CS计算机代考程序代写 algorithm Problem Set 1-b

Problem Set 1-b

Problem 1. Modify the stack implementation in the lecture notes (Stack.h and Stack.c) to implement a

stack of integers.

Problem 2. Write a test program for your stack code in Q1 that does the following:

o initialise the stack
o prompt the user to input a number n
o check that n is a positive number
o prompt the user to input n numbers and push each number onto the stack
o use the stack to output the n numbers in reverse order

An example of the program executing could be

Enter a positive number: 3

Enter a number: 2017

Enter a number: 12

Enter a number: 24




Problem 3. Modify your program in Q2 so that it takes the n numbers from the command line. An
example of the program execution could be

prompt$./tester 2017 12 24




Problem 4. A stack can be used to convert a positive decimal number n to a different numeral system

with base k according to the following algorithm:

while n>0 do
push n%k onto the stack
n = n / k
end while

The result can be displayed by printing the numbers as they are popped off the stack. Example (k=2):

n = 13 –> push 1 (= 13%2)

n = 6 (= 13/2) –> push 0 (= 6%2)

n = 3 (= 6/2) –> push 1 (= 3%2)

n = 1 (= 3/2) –> push 1 (= 1%2)

n = 0 (= 1/2)

Result: 1101

Using your stack code in Q1, write a C program to implement this algorithm to convert to base k=2 a
number given on the command line. Design a Makefile to compile this program along with the integer
stack implementation.

An example of program compilation and execution could be

prompt$ make

gcc -Wall -Werror -c binary.c

gcc -Wall -Werror -c IntStack.c

gcc -o binary binary.o IntStack.o

./binary 13


./binary 128


./binary 127


Problem 5. Implement a queue of integers in C using an array to store all the integers. All the function

prototypes of the integer queue are defined in IntQueue.h as follows:

// Integer queue header file

void queueInit(); // set up an empty queue

int isEmpty(); // check whether the queue is empty

void enqueue(int); // insert int at the end of queue

int dequeue(); // remove int from the front of queue

Problem 6. Given the following definition:

int data[12] = {5, 3, 6, 2, 7, 4, 9, 1, 8};

and assuming that &data[0] == 0x10000, what are the values of the following expressions?

data + 4

*data + 4

*(data + 4)


*(data + *(data + 3))


Problem 7. Consider the following piece of C code:

typedef struct {

int studentID;

int age;

char gender;

float WAM;

} PersonT;

PersonT per1;

PersonT per2;

PersonT *ptr;

ptr = &per1;

per1.studentID = 3141592;

ptr->gender = ‘M’;

ptr = &per2;

ptr->studentID = 2718281;

ptr->gender = ‘F’;

per1.age = 25;

per2.age = 24;

ptr = &per1;

per2.WAM = 86.0;

ptr->WAM = 72.625;

What are the values of the fields in the per1 and per2 record after execution of the above statements?

Note that ptr->t means the same as (*ptr).t

Problem 8. Write a C program that takes 1 command line argument and prints all its prefixes in decreasing

order of length. You are not permitted to use any library functions other than printf(). You are

also not permitted to use any array other than argv[].

An example of the program execution could be

prompt$ ./prefixes Programming









