Microsoft Word – CSCI570 Midterm Exam 3 Summer 2017 Rubric.docx
Analysis of Algorithms
Summer 2017
Exam III
Name: _____________________
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Problem 1 20
Problem 2 15
Problem 3 15
Problem 4 15
Problem 5 10
Problem 6 15
Problem 7 10
Total 100
1. This is a 2-hr exam. Closed book and notes
2. If a description to an algorithm or a proof is required please limit your description or
proof to within 150 words, preferably not exceeding the space allotted for that
3. No space other than the pages in the exam booklet will be scanned for grading.
4. If you require an additional page for a question, you can use the extra page provided
within this booklet. However please indicate clearly that you are continuing the
solution on the additional page.
1) 20 pts
Mark the following statements as TRUE or FALSE. No need to provide any
Every problem in P can be reduced to 3-SAT in polynomial time.
If there is a polynomial-time algorithm for 2-SAT, then every problem in NP has a
polynomial-time algorithm.
If all edge weights are 1, 2, or 3, the shortest path problem can be solved in linear
Suppose G is a graph with n vertices and n1.5 edges, represented in adjacency list
representation. Then depth-first search in G runs in O(n1.5) time.
The weight of a minimum spanning tree in a positively weighted undirected graph is
always less than the total weight of a minimum spanning path (Hamiltonian Path with
lowest weight) of the graph.
If A is in NP, and B is NP-complete, and A ≤p B then A is NP-complete.
Given a problem B, if there exists an NP-complete problem that can be reduced to B
in polynomial time, then B is NP-complete.
If an undirected connected graph has the property that between any two nodes u and
v, there is exactly one path between u and v, then that graph is a tree.
Suppose that a divide and conquer algorithm reduces an instance of size n to four
instances of size n/5 and spends Θ(n) time in the divide and combine steps. The
algorithm runs in Θ(n) time.
An integer N is given in binary. An algorithm that runs in time O(sqrt(N)) to find the
largest prime factor of N is considered to be a polynomial-time algorithm.
Ex: Prime factorization of 84: 2 x 2 x 3 x 7, so the largest prime factor of 84 is 7
2) 15 pts
We are given a set of non-equality constraints of the form xi ≠ xj over a set of Boolean
variables x1, x2, …, xn. We wish to determine if there is an assignment of Boolean
values 0,1 to the variables that satisfies all the constraints, and compute such a
satisfying assignment if there is one.
Give an algorithm that solves this problem in
time O(n+m), where n is the number of variables and m the number of constraints.
Justify the correctness and time complexity of your algorithm.
This can be reduced to the problem of testing whether a graph is bipartite.
Given a set C of non-equalities xi ≠ xj on a set of Boolean variables x1 , x2 , …, xn we can
construct a graph G which has a node for each variable and has an edge ( xi , xj ) for each
constraint xi ≠ xj . We claim that the graph G is bipartite if and only if the set C of
constraints has a satisfying assignment.
First, suppose that the graph G is bipartite, i.e., there is a partition of the set N of nodes
Into two sets subsets N1,N2 (N1∩N2=∅ ,N1∪N2=N) so that every edge connects a node of
N1 with a node of N2 . Then the assignment that gives value 1 to all variables
corresponding to nodes in N1 and value 0 to all variables corresponding to nodes in N2,
satisfies all the constraints: Since every edge connects a node of N1 with a node of N2,
this assignment satisfies all the constraints.
Conversely, if there is an assignment that satisfies all the constraints, then we can form
a bipartition of the node set by letting N1 be the set of all the nodes corresponding to
variables that are assigned 1 and N2 the set of nodes corresponding to variables that are
assigned 0. Since the assignment satisfies all the constraints, in every constraint xi ≠ xj
one variable is assigned 1 and the other 0, hence every edge connects a node of N1 with a
node of N2.
The graph G has n nodes and m edges. We know that we can test in O(n+m) time
whether a graph is bipartite using DFS or BFS.
Grading Rubrics:
1. correctly define the graph and claim that problem can be reduced into checking
whether G is bipartite. 5 pts
2. Justify the correctness of the algorithm. 7 pts
3. Justify the running time of the algorithm. 3 pts
3) 15 pts
Consider the following problem: Given a flow network G with source s and sink t, and a
unique s − t min cut, find k edges that, when deleted, reduce the maximum s − t flow in
the graph by as much as possible.
Prove or disprove the following solution:
– Find the s − t min cut in G.
– Sort edges on the min cut in decreasing order of weight
– Delete the first k (highest capacity) edges from the ordered list
This is False.
Counter example:
• Saying statement is false without a correct counterexample (5 points)
• Proving the statement is True because all edges on the min-cut are saturated and
hence, removing each edge from the cut will have a reduction in max flow equal
to the capacity of that edge (5 points)
4) 15 pts
Given a list of non-negative numbers and a target integer k. Design a dynamic
programming algorithm to check if the array has a continuous subarray of size at least
2 that sums up to a multiple of k, that is, sums up to n*k where n is also an integer.
Input: [23, 2, 4, 6, 7], k=6
Output: True
Explanation: Because [2, 4] is a continuous subarray of size 2 and sums up to 6.
Input: [23, 2, 6, 4, 7], k=6
Output: True
Explanation: Because [23, 2, 6, 4, 7] is a continuous subarray of size 5 and sums up to
First, if k==0, we check whether these are two continuous zeros in the list. If so,
return True. Otherwise, return False.
Then, for k!=0, we use the following algorithm.
Assume dp[i][j] representing the sum of sub-array from i to j in array. If there is a
pair of (i,j) satisfies dp[i][j] % k == 0, the algorithm returns true. Otherwise, it
returns false.
Initialize all elements in the dp array to zero.
We can calculate dp[i][j] in the follow way:
Assume n=length of list and we use nums to represent the input list
For i, we traverse from n – 1 to 0,
Set dp[i][i] = nums[i]
For j, we traverse from i+1 to n-1,
dp[i][j] = dp[i+1][j] + nums[i]
after setting the value dp[i][j], we check whether dp[i][j] % k == 0,
if so, return True.
After checking all (i,j) pairs through above process, return False if there is no such
(i,j) pair that meets the condition.
Grading Rubrics:
1. Correctly take care of the case when k==0. 3 pts
2. Correctly define the dp array and point out how dp array relates to the
output of the algorithm. 3 pts
3. Correctly initialize the dp array. 3 pts
4. Correctly define how to fill in dp array. 6 pts
5) 10 pts
Analyze the run time complexity of the following function with respect to n.
function printalot (n: an integer power of 2)
if n > 1 {
printalot (n/2)
printalot (n/2)
printalot (n/2)
for i=1 to n4
printline (“Are we done yet?”)
If T(n) is the number of lines printed for input n, then T(n) = 3T(n/2) + n4 with a base
case of T(1) = 0.
For an asymptotic solution, we can apply the master theorem with n^(logba) = n^(log23)
and f(n) = n4. Since f(n) polynomially dominates n^(logba), T(n) = Θ(f(n)) = Θ(n4) by the
master theorem.
• Used Big-O notation instead of Big-Theta notation (-1 point)
• Wrong recursion (-3 points)
• Wrong approach (-7 points)
6) 15 pts
Recall the following T/F question on exam 2:
Bellman-Ford algorithm is not guaranteed to work on all undirected graphs.
Which was a true statement.
Prove that if the Bellman-Ford algorithm were able to find a shortest simple path in
an undirected graph with negative cost edges, then P must be equal to NP. In other
words, prove that the problem of finding a shortest simple path in an undirected graph
with negative cost edges is NP-complete. You can use ANY NP-complete problem
that we have discussed in class for your reduction.
Step #1. Prove X (the given problem) is in NP
Certificate: ordered list of vertices on the shortest simple path
Certifier: Check if all vertices are visited. There has to be an edge between every pair
of adjacent vertices in the order. Check if the given certificate is the shortest
Step #2. Choose a problem Y that is known to be NP-complete
Y can be HAM-PATH or HAM-Cycle.
Step #3. Prove that Y ≤p X
Reduction from HAM-PATH
• Given undirected graph 𝐺 = (𝑉,𝐸)
• Transform to graph 𝐺′ with -1 weight for every edge.
• Claim: 𝐺 has a HAM-PATH if and only if SP w/ negative edge has a path of
length − 𝑉 + 1 between two arbitrary nodes. (Need to call the blackbox n
times each time using a different starting point and finding the shortest path to
all other nodes)
Reduction from HAM-Cycle
• Given undirected graph 𝐺 = (𝑉,𝐸)
• Transform to graph 𝐺′ with -1 weight for every edge. Remove an arbitrary
edge (uv) in G’, add two new nodes v’ and u’, and add edges uu’ and vv’ with
weight -1.
• Claim: 𝐺 has a HAM-Cycle if and only if SP w/ negative edge has a path of
length − 𝑉 − 1 between any two points v’u’. (Need to call the blackbox m
times, each time removing a different edge)
• Didn’t mention X is in NP (-5 points)
• Mentioned X is in NP, but didn’t provide certificate/certifier (-3 points)
• Didn’t mention a problem Y is known to be NP-complete (-3 points)
• Missing step #2 and #3 (-10 points)
• Missing/wrong proof for step #3 (-5 points)
• Wrong notation (-1 point)
• Wrong approach without mentioning three steps (-15 points)
7) 10 pts
720 Students have pre-enrolled for the “Analysis of Algorithms” class in Fall. Each
student must attend one of the 16 discussion sections, and each discussion section i
has capacity for Di students. The happiness level of a student assigned to a discussion
section i is proportionate to αi ( Di – Si ), where αi is a parameter reflecting how well
the air-conditioning system works for the room used for section i (the higher the
better), and Si is the actual number of students assigned to that section. We want to
find out how many students to assign to each section in order to maximize total
student happiness.
Express the problem as a linear programming problem.
Our variables will be the Si ‘s.
Objective function:
maximize 𝛼!(𝐷! − 𝑆!)!”!!!
subject to: 𝐷! − 𝑆! ≥ 0 for 0 < 𝑖 ≤ 16 𝑆! ≥ 0 for 0 < 𝑖 ≤ 16 𝑆!!"!!! = 720 Grading: • Objective function (4 points) • Each constraint (2 points) Additional Space Additional Space