CS计算机代考程序代写 algorithm HW 4 Due on Wednesday, February 13, 2019 at 10am

HW 4 Due on Wednesday, February 13, 2019 at 10am
CS/ECE 374: Algorithms & Models of Computation, Spring 2019 Version: 1.01

Submission instructions as in previous homeworks.

10 (100 pts.) Aberrant.
10.A. (25 pts.) Prove that the following language is not regular by providing a fooling set. You

need to prove an infinite fooling set and also prove that it is a valid fooling set. For Σ = {a, b},
the language is

L =

∣∣ w ∈ Σ+} .
10.B. (25 pts.) Same as (A) for the following language. Recall that a run in a string is a maximal

non-empty substring of identical symbols. Let L be the set of all strings in Σ∗ that contains
two distinct runs of equal length. A few examples about L:
• L contains any string of the form bia+b+ai.
• L contains any string of the form bia+bi.
• L does not contain the strings abbaaa, abbaaabbbb.

10.C. (25 pts.) Suppose you are given two languages L,L′ that are not regular but such that
L′ \ L is regular. Prove that L ∪ L′ is not regular. (Hint: Use closure properties of regular

10.D. (15 pts.) Provide a counter-example for the following claim:
Claim: Consider two languages L and L′. If L is not regular, L′ is regular, and L ∪ L′ is
regular, then L ∩ L′ is regular.

10.E. (10 pts.) (Slightly harder1) Same as (A) for L =

∣∣ n ≥ 3}.

11 (100 pts.) Grammar it.
Describe a context free grammar for the following languages. Clearly explain how they work

and the role of each non-terminal. Unclear grammars will receive little to no credit.

11.A. (40 pts.)

∣∣ i, j, k, `, t ≥ 0 and i+ j + k + t = `}.
11.B. (60 pts.) (Harder.) L = {z ∈ {a, b, c}∗ | there is a suffix y of z s.t. #a(y) > #b(y)}.

(Hint: First solve for the case that z has no cs.)

12 (100 pts.) As easy as 1,2,3,6.
Let L =


∣∣ k = i+ j}.
12.A. (20 pts.) Prove that L is context free by describing a grammar for L.

12.B. (80 pts.) Prove that your grammar is correct. (See extra problems for an example of how
this is done.)

1Feel free to use IDK.

