CS计算机代考程序代写 prolog DNA asp Hive 1. Assignment 2 (10 points total)

1. Assignment 2 (10 points total)
Answer Set Prolog may be unlike any other programming language you have used until now.

You should try to develop ASP code as logic definitions. This will be frustrating at first, but when

you finally get the hang of it, you will find that you can write understandable code that is

surprisingly compact.

The logic needed for the first two questions was reviewed, and the ASP needed for the

programming question introduced previously. For the ASP programming part, you will be

modifying a file that will be made available to you (it is an extended version of the code we

looked at in class). You may be able to test your code using: https://potassco.org/clingo/run/ ,

but you will probably find it more convenient to install clingo on your own machine. The tutors

and your piazza community should be able to help with this.

It is an important part of learning to be a developer or computer scientist to be able to find the

domain knowledge that you need to complete your tasks. You are not expected to already know

the small amount of domain knowledge in biology and linguistics that this assignment requires,

but you are expected to be able to find it on the internet. If you’re really stuck with the domain

knowledge (like “what’s a past participle?”) you may ask about, and share answers about,

ONLY the linguistic or biology domain knowledge on Piazza. You may not share or ask for help

with the non-programming questions on Piazza, or in any other way. Similarly, you may not

share information about how to complete the knowledge representation or programming parts of

the task on Piazza or in any other way.


1.1 Propositional Logic Problem (2 marks)
DNA is made up of the four nucleotide bases Adenine (A), Thymine (T), Cytosine (C) and Guanine

(G). Adenine and Guanine are purines. Cytosine and thymine are pyrimidines. Pyrimidines always

pair with purines.

An example of expressing a constraint in this domain in propositional calculus is:

Constraint: If A is a base, it is either a purine or a pyrimidine, but not both.

Propositional calculus representation: base_A ⇒ purine_A ∨ pyrimidine_A ∧ ¬ ( purine_A ∧


Express the following constraints in propositional logic [1 mark altogether]

● If T is a base, it is either a purine or a pyrimidine, but not both; similarly for C and G.

[three formulas]

● If A bonds with C (A_bondswith_C), it does not bond with T or G. Similarly for the other

bases [four formulas]

● A does not bond with A; similarly C, T or G do not bond with themselves [four formulas]

● If A bonds with T, it is the case that A is a base and that T is a base, and it is either the

case that A is a purine and T a pyrimidine, or vice versa. Similarly with other pairs of

● bases. [four formulas]

An important feature of formulas in propositional logic is whether they are satisfiable or not.

That is, whether there is an assignment of the truth values {true, false} to the propositions

above (e.g., base_a, purine_T or A_bondswith_C) such that the entire formula evaluates to

true. Choose such an assignment to the propositions in the example and your 15

formulas and show that they each evaluate to true using a truth table [one mark]. It

might be helpful to use the facts of biology as a guide to choosing which propositions are true

and which are false in your choice of a satisfying assignment (also known as a model),

although a satisfying assignment that does not agree with biology would be acceptable if you

can find one; basic information about the biology of DNA and RNA is widely available on the

Internet. For example, to agree with biology, your predicates for “A bonds with T” and for “G

bonds to C” should be true. Satisfiability is also fundamental to the way ASP works, so doing

this problem may help with your programming.

1.2. Predicate Logic Problem (2 marks)
Adding the following constraint to those in the previous question (1.1) “If f A bonds with T, then T

bonds with A, and similarly for all other pairs”, write a general version of the bonds-with relation,

bondsWith(Base1,Base2), in predicate calculus only using standard quantifiers, connectives, the

unary not (¬), equality (=) and the predicates:

● base(X)

● pyrimidine(X); purine(X)

And the constants:

● adenine, thymine, cytosine and guanine

1.3. ASP (Answer Set Prolog) Problem (6 Marks)

In this part, you will combine what you have learned about logic, ASP programming, and

knowledge representation to extend an ASP program to add to its parsing abilities, and then to

connect it to frame semantics. The base program, COMPSCI367_2021S2_Assignment2.lp will

be made available at the same time as this Assignment. You should keep your additions in a

separate file, which we will concatenate with our version of the base program and some test

cases during grading.

1.3.1 Extend irregular plurals to cover Māori [1 mark]

The base program handles irregular plurals in English. Māori also has irregular plurals, but they

do not act in the same way as in English.

The plural of “tamaiti” (child) is “tamariki” (children), so “te tamaiti” but “ngā tamariki”.

The plural of “tangata” is “tāngata”, of “wahine”, “wāhine” and of “matua”, “mātua”.

You may also have to tell your program that some of these are nouns if it doesn’t already know

that. You should test your program to make sure that it can construct the plurals of these

words, and others, correctly after modification. And you should test that it still works for English


1.3.2 Add Adjectives to the parser [2 marks]

Both English and Māori have adjectives, but the base code doesn’t handle them. Adjectives

modify nouns. Using the unary predicate, adjective/1 you should add the Māori adjectives “nui”

(big), “reka” (sweet) and “pai” (good) to your code. You should also add the English adjectives

“big” (nui), “sweet” (reke) and “good” (pai). You will need to extend the noun phrase definitions

to allow adjectives to be used, and verify that you can parse entire sentences including

adjectives, in both English and Māori.

Example noun phrases with Adjectives: “the good children”, “the big bird”, “he whare nui”, “nga

āporo reka”, “the sweet banana”, “a big canoe”. Note that you may also need to add a noun or

two if you want to test with these sentences.

1.3.3 Recognise and fill in FrameNet-Style Frame [3 marks]

Suppose we have a frame, sitting_somewhere, which has the role describing frame elements

sitter and location, and is complete if both of those roles are filled. In the sentence, “the sheep

is sitting in the canoe”, the sitter is “the sheep” and the location is “in the canoe”. In “the cat is

sitting on the mat in the box” the sitter would be “the cat” and the location is “on the mat in the


You should create a predicate frame_match/4 with four arguments, a frame, a sentence it

matches, a role name, and a phrase (something defined using the function the_phrase() in the

base code that fills that role. A single frame will have frame_match for each role in the frame.

For example, the sentence above involving the sheep should produce both

frame_match(sitting_somewhere, sentence(6), sitter, the_phrase(np,en(“the”),

the_phrase(np,en(“sheep”)))) and another frame_match for the role location.

You may write frame specific code for this, but your frame_match code may be tested with any

sentence that matches the frame, and some of those sentences may include adjectives. You

may share test sentences with one another on Piazza as you test your code.

2. Submission Information

1. What to submit

You need to submit a zip archive, yourUpi.zip (e.g., mbar098.zip) containing 2 files:

LogicProblems.pdf, and parsing.lp. The first file has the answers for questions 1.1 and 1.2. The

second one is the linguistic analysis ASP code. Your parsing.lp should include only the new code

you have written, and should work when concatenated onto the end of the base code that you

have been given.

2. When and where to submit

You need to submit this to Canvas by 6 Oct 2021 23:59 NZ Time. You will be informed when

Canvas is ready to receive submissions.

3. Marking Rubric

1. Written answer marking

The marking for the propositional and predicate logic modelling questions is


2. Protein sequence Prolog question

We will grade your ASP prorams by adding sentences in the same format as the example to them,

and seeing whether they are parsed correctly by your program, or whether they recognise that the

frame applies, and correctly fill out the frame, given the sentences we input. Your ASP program

for this question MUST produce whole sentence parses and recognise and fill frames on its own.

You will get a zero for this question, if an answer is hard coded into the ASP code. For some

cases, this will not be possible, anyway, since we will use new sentences.

3. FINAL Reminder.

You may be tempted to just use someone else’s code, DON’T!!!! The assignment you submit

MUST BE your own work!! You can talk about it the domain knowledge and about how ASP works

with others and we recommend that you do, but if we detect that you copied any of the assignment

from another source, you will get a ZERO for the ENTIRE ASSIGNMENT!! This should not come

as news for you; it just recapitulates basic standards of academic integrity, with which you will be

thoroughly familiar by now. Please take a moment to remind yourself now that you have agree to

follow the standards of integrity expect at Waipapa Taumata Rau, the University of Auckland.

Appendix COMPSCI367_2021S2_Assignment2.lp


preposition(en(“in”); en(“on”); en(“with”)).


infinitive(en(“be”);en(“run”);en(“eat”); en(“go”); en(“cook”);).

irregular_verb(en(“be”); en(“go”)).

regular_third_person_sing(en(“eat”), en(“eats”)).

regular_third_person_sing(en(“cook”), en(“cooks”)).







infinitive(en(W)):- participle(en(W),_,_).












verb_form(1,en(“be”),third_person,plural_number,past_tense,simple_aspect,indicitive_mood,en(“were “)).

%% look for more compact syntax for this

verb_form(1,en(V),first_person,singular_number,present_tense,simple_aspect,indicitive_mood,en(V)) :-

infinitive(en(V)), not irregular_verb(en(V)) .

verb_form(1,en(V),second_person,singular_number,present_tense,simple_aspect,indicitive_mood,en(V)) :-

infinitive(en(V)), not irregular_verb(en(V)) .

verb_form(1,en(V),third_person,singular_number,present_tense,simple_aspect,indicitive_mood,en(TS)) :-

regular_third_person_sing(en(V),en(TS)), not irregular_verb(en(V)) .

verb_form(1,en(V),first_person,plural_number,present_tense,simple_aspect,indicitive_mood,en(V)) :-

infinitive(en(V)), not irregular_verb(en(V)).

verb_form(1,en(V),second_person,plural_number,present_tense,simple_aspect,indicitive_mood,en(V)) :-

infinitive(en(V)), not irregular_verb(en(V)).

verb_form(1,en(V),third_person,plural_number,present_tense,simple_aspect,indicitive_mood,en(V)) :-

infinitive(en(V)), not irregular_verb(en(V)) .

%multi word verb forms (in this case, simple progressive (not perfective)) formed with form of be, and present


verb_form(2,en(I),PER,NUM,TENSE,progressive_aspect,indicitive_mood,en(B),en(PP)) :-

infinitive(en(I)), not irregular_verb(en(I)),



%todo clean up active and passive voice in En and make consistent in Mi

tense_particle(mi(“kua”); mi(“i”); mi(“e”); mi(“ka”); mi(“me”)).

verb_active(mi(“tunu”); mi(“kite”); mi(“tuhituhi”); mi(“noho”); mi(“aroha”)).

verb_passive(mi(“tunua”); mi(“kitea”); mi(“tuhituhia”); mi(“tuhia”); mi(“nohoia”); mi(“arohaina”)).

verb(V):- verb_active(V).

verb(V):- verb_passive(V).

%single and multiple term verb forms are verbs

verb(V) :- verb_form(1,I,_,_,_,_,_,V),infinitive(I).

verb2(V,V2) :- verb_form(2,I,_,_,_,_,_,V,V2),infinitive(I).


%Māori articles

indefinite_article( mi(“he”)).




%English articles and determiners

indefinite_article( en(“a”); en(“an”)).




determiner(en(“some”); en(“any”)).

%Both languages

article(W):- indefinite_article(W).

article(W):- definite_article(W).

determiner(W) :- article(W).

%This is very important – if you don’t add a word class here, the program won’t work.

word(W) :- determiner(W).

word(W) :- noun(W).

word(W) :- preposition(W).

word(W) :- verb(W).

word(W1) :- verb2(W1,W2).

word(W2) :- verb2(W1,W2).

word(W) :- pronoun(W).

word(W) :- tense_particle(W).

string(X) :- word(mi(X)).

string(X) :- word(en(X)).

word_position(S,word_number(P),mi(WS)) :- string_position(S,string_number(P),WS), word(mi(WS)).

word_position(S,word_number(P),en(WS)) :- string_position(S,string_number(P),WS), word(en(WS)).

%English & Māori nouns are NPs

phrase_span(S,P1,P1,np,the_phrase(np,N)) :- word_position(S,P1,N),noun(N).

%English & Māori pronouns are NPs

phrase_span(S,P1,P1,np,the_phrase(np,PN)) :- word_position(S,P1,PN),pronoun(PN).

%English & Māori determiners followed by nouns are NPs if they agree in number

phrase_span(S,word_number(P1),word_number(P3),np,the_phrase(np,D,N)) :-





%similar for PP

phrase_span(S,word_number(P1),word_number(P3),prepp,the_phrase(prepp,P,N)) :-




% NP PP is NP

phrase_span(S,word_number(P1),word_number(P4),np,the_phrase(np,NP,PP)) :-




% V NP is VP in English

phrase_span(S,word_number(P1),word_number(P3),vp,the_phrase(vp,V,NP)) :-




% V can be VP in English (as in “I cook” or “I am cooking”

phrase_span(S,word_number(P1),word_number(P1),vp,the_phrase(vp,V)) :-


% The “I am cooking” case

phrase_span(S,word_number(P1),word_number(P2),vp,the_phrase(vp,V,V2)) :-




%Tense_particle V is VP in Māori

phrase_span(S,word_number(P1),word_number(P2),vp,the_phrase(vp,TP,V)) :-

word_position(S,word_number(P1),TP), tense_particle(TP),



% VP PP is VP in En

phrase_span(S,word_number(P1),word_number(P4),vp,the_phrase(vp,VP,PP)) :-




% NP VP is S in En

clause_span(S,word_number(P1),word_number(P4),sent,the_clause(sent,NP,VP)) :-




% VP NP is S in Mi

clause_span(S,word_number(P1),word_number(P4),sent,the_clause(sent,VP,NP)) :-




%These are essentially diagnostic prints for non-trivial phrases and clauses

l_noun_phrase(S,P, P1,P2):- phrase_span(S,P1,P2,np,P), P1<>P2.

l_prep_phrase(S,P, P1,P2):- phrase_span(S,P1,P2,prepp,P), P1<>P2.

l_verb_phrase(S,P, P1,P2):- phrase_span(S,P1,P2,vp,P), P1<>P2.

%A sentence is a sentence clause that has a length > 1

sentence(S,C, P1,P2):- clause_span(S,P1,P2,sent,C), P1<>P2, active(S).

%it’s a full parse if it’s a sentence and it starts at the first word of the sentence and the sentence has no

words past the span it covers

full_parse(S,C) :- sentence(S,C,P1,P2), P1=word_number(1), not word_position(S,word_number(NXT),_),

P2=word_number(THIS), NXT=THIS+1.


%English Sentence
















string_position(sentence(4), string_number(1),”I”).

string_position(sentence(4), string_number(2),”cook”).


string_position(sentence(5), string_number(1),”I”).

string_position(sentence(5), string_number(2),”was”).

string_position(sentence(5), string_number(3),”cooking”).






























%Māori Sentence





%diag(D,S,P1,P2) :- verb(D), word_position(S,word_number(P1),D), P2=P1+1.


#show full_parse/2.

%#show mydiag/1. %word_position/3.

%#show participle/3.

%#show verb2/2.

%#show sentence/4.

%#show verb_form/7.
