Practical 1: A Markov Text Model
New translations of the bible into modern English always arouse controversy. Proponents of the new translation
argue that it makes the text more understandable, while opponents argue that the new text merely removes the
rhythm and poetry of the language while making it no more accessible. There are various ways of testing claims
about understandability. One test is to see how readily readers can distinguish genuine text from the book, with
computer generated text designed to match word patterns seen in the book, but generated randomly so that it
contains no actual meaning.
This practical is about creating such computer generated text. The idea is to use a Markov model — that is a
model in which we generate words sequentially, with the each word being drawn with a probability dependent on
the word preceding it. The probabilities are obtained by training the model on the actual text. That is by simply
tabulating the frequency with which each word follows any other word.
To make this work requires simplification. The model will not cover every word used in the text. Rather the
model’s ‘vocabulary’ will be limited to the m most common words. m ≈ 1000 is sensible. Suppose that the m
most common words are in a vector b. We will construct an m×m matrix A, such that
P(bj |bi) = Aij .
Given A, b and a starting word from b, you can then iterate to generate text from the model. That is, given a word
bi the ith row of A gives the probabilities of each of the other words following it, so we choose the next word from
b randomly according to these probabilities. To estimate A you need to go through the text of the bible, counting
up the number of times bj follows bi for all words in b.
Because this is the first practical, the instructions for how to produce code will be unusually detailed: the task
has been broken down for you. Obviously the process of breaking down a task into constituent parts before coding
is part of programming, so in future practicals you should expect less of this detailed specification.
As a group of 3 you should aim to produce well commented, clear and efficient code for training the model
and simulating short sections of text using it. The code should be written in a plain text file and is what you will
submit. Your solutions should use only the functions available in base R. The work must be completed in your
work group of 3, which you must have arranged and registered on Learn. The first comment in your code should
list the names and university user names of each member of the group.
1. Create a repo for this project on github, and clone to your local machines.
2. Download the text as plain text from
3. The following code will read the file into R. You will need to change the path in the setwd call to point to
your local repo. Please use the given file name for the bible text file, to facilitate marking.
a <- scan("1581-0.txt",what="character",skip=156)
n <- length(a)
a <- a[-((n-2909):n)] ## strip license
Check the help file for any function whose purpose you are unclear of. The read in code gets rid of text you
don’t want at the start and end of the file. Check out what is in a.
4. Some pre-processing of the data file is needed. Write a function, called split_punct, which takes a
vector of words as input along with a punctuation mark (e.g. ",", "." etc.). The function should search
for each word containing the punctuation mark, remove it from the word, and add the mark as a new entry
in the vector of words, after the word it came from. The updated vector should be what the function returns.
For example, if looking for commas, then input vector
"An" "omnishambles," "in" "a" "headless" "chicken" "factory"
should become output vector
"An" "omnishambles" "," "in" "a" "headless" "chicken" "factory"
Functions grep, rep and gsub are the ones to use for this task. Beware that some punctuation marks are
special characters in regular expressions, which grep and gsub can interpret. The notes tell you how to
deal with this.
5. Use your split_punct function to separate the punctuation marks, ",", ".", ";", "!", ":" and "?"
from words they are attached to in the bible text.
6. The function unique can be used to find the vector, b, of unique words in the bible text, a. The function
match can then be used to find the index of which element in b each element of a corresponds to. Here’s a
small example illustrating match.
[1] 1 2 1 2 NA 1 NA NA
(a) Use unique to find the vector of unique words. Do this having replaced the capital letters in words
with lower case letters using function tolower.
(b) Use match to find the vector of indicies indicating which element in the unique word vector each
element in the (lower case) bible text corresponds to (the index vector should be the same length as the
bible text vector a).
(c) Using the index vector and the tabulate function, count up how many time each unique word occurs
in the text.
(d) You need to decide on a threshold number of occurrences at which a word should be included in the set
of m ≈ 1000 most common words. Write code to search for the threshold required to retain ≈ 1000
(e) Hence create a vector, b, of the m most commonly occurring words.
7. Now you need to make the A matrix.
(a) Use match again to create a vector giving which element of your most common word vector, b, each
element of the full text vector corresponds to. If a word is not in b, then match gives an NA for that
word (don’t forget to work on the lower case bible text).
(b) Now create a two column matrix (e.g. using cbind), in which the first column is the index of common
words, and the next column is the index for the following word. i.e. the index vector created by match
followed by that vector shifted by one place (you need to remove first and last entries as appropriate).
Each row of your matrix is a pair of subsequent words in the text. When a row has no NAs then we
have a pair of common words, which will contribute to our A matrix.
(c) Using rowSums and identify the common word pairs, and drop the other word pairs (those
that contain an NA).
(d) Now loop through the common word pairs adding a 1 to A[i,j] every time the jth common word
follows the ith common word. Make sure A is initialized to the right thing before you start counting.
(e) Finally standardize the rows of A, so that each row’s entries sum to 1, and we can interpret A[i,j] as
the probability that b[j] will follow b[i].
8. Finally write code to simulate 50-word sections from your model, starting from a randomly selected entry in
b. Do this by simulating integers indexing words from the model, and then printing out the corresponding
text with cat. The sample function will be useful.
9. If you get everything working and have time to go for the last 3 marks, then modify your code so that words
that most often start with a capital letter in the main text, also start with a capital letter in your simulation.
But do make sure that you achieve this in a way that does not mess up the word frequencies!
One piece of work - the text file containing your commented R code - is to be submitted for each group of 3 on
Learn by 16:00 Friday 8th October 2021. You may be asked to supply us with an invitation to your github repo, so
ensure this is in good order.
No extensions are available on this course, because of the frequency with which work has to be submitted. So
late work will automatically attract a penalty. Technology failures will not be accepted as a reason for lateness
(unless it is provably the case that Learn was unavailable for an extended period), so aim to submit ahead of time.
Marking Scheme: Full marks will be obtained for code that:
1. does what it is supposed to do, and has been coded in R approximately as indicated (that is marks will be
lost for simply finding a package or online code that simplifies the task for you).
2. is carefully commented, so that someone reviewing the code can easily tell exactly what it is for, what it is
doing and how it is doing it without having read this sheet, or knowing anything else about the code. Note
that easily tell implies that the comments must also be as clear and concise as possible. You should assume
that the reader knows basic R, but not that they know exactly what every function in R does.
3. is well structured and laid out, so that the code itself, and its underlying logic, are easy to follow.
4. is reasonably efficient. As a rough guide the whole code should take less than a minute to run - much longer
than that and something is probably wrong.
5. includes the final part - but this is only worth 3 marks out of 18.
6. was prepared collaboratively using git and github in a group of 3.