CS计算机代考程序代写 python data structure AI algorithm 01-search-part1


Searching the State

Part 1


State space
• A state is a data structure (object) that represents a possible configuration of the world

(agent and environment).

• The state space of a problem is the set of all possible states for that problem.

• Example: A vacuum cleaner agent in two adjacent rooms which can be either clean or dirty.

• Location = {left, right}

• Left-room-condition = {dirty, clean}

• Right-room-condition = {dirty, clean}

• State-space = Location

× Left-room-condition

× Right-room-condition

In this example, each state is represented by a
triple (3-tuple).


State space graphs
• Actions change the state of the world.

• Example: Suppose the vacuum cleaner agent can take the
following actions: L (go left), R (go right), S (suck).


Directed graphs
• Many AI problems can be abstracted into the problem of finding a path in a

directed graph.

• A graph consists of a set of nodes and a set of arcs.

• nodes are usually used for states.

• arcs are used for actions.

• In theory, a path is sequence of nodes ⟨n0,n1,…,nk⟩ where there is an arc from ni
to ni+1. In practice, a path is sequence of arcs (see the provided Python module
in the quiz.)

• The length of path ⟨n0,n1,…,nk⟩ is k.

• An arc can have an associated cost (which could mean distance, time, energy,
etc). The cost of a path is the sum of the cost of the arcs along the path.

• Given a set of starting nodes and a set of goal nodes (desired states), a
solution is a path from a start node to a goal node.


Explicit vs Implicit graphs
• In explicit graphs nodes (vertices) and arcs (edges) are readily

available. They are read from the input and stored in a data
structure such as an adjacency list or an adjacency matrix.

• The entire graph is in the memory

• The complexity of algorithms are measured in terms of the

number of vertices and/or edges.

• In implicit graphs a procedure outgoing_arcs (or
neighbours) is defined that given a node, returns the set of
directed arcs that connect the node to other nodes.

• The graph is generated on the fly.

• The complexity of algorithms are measured in terms of the

depth of a goal node and the average branching factor
(average number of outgoing arcs).


Example: the 8-puzzle
• States: location of tiles

• Actions: Move tiles that can be moved (or move the blank
space) left, right, up, down.


Example: Pac-Man
• States: permutation of food and Pacman in its world.

• Actions: N, E, S, W (when possible)

• Goal states: eaten all the food


Example: holiday in Romania
• We are on holiday in Romania; currently in Arad. Flight leaves

tomorrow from Bucharest. We need to get there.


Example: a grid game
• Grid game: Rob needs to collect coins C1, C2, C3, C4, without

running out of fuel, and end up at location (1, 1)

Partial Search Space for a Video Game

Grid game: Rob needs to collect coins C1, C2, C3, C4, without
running out of fuel, and end up at location (1, 1):






〈X-pos,Y-pos,Fuel,C1,C2,C3,C4 〉

〈5,8,6,f,t,f,f 〉

〈5,9,5,f,t,f,f 〉 〈5,7,5,f,t,t,f 〉

〈4,9,20,f,t,f,f 〉
〈5,8,4,f,t,f,f 〉

〈5,8,4,f,t,t,f 〉

〈6,8,5,f,t,f,f 〉

〈5,9,19,f,t,f,f 〉






〈1,1,?,t,t,t,t 〉

c�D. Poole and A. Mackworth 2017 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 3, Page 49

Searching graphs
• Generic search algorithm: given a graph, start nodes, and goal

nodes, incrementally explore paths from the start nodes.

• Maintain a frontier of paths that have been explored. [All the
paths are from the starting node(s).]

• As search proceeds, the frontier is updated and the graph is
explored until a goal node is encountered.

• The way (order) in which paths are removed from (and added
to) the frontier defines the search strategy.


Search treeProblem Solving by Graph Searching

ends of
paths on

explored nodes

unexplored nodes


c�D. Poole and A. Mackworth 2017 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 3, Page 6


Generic graph search algorithm
Graph Search Algorithm

Input: a graph,
a set of start nodes,
Boolean procedure goal(n) that tests if n is a goal node.

frontier := {hsi : s is a start node};
while frontier is not empty:

select and remove path hn0, . . . , nki from frontier ;
if goal(nk)
return hn0, . . . , nki;

for every neighbor n of nk
add hn0, . . . , nk , ni to frontier ;

end while

c�D. Poole and A. Mackworth 2017 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 3, Page 7


• Which value is selected from the frontier at each stage defines

the search strategy. In our implementation we pass a frontier
object to the search procedure. The frontier object is in charge
of selecting the next path.

• The function neighbors defines the graph. In our
implementation we use the method outgoing_arcs for this

• The function goal defines what is a solution. In our
implementation we use the method is_goal for this purpose.

• If more than one answer is required, the search can continue.
For this reason, in our implementation we use yield instead
of return.


Depth-first search
• In order to perform DFS, the generic graph search must be used

with a stack frontier (last in, first out).

• If the stack is a Python list of the form […, p, q] where each
element is a path, then

• q is selected (popped).

• if the algorithm continues, then paths that extend q are pushed
(appended) to the stack.

• p is only selected (popped) when all paths from q have been

• As a result, at each stage, the algorithm expands the deepest


DFS: illustration

• [Assuming that in the sequence of Arcs returned by the function neighbors (or the
method outgoing_arcs in the implementation), the right arc comes before the left arc.]

Illustrative Graph — Depth-first Search















15 16

c�D. Poole and A. Mackworth 2017 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 3, Page 10


DFS: behaviour
• Which shaded goal will a depth-first search find first?Which shaded goal will a depth-first search find first?







c�D. Poole and A. Mackworth 2017 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 3, Page 11

DFS: behaviour and complexity
• Does DFS guarantee to find a solution with the fewest arcs (if

there is a solution)?

• Is it complete? (i.e. does it guarantee to find a solution if there
is one?)

• Does it halt on every graph?

• Does the goal state affect the search behaviour?

Assume a finite search tree of depth d and branching factor b:

• What is the time complexity?

• What is the space complexity?

Explicit graphs in quizzes
• In some exercises we use small explicit graphs to study the

behaviour of various search frontiers.

• Nodes are specified in a set. The use of set should remind you
that the order of the nodes does not matter. The elements of
the sets are strings (node names).

nodes={‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’}

• Edges are specified in a list. The use of list should remind you
that the order of the edges matters. The elements are either:

pairs of nodes (tail, head); or

triples of nodes (tail, head, cost).

edge_list = [(‘a’,’b’,5), (‘a’, ’c’, 3)]


How do we trace the frontier
• Starting with an empty frontier we record all the calls to the frontier:

to add or to get a path. We dedicate one line per call.

• When we ask the frontier to add a path, we start the line with a +
followed by the path that is being added.

• When we ask for a path from the frontier, we start the line with a –
followed by the path that is being removed.

• When using a priority queue, the path is followed by a comma and
then the key (e.g. cost, heuristic, f-value, …).

• The lines of the trace should match the following regular expression
(case and space insensitive): ^[+-][a-z]+(,\d+)?!?$


Example: tracing frontier in DFS
Given the following graph

nodes={a, b, c, d},

edge_list=[(a,b), (a,d), (a, c), (c, d)],

starting_nodes = [a],

goal_nodes = {d}

trace the frontier in depth-first search (DFS).


+ a
– a
+ ab
+ ad
+ ac
– ac
+ acd
– acd


Breadth-first search
• In order to perform BFS, the generic graph search must be

used with a queue frontier (first in, first out).

• If the queue is a Python deque of the form [p, q, …, r], then

• p is selected (dequeued from left).

• if the algorithm continues then paths that extend p are
enqueued (appended) to the queue after r.

• in the next iteration q is selected (dequeued) from the

• As a result, at each stage, the algorithm expands the
shallowest path.


BFS: illustration of search tree

• [Assuming that in the sequence of Arcs returned by the function neighbors (or the
method outgoing_arcs in the implementation), the left arc comes before the right arc.]

Illustrative Graph — Breadth-first Search


2 3

4 5 6 7

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

15 16

c�D. Poole and A. Mackworth 2017 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 3, Page 14


BFS: behaviour
• Which shaded goal will a breadth-first search find first?Which shaded goal will a depth-first search find first?







c�D. Poole and A. Mackworth 2017 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 3, Page 11


BFS: behaviour and complexity
• Does BFS guarantee to find a solution with the fewest arcs (if

there is a solution)?

• Is it complete? (i.e. does it guarantee to find a solution if there
is one?)

• Does it halt on every graph?

• Does the goal state affect the search behaviour?

Assume a finite search tree of depth d and branching factor b:

• What is the time complexity?

• What is the space complexity?

Example: tracing frontier in BFS
Given the following graph

nodes={a, b, c, d},

edge_list=[(a,b), (a,d), (a, c), (c, d)],

starting_nodes = [a],

goal_nodes = {d}

trace the frontier in breadth-first search (BFS).


+ a
– a
+ ab
+ ad
+ ac
– ab
– ad


Lowest-cost-first search (LCFS)

• The cost of a path is the sum of the costs of its arcs.

• LCFS selects a path on the frontier with the lowest cost.

• The frontier is a priority queue ordered by path cost.

• LCFS finds an optimal solution: a least-cost path to a goal

• Another name for this algorithm is uniform-cost search (which
is somewhat misleading).


Priority queue refresher
1. A container in which each element has a priority (cost).

2. An element (path) with higher priority (lower cost) is always
selected/removed/dequeued before an element with lower
priority (higher cost).

3. We require the priority queue to be stable: if two or more
elements have the same priority, elements that were
enqueued earlier are dequeued earlier.

4. In Python you can use heapq. You need to store objects in a
way that the above properties hold.


Priority queue example
On an empty frontier, after executing:

+ c, 5
+ b, 10
+ a, 5
+ d, 10

a sequence of selection/removals yields:

– c, 5
– a, 5
– b, 10
– d, 10


Given the following graph

nodes={a, b, c, d, g},

edge_lists=[(a,b,4), (a,c,2), (a,d,1),

(b,g,4), (c,g,2), (d,g,4)],

starting_nodes = [a],

goal_nodes = {g}

trace the frontier in lowest-cost-first
search (LCFS).

Example: tracing frontier in LCFS

+ a, 0
– a, 0
+ ab, 4
+ ac, 2
+ ad, 1
– ad, 1
+ adg, 5
– ac, 2
+ acg, 4
– ab, 4
+ abg, 8
– acg, 4