COMP20007 Design of Algorithms, Semester 1, 2021
The University of Melbourne
COMP20007: Design of Algorithms
Semester 1 2021
Reading Time 15 minutes.
Writing Time Three hours.
Instructions to Students
• This exam counts for 60% of your final grade.
• You should allow at least 15 minutes to scan and upload your solutions.
• Submissions uploaded past 30 minutes after the exam will not be accepted.
• The test is open book, which means you may only use course materials provided via the
LMS or the text book but must not use any other resource including the Internet.
• You must not communicate with other students or make use of the Internet.
• Solutions must be written on separate pieces of paper with pen or pencil. You must write
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• You must not use a tablet to complete this test.
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COMP20007 Design of Algorithms, Semester 1, 2021
Question 1 [6 marks]
(a) For the following pairs of functions, f (n),g(n), determine if f (n) ∈ Θ(g(n)), f (n) ∈
O(g(n)), or f (n) ∈ Ω(g(n)), making the strongest statement possible. That is, if both
f (n) ∈ O(g(n)) and f (n) ∈ Ω(g(n)) are true, you must answer with the form f (n) ∈
Θ(g(n)). You must answer with f (n) on the left and g(n) on the right, for example, you
may not answer g(n) ∈ O( f (n)). You need to justify your answer.
i. f (n) = n2log(n)+n(log(n))2 and g(n) = nlog(n).
ii. f (n) =
2i and g(n) = 2n.
iii. f (n) = 3n and g(n) = 33n.
iv. f (n) = (
2)logn and g(n) =
(b) Which of the following classes are not a subclass of O(n2)?
1. O(n)
2. Ω(1)
3. Θ(n logn)
(c) Describe the worst case running time of the following pseudocode function in Big-Oh
notation in terms of the variable n. Make the strongest possible claim.
function WEIRD(n,sum)
for i← 0 to n×n−1 do
for j← 0 to j−1 do
if (i % 10) == 0 then
sum← sum+1
j← j+1
i← i+1
We know from the lectures that for 0 < ε < 1 < c: 1≺ logn≺ nε ≺ nc ≺ nlogn ≺ cn ≺ nn.
Remember that logn is an abbreviation for log2 n, the binary logarithm.
Remember also that for a > 0:
(ai) =
We remind you also of the following conventions:
(si) = sm + sm+1 + . . .+ sn−1 + sn and
(pi) = pm · pm+1 · . . . · pn−1 · pn.
Logarithm laws:
loga+ logb = logab, loga− logb = loga/b and logan = n loga
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COMP20007 Design of Algorithms, Semester 1, 2021
Question 2 [4 marks]
(a) Solve the following recurrence relation given a constant k > 0:
T (n) = T (n−1)+ kn, T (0) = 1.
(b) Give a tight asymptotic upper bound for the following recurrence:
T (n) = 4T (n/8)+
Master Theorem
For integer constants a≥ 1 and b > 1, and function f with f (n) ∈Θ(nd),d ≥ 0, the recurrence
T (n) = aT (n/b)+ f (n)
(with T (1) = c) has solutions, and
T (n) =
Θ(nd) if a < bd Θ(nd logn) if a = bd Θ(nlogb a) if a > bd
Note that we also allow a to be greater than b.
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COMP20007 Design of Algorithms, Semester 1, 2021
Question 3 [8 marks]
(a) What is the time complexity to compute the in-degree of every vertex in the graph (V,E)
if the we use an adjacency list to represent the graph? Make the strongest statement
(b) Let T be the minimum spanning tree of a graph G. Is it true that for any pair of vertices s
and t the shortest path from s to t in T is the shortest path from s to t in G? If the answer
is “yes”, explain why; otherwise, give a counterexample.
(c) In the following graph all edges of the MST have been highlighted as double edges. What
is the range of values for the weight ω(e) of edge DE?
(d) Assume that in the graph above the weight ω(e) of edge DE is 2. Step through Dijkstra’s
algorithm to calculate the single-source shortest paths from C to every other vertex. Show
your steps in the table below as you have learnt it in the lectures where the left column are
covered vertices so far and the right column lists a pair (distance, predecessor) if that node
is still in the priority queue. Remember to use “nil” if the predecessor is not discovered
or there is no predecessor.
Covered A B C D E F
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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COMP20007 Design of Algorithms, Semester 1, 2021
Question 4 [6 marks]
(a) Professor Breadth makes the following statement:
Let CBT be a complete binary tree with n nodes. Finding a path from the root
of CBT to a given vertex v ∈CBT using breadth-first search takes Ω(n) time
in the worst case.
Explain in detail whether or not this statement is correct.
(b) Professor Union makes the following statement:
If we have two sorted arrays, each of n real numbers and all numbers across
the two arrays are distinct, then the construction a balanced binary search tree
of the set A1∪A2 requires Ω(n logn) time in the worst case.
Explain in detail whether or not this statement is correct.
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COMP20007 Design of Algorithms, Semester 1, 2021
Question 5 [12 marks]
A biomedical researcher needs to analyse gene sequences. Each sequence S is represented as a
string with exactly 1,000 characters over the alphabet {A,C,G,T}.
(a) Given a sequence S, the researcher needs to find the longest substring that consists of
only two characters A and T. For example, if S was “GATTGC”, then “ATT” would be the
answer. Develop an O(n) algorithm to solve this problem. The algorithm should return
the starting and ending positions of the substring (ie. return (1,3) for the above example).
If there are multiple such longest substrings, the pseudocode should return the one with
the lowest starting position.
(b) Justify the time complexity for the algorithm you developed in Part (a).
(c) Now the researcher wants to compress gene sequences. Describe the most space saving
fixed-size encoding scheme for the above alphabet. Recall that in fixed-size encoding,
the codeword of any character in the alphabet has the same length.
(d) For each sequence S, letters A, C, G, T appear with 500, 250, 125 and 125 times, respec-
tively. Build a Huffmann tree for the alphabet, using the given frequencies of characters
in S. Show your Huffmann tree and a possible assignment of codeword to each of the
letters. Finally, show how many bits are saved when compressing S using this Huffman
encoding, compared to the fixed-size encoding of Part (c) above.
(e) Now the researcher needs to sort the characters in a sequence S, returning anothter se-
quence with all characters sorted in alphabetical order. The algorithm needs to be as fast
as possible while using small amounts of memory. Which algorithm do you recommend
for this task? Justify your solution with no more than 2 sentences.
(f) Given that Ssorted is a sorted sequence obtained from Part (e), the researcher now wants
to find specific subsequences using Horspool’s algorithm. Given the pattern AAAC, how
many character comparsions are performed during the execution of the algorithm? Re-
member the string has exactly 1,000 characters and for each sequence S, letters A, C, G, T
appear with 500, 250, 125 and 125 times, respectively. Justify your answer.
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COMP20007 Design of Algorithms, Semester 1, 2021
Question 6 [9 marks]
(a) Suppose you have a dictionary implemented via an AVL-Tree. Here is the tree after
inserting the letters P, R, O, B:
Insert the letter L into the tree above, draw the resulting tree and write down the balance
factor for each node. Then, peform any necessary rotations to rebalance it and draw the
resulting, balanced AVL-Tree. You should show each step necessary for rebalancing.
(b) Now assume you have the tree you obtained from Part (a) above. Insert the letter E into
the tree and draw it with the balance factors for each node. Then, peform any necessary
rotations to rebalance it and draw the resulting, balanced AVL-Tree. You should show
each step necessary for rebalancing.
(c) Suppose now your dictionary is implemented via an 2-3 Tree. Insert the following letters
in your 2-3 Tree, in this order (from left to right):
P, R, O, B, L, E, M
Draw the tree after each insertion step, including any required operations to keep the tree
(d) Using the resulted 2-3 tree from Part (c) above, insert the letter “A” into the tree. Remem-
ber to include any necessary operations to keep the tree valid and show each step.
(e) Remember that in B-Tree of order m each non-root node has between dm/2e− 1 and
m−1 keys. Plus, for each internal node, its number of children is equal to the number of
keys plus 1.
This is a B-Tree of order 5 after inserting letters P, R, O, B, L, E, M, A, T, I, C.
Delete the letter “O” from the B-tree above. Remember to perform any operations to
ensure the B-tree is valid.
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COMP20007 Design of Algorithms, Semester 1, 2021
Question 7 [7 marks]
(a) The following array needs to be sorted in descending order (from the highest to the low-
est number). Run the first iteration of SELECTIONSORT on the following array, assuming
the array needs to be in descending order:[
Show the state of the array after this operation. How many swaps were made?
(b) The following array needs to be sorted in descending order (from the highest to the
lowest number). Show the state of the following array after performing a Hoare partition.
Sort in descending order and choose the first element to be the pivot.[
(c) Consider the following hybrid sorting algorithm which runs standard MERGESORT but
when one of the subarrays reach size 10 or smaller, it calls INSERTIONSORT on the array:
function HYBRIDSORT(A[0 . . .n−1])
if n > 10 then
B[−1]← A[−1]
C[−1]← A[bn/2c..n−1]
INSERTIONSORT(A[0 . . .m−1])
What is the worst case time complexity of HYBRIDSORT in terms of n (give your answer
as a Big-Theta expression). You must provide a full derivation of the proof (you are
allowed to use the Master Theorem if necessary).
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COMP20007 Design of Algorithms, Semester 1, 2021
Question 8 [8 marks]
A scout wants to raise funds by selling cookies in the neighbourhood’s main street. The scout
plans to visit houses in order and knows in advance how many cookies each house will buy.
However, there is one caveat: the scout cannot sell cookies in two consecutive houses. The
goal is to maximise the number of cookies sold in total. For example, if there are 6 houses in
the street and the profit for each house is, in order:
then, the maximum profit is obtained by selling cookies to houses 2 and 5 (20+40 = 60).
(a) You want to develop a Dynamic Programming (DP) solution for this problem. Define the
base case for this problem.
(b) Define the recurrence relation for the DP solution.
(c) Develop the full DP algorithm and write it in pseudocode format. The algorithm should
receive an array with the house profits and return the set of houses that maximises the
total profit (in the example above, it would be houses 2 and 5).
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