CS计算机代考程序代写 SQL database concurrency algorithm Physical Database Design

Physical Database Design





Overview: Database Design
Data models: ER, Relational Data Model and their mapping
Relational Algebra: be able to use relational algebra to answer question.
Database Languages: SQL, PLpgSQL (final exam: You can read and understand SQL code and convert it to Relational Algebra Expression)
Relational Database Design: Functional Dependency, Normal Forms, Design Algorithms for 3rd normal form and B-C normal form (3.5 normal form)



Overview: RDBMS + Other DB
Disk, Files, Buffer Replacement Policy
Index: Introduction.
External Sorting
Transaction Management

ACID properties
conflict-serializable vs serializable
concurrency control (locking, time-stamp ordering) — for multi-versioning, optimistic, only need to know the basic idea.

Graph DB: Big Graph Processing


Final Exam
9 am – 5 pm (8 hrs), Sydney time, 8th May, Sat

Exam paper: released on the course website
Submission: via Moodle (same as ass1 and ass2)
Doubts / general questions: email to comp9311unsw@gmail.com

Consultation: 3 May to 7 May: 3-5pm. Online.