CS计算机代考程序代写 data structure algorithm Homework Eleven

Homework Eleven

Problem Set 8

Q1 Show how to modify Dijkstra’s algorithm to not only output the distance from v
to each vertex in G, but also to output a tree T rooted at v such that the path in T from
v to a vertex u is a shortest path in G from v to u.

Q2 Simulate the execution of Dijkstra’s algorithm to find the shortest path from v1 to
v7 in the directed graph shown below.

Is there something going wrong? Explain.

Q3 Bob loves foreign languages and wants to plan his course schedule for the
following years. He is interested in the following nine language courses: LA15, LA16,
LA22, LA31, LA32, LA126, LA127, LA141, and LA169. The course
prerequisites are:

• LA15: (none)
• LA16: LA15
• LA22: (none)
• LA31: LA15
• LA32: LA16, LA31
• LA126: LA22, LA32
• LA127: LA16
• LA141: LA22, LA16
• LA169: LA32

Find the sequence of courses that allows Bob to satisfy all the prerequisites.
Describe your method briefly.

Q4 Tamarindo University and many other schools worldwide are doing a joint project
on multimedia. A computer network is built to connect these schools using
communication links that form a tree. The schools decide to install a file server at one
of them to share data. Since the transmission time on a link is dominated by the link
setup and synchronization, the cost of a data transfer is proportional to the number of
links used. Hence, it is desirable to choose a “central” location for the file server.
Given a tree T and a node v of T, the eccentricity of v is the length of a longest path
from v to any other node of T. A node of T with minimum eccentricity is called a
centre of T.
1. Design an efficient algorithm that given an n-node tree T, computes a centre of T.
2. Is the centre unique? If not, how many distinct centres can a tree have?

















Hint: Consider a tree T and the tree T0 produced by pruning the leaves of T. What is
the relation between the centres of T and T0?

Q5 Consider the following greedy strategy for finding a shortest path from vertex
start to vertex goal in a given connected graph.

1. Initialize path to start.
2. Initialize VisitedVertices to {start}.
3. If start=goal, return path and exit. Otherwise, continue.
4. Find the edge (start, v) of minimum weight such that v is adjacent to start and

v is not in VisitedVertices.
5. Add v to path.
6. Add v to VisitedVertices.
7. Set start equal to v and go to step 3.

Does this greedy strategy always find a shortest path from start to goal? Either
explain intuitively why it works, or give a counter-example.

Q6 The time delay of a long distance call can be determined by multiplying a small
fixed constant by the number of communication links on the telephone network
between the caller and the callee. Suppose the telephone network of a company
named Delstra is a tree. The engineers of Delstra want to compute the maximum
possible time delay that may be experienced in a long-distance call. Given a tree, the
diameter of T is the length (the number of edges) of a longest path between two nodes
of T. Give an efficient algorithm for computing the diameter of T.

Q7 Design an efficient algorithm for finding a longest path from a vertex u and a
vertex v of an acyclic directed graph G where each edge has a weight. Specify the
graph representation used and any auxiliary data structures used. Also analyse the
time complexity of your algorithm.