CS计算机代考程序代写 Correlations and Simple Models

Correlations and Simple Models

Backstory and Set Up
Data Exploration and Processing

Backstory and Set Up
You have been recently hired to Zillow’s Zestimate product team as a junior analyst. As a part of
their regular hazing, they have given you access to a small subset of their historic sales data. Your
job is to present some basic predictions for housing values in a small geographic area (Ames, IA)
using this historical pricing.

First, let’s load the data. The code below ought to work, but if it doesn’t you can access the data at
the link below.

 ames.csv

ameslist <- read.table("https://msudataanalytics.github.io/SSC442/Labs/data/ames.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",") Before we proceed, let’s note a few things about the (simple) code above. First, we have speci�ed header = TRUE because—you guessed it—the original dataset has headers. Although simple, this is an incredibly important step because it allows R to do some smart R things. Speci�cally, once the headers are in, the variables are formatted as int and factor where appropriate. It is absolutely vital that we format the data correctly; otherwise, many R commands will whine at us. Try it: Run the above, but instead specifying header = FALSE. What data type are the various columns? Now try ommitting the line altogether. What is the default behavior of the read.table function? Data Exploration and Processing We are not going to tell you anything about this data. This is intended to replicate a real-world experience that you will all encounter in the (possibly near) future: someone hands you data and you’re expected to make sense of it. Fortunately for us, this data is (somewhat) self-contained. We’ll �rst check the variable names to try to divine some information. Recall, we have a handy little function for that: names(ameslist) Note that, when doing data exploration, we will sometimes choose to not save our output. This is a judgement call; here we’ve chosen to merely inspect the variables rather than diving in. Inspection yields some obvious truths. For example: Variable Explanation Type ID Unique identi�er for each row int NOTE You must turn in a PDF document of your R Markdown code. Submit this to D2L by 11:59 PM Eastern Time on Sunday, October 10th. � 1 https://ssc442.netlify.app/projects/data/ames.csv Variable Explanation Type LotArea Size of lot (units unknown) int SalePrice Sale price of house ($) int …but we face some not-so-obvious things as well. For example: Variable Explanation Type LotShape ? Something about the lot factor MSSubClass ? No clue at all int Condition1 ? Seems like street info factor It will be dif�cult to learn anything about the data that is of type int without outside documentation. However, we can learn something more about the factor-type variables. In order to understand these a little better, we need to review some of the values that each take on. Try it: Go through the variables in the dataset and make a note about your interpretation for each. Many will be obvious, but some require additional thought. We now turn to another central issue—and one that explains our nomenclature choice thus far: the data object is of type list. To verify this for yourself, check: typeof(ameslist) This isn’t ideal—for some visualization packages, for instance, we need data frames and not lists. We’ll make a mental note of this as something to potentially clean up if we desire. Although there are some variables that would be dif�cult to clean, there are a few that we can address with relative ease. Consider, for instance, the variable GarageType. This might not be that important, but, remember, the weather in Ames, IA is pretty crummy—a detached garage might be a dealbreaker for some would-be homebuyers. Let’s inspect the values: > unique(ameslist$GarageType)
[1] Attchd Detchd BuiltIn CarPort Basment 2Types

With this, we could make an informed decision and create a new variable. Let’s create
OutdoorGarage to indicate, say, homes that have any type of garage that requires the homeowner to
walk outdoors after parking their car. (For those who aren’t familiar with different garage types, a
car port is not insulated and is therefore considered outdoors. A detached garage presumably
requires that the person walks outside after parking. The three other types are inside the main
structure, and 2Types we can assume includes at least one attached garage of some sort). This is
going to require a bit more coding and we will have to think through each step carefully.

First, let’s create a new object that has indicator variables (that is, a variable whose values are either
zero or one) for each of the GarageType values. As with everything in R, there’s a handy function to
do this for us:

GarageTemp = model.matrix( ~ GarageType – 1, data=ameslist )

We now have two separate objects living in our computer’s memory: ameslist and GarageTemp—so
named to indicate that it is a temporary object. We now need to stitch it back onto our original data;
we’ll use a simple concatenation and write over our old list with the new one:

ameslist <- cbind(ameslist, GarageTemp) > Error in data.frame(…, check.names = FALSE) :
arguments imply differing number of rows: 1460, 1379

Huh. What’s going on?

Try it: Figure out what’s going on above. Fix this code so that you have a working version.


Assignments and

1: Introduction to R

2: Visualization I

3: Visualization II

4: Visualization III

5: Statistical Models

6: Linear Regression I

Final project

Project 1

Weekly Writings
Weekly Writing


Now that we’ve got that working (ha!) we can generate a new variable for our outdoor garage. We’ll
use a somewhat gross version below because it is verbose; that said, this can be easily accomplished
using logical indexing for those who like that approach.

This seems to have worked. The command above ifelse() does what it says: if some condition is
met (here, either of two variables equals one) then it returns a one; else it returns a zero. Such
functions are very handy, though as mentioned above, there are other ways of doing this. Also note,
that while �xed the issue with NA above, we’ve got new issues: we de�nitely don’t want NA outputted
from this operation. Accordingly, we’re going to need to deal with it somehow.

Try it: Utilizing a similar approach to what you did above, �x this so that the only outputs are zero
and one.

Generally speaking, this is a persistent issue, and you will spend an extraordinary amount of time
dealing with missing data or data that does not encode a variable exactly as you want it. This is
expecially true if you deal with real-world data: you will need to learn how to handle NAs. There are a
number of �xes (as always, Google is your friend) and anything that works is good. But you should
spend some time thinking about this and learning at least one approach.

1. Of course, you could �nd out the defaults of the function by simply using the handy ? command. Don’t forget about
this tool!↩

2. It’s not exactly true that these objects are in memory. They are… sort of. But how R handles memory is complicated
and silly and blah blah who cares. It’s basically in memory.↩

3. If you are not familiar with this type of visualization, consult the book (Introduction to Statistical Learning), Chapters 2
and 3. Google it; it’s free.↩

Last updated on August 16, 2021

ameslist$GarageOutside <- ifelse(ameslist$GarageTypeDetchd == 1 | ameslist$GarageTypeCarPort == 1, unique(ameslist$GarageOutside) [1] 0 1 NA EXERCISES 1. Prune the data to all of the variables that are type = int about which you have some reasonable intuition for what they mean. This must include the variable SalePrice. Save this new dataset as Ames. Produce documentation for this object in the form of a .txt �le. This must describe each of the preserved variables, the values it can take (e.g., can it be negative?) and your interpretation of the variable. 2. Produce a scatterplot matrix which includes 12 of the variables that are type = int in the data set. Choose those that you believe are likely to be correlated with SalePrice. 3. Compute a matrix of correlations between these variables using the function cor(). Does this match your prior beliefs? Brie�y discuss the correlation between the miscellaneous variables and SalePrice. 4. Produce a scatterplot between SalePrice and GrLivArea. Run a linear model using lm() to explore the relationship. Finally, use the abline() function to plot the relationship that you’ve found in the simple linear regression. What is the largest outlier that is above the regression line? Produce the other information about this house. (Bonus) Create a visualization that shows the rise of air conditioning over time in homes in Ames. � 3 SSC 442: Data Analytics (Fall Semester 2021) Michigan State University College of Social Science  Prof. Ben Bushong   Tuesday and Thursday  12:40pm - 2:00pm All content licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Content  2021 This site created with the Academic theme in blogdown and Hugo.  View the source at GitHub. https://www.msu.edu/ https://socialscience.msu.edu/ https://www.benbushong.com/ mailto: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ https://sourcethemes.com/academic/ https://bookdown.org/yihui/blogdown/ https://gohugo.io/ https://github.com/