Classification & Prediction: Evaluation of Classifiers
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Classification & Prediction: Evaluation of Classifiers
COMP3425/COMP8410 – Data Mining – Sem 1 2021
Classification & Prediction: Evaluation of Classifiers
Printed by:
Zizuo Xiao
Saturday, 8 May 2021, 11:05 PM
Table of contents
1. Introduction
2. Model Evaluation and Selection (Text: 8.5) 2.1. Evaluation metrics for classification (Text 8.5.1)
2.2. Estimating a classifier’s accuracy (Text: 8.5.2-8.5.4)
2.3. ROC Curve (Text: 8.5.6)
2.4. Comparing classifiers (Text: 8.5.5)
2.5. Exercises
2.6. Other issues affecting the quality of a model
3. Practical Exercises: Evaluation
1. Introduction
of this material is derived from the text, Han, Kamber and Pei, Chapter
8 and 9, or the corresponding powerpoint slides made available by the
publisher. Where a source other than the text or its slides was
used for the material, attribution is given. Unless otherwise stated,
images are copyright of the publisher, Elsevier.
we will discuss how to evaluate the performance of classifiers. When we
have built a model using some learning algorithm or by fitting a
statistical distribution, how do we know whether it is any good?
2. Model Evaluation and Selection (Text: 8.5)
that you may have built a classification model, there may be many
questions going through your mind. For example, suppose you used data
from previous sales (training data) to
build a classifier to predict customer purchasing behaviour. You would
like an estimate of how accurately the classifier can predict the
purchasing behaviour of future customers (test data),
that is, future customer data on which the classifier has not been
trained. You may even have tried different methods to build more than
one classifier and now you wish to compare their quality and choose the
best one. For this, you will be most interested in the accuracy of the classifier. But
What is accuracy?
How can we estimate it?
Are some measures of a classifier’s accuracy more appropriate than others?
How can we obtain a reliable accuracy estimate?
These questions are addressed in this section.
2.1. Evaluation metrics for classification (Text 8.5.1)
defined to be the proportion of correctly labelled tuples, is not
the only measure to evaluate performance of classification. To
understand the other measures, we first need to look at the confusion matrix.
Confusion Matrix
(also called Error Matrix)
confusion matrix is a useful tool for analysing how well a classifier
can recognise tuples of different classes. Given a binary classification
problem, a confusion matrix is a 2 by 2 matrix where each entry
indicates the number of tuples categorised by the actual class (positive or negative label in training or testing data) vs predicted class (positive or negative predicted class suggested by the classifier).
Actual class (rows) \ Predicted class (columns)
True Positives (TP)
False Negatives (FN)
False Positives (FP)
True Negatives (TN)
From the confusion matrix, we can define four important measures:
True Positive (TP): Number of positive tuples that were correctly labelled positive by the classifier
True Negative (TN): Number of negative tuples that were correctly labelled negative by the classifier
False Positive (FP): Number of negative tuples that were incorrectly labelled as positive by the classifier
False negative (FN): A number of positive tuples that were incorrectly labelled as negative by the classifier
TP + TN is the number of tuples correctly labelled by the classifier (hence called True).
FP + FN is the number of tuples incorrectly labelled by the classifier (hence called False).
Note that all the FP tuples are actually N and all the FN tuples are actually
P. That is, under this naming convention, the first character tells you
if the classifier got it right (T) or wrong (F), and the second
character tells you if the classifier predicts positive (P) or negative
(N). The actual label for the tuple is not given in the name, but you can derive it.
Beware: There
are several popular conventions for the layout of these matrices:
sometimes postiveness is top and left as here but sometimes bottom
and right; sometimes actuals are rows and predicted are columns,
as here, but sometimes actuals are columns and predictions are rows. You
need to pay attention to the table layout.
Example of confusion matrix (actuals are rows and predicted are columns)
Confusion matrix for the classes buys_computer = yes and buys_computer = no
For example
6954: The number of positive tuples classified as positive — TP
412: The number of negative tuples classified as positive — FP
46: The number of positive tuples classified as negative — FN
2588: The number of negative tuples classified as negative — TN
Various evaluation measures from a confusion matrix
P = the number of tuples actually postive in the training data
N = the number of tuples actually negative in the training data
With four primitive measures, we can define some important evaluation measures as follows:
This table shows some basic evaluation measures for classifications.
accuracy = 1 – error rate
Class Imbalance Problem: Beware
may wonder why we need such a range of evaluation measures. At first,
the accuracy seems to be enough for a classification task, but the
accuracy may not be a good way to show the performance of your
classifier when the dataset is unbalanced.
An unbalanced dataset is one where the classes are not evenly distributed in the data, ie far from 50% each in the binary classification case. One class dominates the data; usually the positive class is rare.
Consider the following example that shows a confusion matrix for a cancer classification. Again, actuals are rows and predicted are columns in the table.
If we only care about the classifier’s accuracy, then 96.4% appears to be a good result at first glance, quite close to 100%. Wrong!
consider a classifier that we have learnt which classifies every
patient as “cancer=no”. Clearly we did not need a complex data mining
algorithm to learn this ridiculously simple classifier, a majority vote.
In this case, we have 97.7% accuracy (9770/10000). Not bad, huh? Wrong!
new classifier is telling us nothing, only the distribution of the
classes. And note our first classifier above performed even worse than
this according to accuracy, so it was unacceptably poor.
an accuracy rate of 97% is not acceptable on this problem—a classifier
with this accuracy could be correctly labelling only the noncancer
tuples and misclassifying all the cancer tuples as our “cancer=no”
does. Instead, we need other measures, which can distinguish how well
the classifier can recognise the positive tuples (cancer = yes) and how
well it can recognise the negative tuples (cancer = no).
The sensitivity and specificity measures can be used, respectively, for this purpose.
For example, the sensitivity and specificity of the above example are:
we note that although the classifier has a high accuracy, it’s ability
to correctly label the positive (rare) class is poor as given by its low
sensitivity. It has high specificity, meaning that it can recognise
negative tuples quite well. The sensitivity is much more important than
specificity in this case, due to the purpose of the classification
But what if our classifier could deliver 100% sensitivity? Too easy: the classifier “cancer=yes” can do this. Is this a good result? No!
Accuracy would be only 3%. Specificity would be 0%. Predicting all people have cancer is just as useless in practice as predicting no people have cancer.
Sensitivity and specificity are typically a tradeoff, you can maximise one by reducing the other: 100% for each is ideal (well, maybe not, due to potential overfitting discussed later), but the tradeoff between them, and whether some classifer is therefore good enough, is something for the expert to interpret with knowledge of the underlying purpose.
The precision and recall
measures, originally developed for information retrieval, are also
widely used in classification as alternative tradeoff quality measures:
Precision can be thought of as a measure of exactness
i.e., what percentage of tuples classified as positive are actually such
Recall (equivalent to sensitivity, above) is a measure of completeness
i.e., what percentage of positive tuples are classified as such
Often precision and recall are combined into an F1-score, which is the harmonic mean of the precision and recall. It might also be called simply f-score, or f-measure.
See the table above for its formulation. Maximising f-score is useful
because it provides a single measure, and takes account of potentially
unbalanced data by focusing on the postive class, but it
emphasises a particular relationship between right and wrong
predictions. Is this the right quality measure for your classification task? Or not?
Calculate precision, recall and f-measure for the cancer classification
confusion matrix above as well as for the classifiers “cancer=yes” (which classifies every tuple as positive) and
“cancer=no” (which classifies every tuple as negative). Comment on the interpretation of f-measure for this problem. A worked solution is here: Solution to Exercise: Evaluation measures
Key message:
Always consider whether your measure of performance is appropriate for
your problem. Choose an appropriate measure which might be influenced by
the practice in the domain of application. Always consider how your
performance compares to a dumb classifier which might be 50% accuracy
for a balanced dataset but something else for unbalanced data.
2.2. Estimating a classifier’s accuracy (Text: 8.5.2-8.5.4)
In this section, we will see how to report the performance of the models by various methods.
Accuracy (or error rate) on training
data is not a good indicator of future performance because the model
may be overly-tuned towards exactly the data on which it was trained.
For example, consider the model which internally simply remembers the
data it has seen and classifies that data as it was classified in the
training data, and every new data item is classified arbitrarily. Would
you expect this model to work well?
This situation is called overfitting and commonly leads to poor performance on unseen data.
Holdout method
Given data is randomly partitioned into two independent sets
Training set (e.g., 2/3) for model construction
Test set (e.g., 1/3) for accuracy estimation
Overall flow of holdout method:
Training / Validation / Test
Variation of holdout method when you you want to experiment with parameters of the model-building algorithm.
Randomly partition the given data into three different sets:
Training set
To construct (i.e train) a classification model
Validation set
find the best parameters for the model, likely to be done by a person
studying the effect of various parameters on the accuracy (or
other quality measures) of the training set.
Test set
To measure the final performance of the model as it would be reported.
k-fold, where k = 10 is most popular (due to low bias and variance)
Randomly partition the data into k mutually exclusive subsets , each approximately equal size
At i-th iteration, use as test set and others as training set
Leave-one-out: Special case for small-sized datasets: Use k folds where k = number of tuples,
Stratified cross-validation:
Special case where folds are not randomly selected but stratified so
that the class distribution in each fold is approximately the same as
that in the initial data (to achieve low bias).
Overall accuracy is computed as the average accuracy of each model on its respective test set.
well for small data sets where, otherwise, the requirement to split the
data into training and testing sets makes both sets too small for
Samples the given training tuples uniformly with replacement
i.e., each time a tuple is selected, it is equally likely to be selected again and added to the training set again.
Several bootstrap methods : a common one is .632 bootstrap
A data set with tuples is sampled times, with replacement, resulting in a training set of
samples. The data tuples that did not make it into the training set end
up forming the test set. About 63.2% of the original data end up in the
training set, and the remaining 36.8% form the test set (since if is very large.)
Repeat the sampling procedure times, overall accuracy of the model is:
where is the accuracy of the model trained with training set when it is applied to test set and is the accuracy of the model obtained with training set when it is applied to the training set .
2.3. ROC Curve (Text: 8.5.6)
Example of ROC curve (axes are labelled with percentages in this diagram).
The dashed diagonal line indicates when TPR = FPR and has an area underneath it of 0.5
ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristics) curves:
for visual comparison of probablistic classification models and
selection of a decision threshold. Also for visually comparing tradeoffs
in performance for alternative deterministic classifiers.
Basic idea: a probabilistic classifier
returns a probability of a tuple being in the positive class. What if
we consider a probability threshold for positive classification
being somewhere in the range [0,1] instead of using the simple 0.5
(majority vote for the class)? This is a way to recognise that the cost
of errors (ie FP vs FN) may not be equal for each class.
Shows the trade-off between the true positive rate (TPR) and the false positive rate (FPR)
TPR ( = sensitivity) is the proportion of positive tuples that are correctly labelled by the model: TP/P
FPR (= 1- specificity) is the proportion of negative tuples that are mislabelled as positive: FP/N
deterministic classifier (which assigns classes without probabilities)
can be plotted as a single point on the ROC chart (the point is
(FPR, TPR)).
A probablistic classifer is plotted as a ROC curve on the chart (see below).
the ROC curve to choose a decision threshold for your probablistic
classifier that reflects the tradeoff you need, ideally the probability
corresponding to an inflexion point where the curve turns from vertical
to horizontal, so that you are getting the benefit of near-maximal TPs
with near-minimal FPs. Selection and use of the decision threshold
at this point turns your probablistic classifier into a deterministic
one plotted at that point.
The area under a ROC curve (ROC-AUC) is often used to measure the performance of a probablistic model.
The area under a ROC curve (ROC-AUC) can also be computed for a deterministic model as the area under the curve constructed by drawing a line from (0,0) to (FPR,TPR) and another from (FPR,TPR) to
(1,1). By geometric analysis, it is easy to see that this equates to
the average of sensitivity and specificity, i.e. (TP/P + TN/N) /2 .
diagonal line on the graph represents a model that randomly
labels the tuples according to the distribution of labels in the data.
This line has AUC of 0.5. A model better than random should appear
above the diagonal. The closer a model is to random (i.e.,
the closer it’s ROC-AUC is to 0.5), the poorer is the model. A
model falling below the diagonal line is worse than random (which is
very, very poor, but hopefully you are building better models than
deterministic models with distinct (FPR, TPR) points on the graph share
the same ROC-AUC, falling on an isometric line parallel to the AUC=0.5
diagonal. While these models have different performance on P and N
examples, ROC-AUC alone does not distingush them. A visual study
of the chart might be helpful.
a probablistic model, the ROC curve may cross the diagonal line for
some probabilities; but it may still be a good model if the ROC-AUC is
1 indicates a perfect classifier for which all the actual P tuples have
a higher probability of being labelled P than all the actual N tuples. A
ROC-AUC of 0 is the reverse situation: all the actual Ps are less
likely to to be labelled P than all the actual Ns, denoting a worst case
The ROC-AUC represents the
proportion of randomly drawn pairs (one from each of the two classes)
for which the model correctly classifies both tuples in the random pair.
In contrast to accuracy or error rate, ROC-AUC allows for unbalanced
datasets by counting the performance over the subsets T (on the axis) and N (on the
axis) independently, valuing errors in each class of the dataset
independently of the proportion of each class in the dataset as a whole.
Instead of probabilities generated
by a probablistic classifier, the ROC can also be used to choose a cost
or risk function to be used with a deterministic classifier.
The ROC may be used together with cross-validation so it is not overly influenced by a particular training set.
Plotting ROC curve for a probablistic classifier
ROC curve can be plotted with a probabilistic classifier (e.g. naive Bayes, some decision trees, neural nets)
The vertical axis of an ROC curve represents TPR. The horizontal axis represents FPR.
Rank the test tuples in decreasing order: the one that is most likely to belong to the positive class (highest probability) appears at the top of the list.
at the bottom left corner (where TPR = FPR = 0), we check the tuple’s
actual class label at the top of the list. If we have a true positive (i.e., a positive tuple that was correctly classified), then true positive (TP) and thus TPR increase.
On the graph, we move up and plot a point.
If, instead, the model classifies a negative tuple as positive, we have a false positive (FP), and so both FP and FPR increase.
On the graph, we move right and plot a point.
process is repeated for each of the test tuples in ranked order, each
time moving up on the graph for a true positive or toward the right for a
false positive.
Example 1
following table shows the probability value of being in the positive
class that is returned by a probabilistic classifier (column 3),
for each of the 10 tuples in a test set. Column 2 is the actual
class label of the tuple. There are five positive tuples and five
negative tuples, thus P = 5 and N = 5. As we examine the known class
label of each tuple, we can determine the values of the remaining
columns, TP, FP, TN, FN, TPR, and FPR.
start with tuple 1, which has the highest probability score and take
that score as our threshold, that is, t = 0.9. Thus, the classifier
considers tuple 1 to be positive, and all the other tuples are
considered negative. Since the actual class label of tuple 1 is
positive, we have a true positive, hence TP = 1 and FP = 0. Among
the remaining nine tuples, which are all classified as negative,
five actually are negative (thus, TN = 5). The remaining four are all
actually positive, thus, FN = 4. We can therefore compute TPR = TP = 1 =
0.2, while FPR = 0. Thus, we have the point (0.2, 0) for the ROC curve.
Next, threshold t
is set to 0.8, the probability value for tuple 2, so this tuple is now
also considered positive, while tuples 3 through 10 are considered
negative. The actual class label of tuple 2 is positive, thus now TP =
2. The rest of the row can easily be computed, resulting in the point
(0.4, 0). Next, we examine the class label of tuple 3 and let t
be 0.7, the probability value returned by the classifier for that
tuple. Thus, tuple 3 is considered positive, yet its actual label is
negative, and so it is a false positive. Thus, TP stays the same and FP
increments so that FP = 1. The rest of the values in the row can also be
easily computed, yielding the point (0.4,0.2). The resulting ROC graph,
from examining each tuple, is the jagged line as follows. A convex hull
curve is then fitted to the jagged line as shown.
Example 2
curves of two probablistic classification models, M1 and M2. The
diagonal shows where, for every true positive, we are equally likely to
encounter a false positive. The closer a ROC curve is to the diagonal
line, the less accurate the model is. Thus M1 is more accurate here. If
the ROC curves for M1 and M2 cross over then varying the threshold
selection will vary which is more accurate for binary classification.
2.4. Comparing classifiers (Text: 8.5.5)
Classifier Models M1 vs. M2
Suppose we have 2 classifiers, M1 and M2. Which one is better?
Use 10-fold cross-validation to obtain mean error rates for M1 and M2,
It may seem intuitive to choose the model with the lowest error rate
However, these mean error rates are just estimates of error on the true population of future data cases
What if the difference between the 2 error rates is just attributed to chance?
Use a test of statistical significance
Obtain confidence limits for our error estimates
Estimating Confidence Intervals: Null Hypothesis
Null Hypothesis: M1 & M2 are the same
Test the null hypothesis with t-test
Use t-distribution with k-1 degree of freedom
If we can reject null hypothesis, then
we conclude that the difference between M1 & M2 is statistically significant.
Chose model with lower error rate
Perform 10-fold cross-validation (k=10)
For i-th round of 10-fold cross-validation, the same cross partitioning is used to obtain and .
Average over 10 rounds to get and similarly for
t-test computes t-statistic with k-1 degrees of freedom:
where (using the variance for the population, as given in the text):
To determine whether M1 and M2 are significantly different, we compute t-statistic and select a significance level.
5% significance levels: The difference between M1 and M2 is significantly different for 95% of population.
1% significance levels: The difference between M1 and M2 is significantly different for 99% of population.
Based on t-statistics and significance level, we consult a table for the t-distribution.
need to find the t -distribution value corresponding to k − 1 degrees
of freedom (or 9 degrees of freedom for our example) from the table
Hidden from students:URLT-distribution tableURL
If the t-statistic we calculated above is not between the corresponding value in the table and its negative (i.e. the corresponding value in the table multiplied by -1),
then we reject the null hypothesis and conclude that M1 and M2
are significantly different (at the significance level we chose above).
Alternatively, if the t-statistic we calculated above is between the corresponding value in the table and its negative, we conclude that M1 and M2 are essentially the same and any difference is attributed to chance.
2.5. Exercises
ACTION: Try out this exercise.
Exercise: Model Selection using t-test
When you have had a go, you can check your answers against this worked answer:
Solution to Exercise: Model Selection using t-test
2.6. Other issues affecting the quality of a model
model may be preferred over another for a number of reasons. These
reasons will influence the choice of a learning method as well as the
selection of a particular classifier produced by the method.
Classifier accuracy: predicting class label
Time to construct the model (training time)
Time to use the model (classification/prediction time)
Robustness: handling noise and missing values
Scalability: efficiency in disk-resident databases
and insight provided by the model. This is especially important in
cases where the model is never intended to be put into practice over
unseen data, but instead to influence systemic behaviours such as
business rules and policies. It may also be critical to enable
qualitative evaluation of the model for embedded bias.
Availability and Trust
Does the business environment have the technical infrastructure, skills and policy or governance framework to use it?
Will the business environment trust the results to be used for the intended purpose?
measures specific to the method, e.g., goodness of rules, such as
decision tree size or compactness of classification rules.
well that these kind of factors are just as influential on the
selection of a method and a model for mining problems other than
classification and prediction. For example, association rules are great
for interpretability and scalability, but may not be considered
3. Practical Exercises: Evaluation
Attempt these practical exercises with Rattle. There is a video
showing the mechanics to get you started, written instructions for you
to work through, and separately some suggested solutions.
Practical Exercise: Evaluation
Solution to Practical Exercises: Evaluation