CS计算机代考程序代写 python # Board visualization with ipywidgets

# Board visualization with ipywidgets
import copy
from time import sleep
import ipywidgets as widgets
from ipywidgets import interact, interactive, fixed, interact_manual
from ipywidgets import VBox, HBox, Label, Button, GridspecLayout
from ipywidgets import Button, GridBox, Layout, ButtonStyle
from IPython.display import display, clear_output

from isolation import Board
from test_players import Player

import time
import platform
# import io
from io import StringIO

# import resource
if platform.system() != ‘Windows’:
import resource

def get_details(name):
if name in {’11’,’12’,’13’}:
color = ‘SpringGreen’
elif name in {’21’,’22’,’23’}:
color = ‘tomato’
elif name == ‘q1’:
color = ‘#bdffbd’
name = ‘ ‘
elif name == ‘q2’:
color = ‘#ffb6ae’
name = ‘ ‘
elif name == ‘X’:
color = ‘black’
elif name == ‘O’:
color = ‘orange’
name = ‘ ‘
color = ‘Lavender’
style = ButtonStyle(button_color=color)
return name, style

def create_cell(button_name=”, grid_loc=None, click_callback=None):
layout = Layout(width=’auto’, height=’auto’)
name, style = get_details(button_name)
button = Button(description=name,layout = layout, style=style)
button.x, button.y = grid_loc
if click_callback: button.on_click(click_callback)
return button

def get_viz_board_state(game, show_legal_moves):
board_state = game.get_state()
legal_moves = game.get_active_moves()
active_player = ‘q1’ if game.__active_player__ is game.__player_1__ else ‘q2′
if show_legal_moves:
for moves in legal_moves:
for r,c in moves:
board_state[r][c] = active_player
return board_state

def create_board_gridbox(game, show_legal_moves, click_callback=None):
h, w = game.height, game.width
board_state = get_viz_board_state(game, show_legal_moves)

grid_layout = GridspecLayout(n_rows=h,
grid_gap=’2px 2px’,
for r in range(h):
for c in range(w):
cell = create_cell(board_state[r][c], grid_loc=(r,c), click_callback=click_callback)
grid_layout[r,c] = cell

return grid_layout

class InteractiveGame():
“””This class is used to play the game interactively (only works in jupyter)”””
def __init__(self, opponent=Player(“Player2”), show_legal_moves=False):
self.game = Board(Player(“Player1”), opponent)
self.width = self.game.width
self.height = self.game.height
self.show_legal_moves = show_legal_moves
self.__click_count = 0
self.__move = []
self.gridb = create_board_gridbox(self.game,
self.visualized_state = None
self.opponent = opponent
self.output_section = widgets.Output(layout={‘border’: ‘1px solid black’})
self.game_is_over = False

def __reset_turn(self):
self.__click_count = 0
self.__move = []

def select_move(self, b):
if platform.system() == ‘Windows’:
def curr_time_millis():
return int(round(time.time() * 1000))
def curr_time_millis():
return 1000 * resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_utime
move_start = curr_time_millis()

def time_left(time_limit = 1000):
# print(“Limit: “+str(time_limit) +” – “+str(curr_time_millis()-move_start))
return time_limit – (curr_time_millis() – move_start)

self.__move.append((b.x, b.y))
with self.output_section:
print(f”Move {self.__click_count+1}: {(b.x, b.y)}”)
if self.__click_count < 2: self.__click_count += 1 return if self.game_is_over: with self.output_section: print('The game is over!') return ### swap move workaround ### # find if current location is in the legal moves # legal_moves is of length 1 if move exists, and len 0 if move is illegal moves = self.game.get_active_moves() legal_moves = [(x,y,z) for x,y,z in moves if [x,y,z] == self.__move] if not legal_moves: output = f"move {self.__move} is illegal!" self.__reset_turn() with self.output_section: print(output) return else: # there is only one move in swap isolation game self.__move = legal_moves[0] ### swap move workaround end ### self.game_is_over, winner = self.game.__apply_move__(self.__move) if (not self.game_is_over) and (type(self.opponent) != Player): opponents_legal_moves = self.game.get_active_moves() opponent_move = self.opponent.move(self.game, time_left=time_left) assert opponent_move in opponents_legal_moves, \ f"Opponents move {opponent_move} is not in list of legal moves {opponents_legal_moves}" self.game_is_over, winner = self.game.__apply_move__(opponent_move) if self.game_is_over: print(f"Game is over, the winner is: {winner}") board_vis_state = get_viz_board_state(self.game, self.show_legal_moves) for r in range(self.height): for c in range(self.width): new_name, new_style = get_details(board_vis_state[r][c]) self.gridb[r,c].description = new_name self.gridb[r,c].style = new_style self.__reset_turn() class ReplayGame(): """This class is used to replay games (only works in jupyter)""" def __init__(self, game, move_history, show_legal_moves=False): self.game = game self.width = self.game.width self.height = self.game.height self.move_history = move_history self.show_legal_moves = show_legal_moves self.board_history = [] self.new_board = self.setup_new_board() self.gridb = create_board_gridbox(self.new_board, self.show_legal_moves) self.generate_board_state_history() self.visualized_state = None self.output_section = widgets.Output(layout={'border': '1px solid black'}) def setup_new_board(self,): return Board(player_1=self.game.__player_1__, player_2=self.game.__player_2__, width=self.width, height=self.height) def update_board_gridbox(self, move_i): board_vis_state, board_state = self.board_history[move_i] self.visualized_state = board_state for r in range(self.height): for c in range(self.width): new_name, new_style = get_details(board_vis_state[r][c]) self.gridb[r,c].description = new_name self.gridb[r,c].style = new_style def equal_board_states(self, state1, state2): for r in range(self.height): for c in range(self.width): if state1[r][c] != state2[r][c]: return False return True def generate_board_state_history(self,): for move_pair in self.move_history: for move in move_pair: self.new_board.__apply_move__(move[0]) board_vis_state = get_viz_board_state(self.new_board, self.show_legal_moves) board_state = self.new_board.get_state() self.board_history.append((copy.deepcopy(board_vis_state), copy.deepcopy(board_state))) assert self.equal_board_states(self.game.get_state(), self.new_board.get_state()), \ "End game state based of move history is not consistent with state of the 'game' object." def get_board_state(self, x): """You can use this state to with game.set_state() to replicate same Board instance.""" self.output_section.clear_output() with self.output_section: display(self.visualized_state) def show_board(self): # Show slider for move selection input_move_i = widgets.IntText(layout = Layout(width='auto')) slider_move_i = widgets.IntSlider(description=r"\(move[i]\)", min=0, max=len(self.board_history)-1, continuous_update=False, layout = Layout(width='auto') ) mylink = widgets.link((input_move_i, 'value'), (slider_move_i, 'value')) slider = VBox([input_move_i,interactive(self.update_board_gridbox, move_i=slider_move_i)]) get_state_button = Button(description='get board state') get_state_button.on_click(self.get_board_state) grid = GridspecLayout(4, 6)#, width='auto') #Left side grid[:3, :-3] = self.gridb grid[3, :-3] = slider #Right side grid[:-1, -3:] = self.output_section grid[-1, -3:] = get_state_button display(grid)