INSTRUCTIONS: Please upload ONLY your SAS program (saved as LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME_HW2MAIN) to
Canvas and a format file (saved as LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME_HW2FORMAT) if you choose to create any formats (they should not be in the main program). The only program that will be run is your main program, so make sure to use %include to call the formats from the main program. DO NOT create any permanent formats or data sets. Make sure to use the %let statement to create a path as was done in class and use that path to locate your data sets. This will be the only modification that we will make to your code (replacing your path with ours). Please make sure to comment your code and title any output (even though you won’t submit the output, we will be looking at it to make sure that your code ran correctly).
PROBLEM: One hundred students at the Biostatistics class. They were given five assignments during the course of the semester – the last assignment was a final project that had students incorporate everything they had learned over the semester. Students in the class where asked by the instructor what they thought a fair weighting scheme was for the assignments (in order to calculate the final grade), including what to do about the grading of any missed assignments.
A few students responded to the instructor and suggested the following methods to create a final score for the class:
Student#1: The average of the first four scores is worth 70% of the score, while the last score is worth 30% of the score. If only one score is missing, the score is ignored and it does not impact the summary score. If more than one assessment is missing, then the individual gets a missing value for the summary score.
Student#2: The average of assignments 1, 2 and 3 counts for 50% of the score, while the average of assignments 4 and 5 count for 50% of the score. In order to get a score, you must have completed all 5 assignments (i.e. if someone misses an assignment, they get a missing value for the summary score).
Student#3: If a student cannot come to campus because of testing positive for COVID-19, the score is the average of the completed assignments (regardless of how many are missing)+25. If the student is able to take the course in-person, the student gets a 50 for any missing assignments and the total score is the average of all of the assignments.
StudentYOU: Using SAS, create what you feel to be the most fair grading scheme-please label your output so we know what you are doing!!!
Please create a Data Set (called FINALDATA) that contains the following variables: StudentID, Year, Residency, Major, Student#1 score, Student#2 score, Student#3 score, StudentYOU score, and an indicator of which student suggested score was the highest. All scores in this data set should be rounded to 2 decimal places.
A sorted FINALDATA (by StudentID) and the first 15 observations from FINALDATA set printed (in SAS not hardcopy). There are three files for this assignment and they contain the following information:
1. Demographics.csv:
a. Student_ID (Student ID)
b. Year of Graduate School
c. Gender: 1=Male, 2=Female
d. Residency: 1=In-person, 2=Remote
e. Major: 1=BIS, 2=EMD, 3=EHS, 4=HPM, 5=SBS, 6= CDE
2. Assignment_original.csv
a. Student ID
b. score
c. assignment
3. Assignment_correction.csv
a. Student ID
b. score
c. assignment
The Assignment_original.csv contains the scores as originally graded, while Assignment_correction.csv contains the corrected scores after review with the teaching assistant. Make sure to update the original scores with the corrected scores before running any analyses.