CS计算机代考程序代写 algorithm Problem Set Nine

Problem Set Nine

Problem Set Nine

Q1 Show how to modify the KPM pattern matching algorithm so as to find every occurrence of
a pattern string P that appears as a substring in T, while still running in O(n+m) time. (Be sure to
catch even those matches that overlap.)

Q2 A pattern P of length m is said to be a circular substring of a text T of length n if P is equal to
the concatenation of a suffix of T and a prefix of T, where neither the suffix and nor the prefix is
an empty string. For example, if T=aacabca, all the circular substrings of length 3 of T are caa
and aaa. Give an O(n+m)-time algorithm for determining whether P is a circular substring of T.

Q3 Draw a standard trie and a compressed trie for the following set of strings:

{abab, baba,ccccc, bbaaaa, caa, bbaacc, cbcc, cbca}.

Q4 Draw the frequency array and Huffman tree for the following string:

“dogs do not spot hot pots or cats”.

Q5 Give an efficient algorithm for deleting a string from a compressed trie and analyse its
running time.

Q6 Give a sequence S=(x0, x1, x2, …, xn-1) of numbers, describe an O(n2)-time algorithm for
finding a longest subsequence T=(xi0, xi1, xi2, …, xik-1) of the numbers, such that ijxij+1.
That is, T is a longest decreasing subsequence of S.

Q7 Given a string s with repeated characters, design an efficient algorithm for rearranging the
characters in s so that no two adjacent characters are identical, or determine that no such
permutation exists. Analyse the time complexity of your algorithm.