slide 4
CSU22022, 6th HDL Lecture, Dr. M. Manzke, Page: 9
4 to 1 Line Multiplexer (Page 1) Conditional Dataflow (When-Else)
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity multiplexer_4_to_1_we is
port (S : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); D : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); Y : out std_logic);
end multiplexer_4_to_1_we;
architecture function_table of multiplexer_4_to_1_we is begin
Y <= D(0) when S = "00" else D(1) when S = "01" else D(2) when S = "10" else D(3) when S = "11" else 'X';
end function_table;
CS2022, 6th HDL Lecture, Dr. M. Manzke, Page: 10
4 to 1 Line Multiplexer (Page 1) Conditional Dataflow (With-Select)
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity multiplexer_4_to_1_ws is
port (S : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); D : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); Y : out std_logic);
end multiplexer_4_to_1_ws;
architecture function_table_ws of multiplexer_4_to_1_ws is begin
with S select
Y <= D(0) when "00",
D(1) when "01", D(2) when "10", D(3) when "11", 'X' when others;
end function_table_ws;
CSU22022, 6th HDL Lecture, Dr. M. Manzke, Page: 11