08/10/2021, 12:41 COMP2521 21T3 – Week 04 Lab Exercise
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Week 04 Lab Exercise
Binary Search Trees and Student Records
To learn how structs can be stored in binary search trees
To get some practice with binary search trees
To explore a use of function pointers
Marks 5 (see the Assessment section for more details)
Demo in the Week 04 or Week 05 lab session
Submit see the Submission section
Deadline to submit to give 5pm Monday of Week 05
Late penalty No late submissions
Comparison Functions
So far, most of the examples you have seen of binary search trees have been of integers. But binary search trees don’t have to
contain integers – any data type whose values can be ordered from smallest to largest can be stored in a binary search tree. For
example, here is an example of a binary search tree that contains strings:
With integers, the < and > operators (which are available in virtually every programming language) can be used to easily determine
the ordering of values. In higher-level programming languages (such as Python), the same operators can be used to compare
strings, but in C, string comparison is usually performed using the strcmp function. This function takes in the two strings to be
compared and returns:
a negative integer if the first string is lexicographically (alphabetically) less than the second string
zero if the two strings are equal (i.e., they contain the exact same sequence of characters)
a positive integer if the first string is lexicographically greater than the second string
This kind of function that takes in two values of the same data type and “compares” them by returning a negative, zero or positive
integer is typically called a comparison function or comparator. strcmp, mentioned above, is a comparison function for strings.
In the context of binary search trees, the return value of a comparison function is very useful, as it determines how we should
proceed when inserting into or searching a binary search tree. Suppose we have a binary search tree of strings. If we call
strcmp(s, n->value), where s is the string being inserted/searched for and n->value is the string value in the current node, a
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negative return value indicates that we should go left (as s is “less than” the string in the current node), a positive return value
indicates that we should go right, and a return value of zero indicates that s is already in the tree. Here is what a search function for
a tree of strings might look like:
bool doTreeSearch(Node n, char *s) {
// not found
if (n == NULL) {
return false;
int cmp = strcmp(s, n->value);
if (cmp < 0) {
return doTreeSearch(n->left, s);
} else if (cmp > 0) {
return doTreeSearch(n->right, s);
} else { // (cmp == 0)
return true;
We can write comparison functions for any data type. We can even write one for integers, even though integers can already be easily
compared with the < and > operators.
int compareInts(int a, int b) {
if (a < b) {
return -1;
} else if (a > b) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
Why not just return a – b? Because a – b is susceptible to integer overflow/underflows!
Comparison functions are especially useful when we have defined our own data type (by defining our own struct), because they
allow us to isolate the logic for comparisons (which could be complex) into a separate function, which improves readability. It also
allows us to take advantage of function pointers if we have defined multiple comparison functions for the same data type, which we
will see later.
A Custom Data Type – The Student Record
Suppose we have defined our own student record data type that consists of a zid and name. Its definition looks like:
struct record {
int zid; // must be between 1 and 9999999
char name[16]; // must be at most 15 chars in length
Suppose we now want to implement a binary search tree of records, ordered on zid, for efficient searching. How do we define the
comparison function for this tree? Firstly, since the binary search tree is ordered on zid and zids are unique (we’ll never have two
students with the same zid), the comparison function will never need to be concerned with names. Furthermore, since zids are
integers, our comparison function should be similar to a comparison function for integers, except that it takes in records, rather than
integers. Here is one possible implementation, based on the compareInts function above:
int compareByZid(struct record a, struct record b) {
if (a.zid < b.zid) {
return -1;
} else if (a.zid > b.zid) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
Since zids are restricted to be between 1 and 9999999, there is no risk of an integer overflow/underflow, and so we can simplify the
function down to the following:
int compareByZid(struct record a, struct record b) {
return a.zid – b.zid;
With this comparison function, we can now easily implement the search, insertion and deletion algorithms for our tree.
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We can now search efficiently by zid. But what if we want to be able to search by name? The first tree won’t be able to help us, as it
is ordered on zid. We would need another tree ordered on the name field, which means we need another comparison function! Think
about how you would implement this function. It should have the same interface as compareByZid:
int compareByName(struct record a, struct record b);
If you thought of this comparison function:
int compareByName(struct record a, struct record b) {
return strcmp(a.name, b.name);
You’re on the right track, but there is a problem. Zids are unique, so if compareByZid returns 0, then we know we have found the
right record, as there can’t be another record with the same zid. On the other hand, names are not unique, so it is possible for
compareByName to return 0 for two records that have the same name, but different zids. Suppose we had the following binary
search tree, which uses compareByName as its comparison function:
If we wanted to insert the record of another student named “Tom”, our insertion function (which uses compareByName) would not
insert the record, as compareByName would say that the new record is equivalent to the existing record with the name “Tom”.
Thus, any comparison function must use a combination of fields/attributes that is guaranteed to be unique. compareByZid, which
we implemented above, only needs to use the zid field, as zids are unique. For compareByName, this means also comparing the
records’ zids in case the names happened to match. Here is the improved compareByName:
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int compareByName(struct record a, struct record b) {
int cmp = strcmp(a.name, b.name);
// if names are not the same, return the result of strcmp
if (cmp != 0) {
return cmp;
// names are the same, so compare zids
} else {
return compareByZid(a, b);
Now that we have comparison functions for zid and name, we can implement two binary search trees – one ordered on zid and
another ordered on name.
Since we now have two trees containing the same data, it is important to note that any operation that modifies one of the trees must
be performed on both trees, otherwise there would be inconsistencies. For example, if a record is inserted into the zid-ordered tree,
it must also be inserted into the name-ordered tree. The same goes for deletion.
Function Pointers
We can now search records efficiently by zid and by name, but let’s have a closer look at the implementation of these trees. Here are
the insertion functions:
Node doTreeZidInsert(Node n, struct record r) {
if (n == NULL) {
return newNode(r);
int cmp = compareByZid(r, n->value);
if (cmp < 0) {
n->left = doTreeZidInsert(n->left, r);
} else if (cmp > 0) {
n->right = doTreeZidInsert(n->right, r);
return n;
Node doTreeNameInsert(Node n, struct record r) {
if (n == NULL) {
return newNode(r);
int cmp = compareByName(r, n->value);
if (cmp < 0) {
n->left = doTreeNameInsert(n->left, r);
} else if (cmp > 0) {
n->right = doTreeNameInsert(n->right, r);
return n;
Can you see a problem with the above code? If you guessed code duplication, you’d be right! Other than the comparison function
used, these functions are virtually identical. This problem only becomes worse when we consider that we also need functions for
search and deletion.
This is where function pointers come in! Instead of hard-coding calls to the various comparison functions (which would require
multiple tree implementations and lots of code duplication), we can let the user decide what comparison function to use by passing
in a pointer to the function when they create the tree. To create a tree ordered on zid, the user can pass in a pointer to
compareByZid, and to create a tree ordered on name, the user can pass in a pointer to compareByName.
In this new implementation, each tree struct now contains a pointer to the root node, as well as a pointer to the comparison function
that should be used in that tree.
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// the tree struct
struct tree {
Node root;
int (*compare)(struct record, struct record);
Tree TreeNew(int (*compare)(struct record, struct record)) {
Tree t = malloc(sizeof(*t));
// malloc error checking here
t->root = NULL;
t->compare = compare;
return t;
Now that each tree has a configurable comparison function, both of our trees can use the same tree implementation. Here is the new
insertion function. Take notice of how the comparison function is called.
Node doTreeInsert(Tree t, Node n, struct record r) {
if (n == NULL) {
return newNode(r);
int cmp = t->compare(r, n->value);
if (cmp < 0) {
n->left = doTreeInsert(t, n->left, r);
} else if (cmp > 0) {
n->right = doTreeInsert(t, n->right, r);
return n;
Saving Space
Above, we assumed that each tree node contains a record struct. This means if we create multiple search trees (ordered on different
fields or attributes), there will be multiple copies of each record, which will consume a lot of space.
To save space, we can let each tree node store a pointer to a record rather than the full record itself. That way, only one copy of each
record needs to exist.
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Setting Up
Create a directory for this lab, change into it, and run the following command:
$ unzip /web/cs2521/21T3/labs/week04/downloads/lab.zip
If you’re working at home, download lab.zip by clicking on the above link and then run the unzip command on the downloaded
If you’ve done the above correctly, you should now have the following files:
Makefile a set of dependencies used to control compilation
runDb.c a program that provides a command-line interface to the StudentDb ADT
runtest a script that runs a few tests
test.c a program that produces output for a few tests
List.c implementation of the List ADT (complete)
List.h interface to the List ADT
Record.c implementation of the Record ADT (complete)
Record.h interface to the Record ADT
StudentDb.c implementation of the StudentDb ADT (incomplete)
StudentDb.h interface to the StudentDb ADT
Tree.c implementation of the Tree ADT (incomplete)
Tree.h interface to the Tree ADT
tests/ a sub-directory containing expected output for some tests
Once you’ve got these files, the first thing to do is to run the command
$ make
This will compile the initial version of the files, and produce two executables: ./runDb and ./test.
File Walkthrough
runDb.c provides a command-line interface to the StudentDb ADT. It creates a StudentDb object, and then accepts commands to
interact with it, including inserting student records into the database, searching for records, and deleting records. Here is an example
session with the program:
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p g
$ ./runDb
StudentDB v1.0
Enter ? to see the list of commands.
> ?
lz list all records in order of zid
ln list all records in order of name
? show this message
q quit
> + 1 Stark Tony
Successfully inserted record!
> + 2 Banner Bruce
Successfully inserted record!
> + 6 Rogers Steve
Successfully inserted record!
> + 4 Pym Hank
Successfully inserted record!
> + 3 Romanoff Natasha
Successfully inserted record!
> lz
> ln
> fz 1
Found a record:
> fz 3
Found a record:
> fn Rogers Steve
No records found
> d 1
Successfully deleted record!
> lz
> fz 1
No records with zid ‘1’
> q
Note that the program doesn’t correctly perform operations involving names. We will add code to fix this later.
StudentDb.c implements the StudentDb ADT, which handles student records. A user can attempt to insert a student record by
calling the DbInsert() function, and the StudentDb ADT will insert the record if there is not already a record with the same zid.
The StudentDb ADT also provides other useful operations, such as deleting a record with a given zid, finding a record with a given
zid or name, and listing all the records in order of zid or name.
You should have a read of the functions in StudentDb.c to understand how they use the Tree and Record ADTs. Note that at the
moment, only the operations involving insertion and zid work.
Tree.c implements the Tree ADT, which is used to enable efficient searching of records. Notice that the TreeNew function (which
creates a new tree) takes in a function pointer to a comparison function which determines how the records should be ordered. You
should read the DbNew function in StudentDb.c to see how it passes the comparison functions to TreeNew. You should also have
a quick read of the search, insertion and deletion algorithms in Tree.c to see how they access and call the comparison function.
List.c implements the List ADT, which is used to create a list of records. Note that the list has no sorting capabilities, so if you
want the records to be ordered in a particular way, you must ensure they are appended in that order.
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Record.c implements the Record ADT. You should read the definition of struct record to see what a student record consists
of, but since this is an ADT, you won’t be able to access the fields directly – you’ll need to use the RecordGetXYZ functions listed in
Record.h to access them. This ADT is fully implemented, so you do not need to modify it.
Header files
StudentDb, Tree, List and Record are ADTs, and their associated header files contain extensive descriptions of their interface
functions. If you are unsure about what a certain ADT function does or is supposed to do, you should read its description in the
relevant header file.
Additional Notes
Dummy Records
If you have read through the functions in StudentDb.c, you would have noticed the use of so-called “dummy records” in
DbFindByZid and DbDeleteByZid. What are they and why do we need them?
Suppose that the StudentDb contains a number of records and we want to find a record with a given zid. We should search the tree
that is ordered on zid, but TreeSearch takes in a record, not a zid. So what should we pass into TreeSearch?
That is where the dummy record comes in! Because the comparison function used by the zid-ordered tree only inspects the zid of
each record (see compareByZid), two records that have the same zid will be considered equal, no matter what names they
contain. Hence, we can create a dummy record that contains the zid we are searching for, along with some dummy names (an empty
string is fine), and pass this into TreeSearch. If the tree does contain a record with that zid, it will consider this record as being
equal to the dummy record, and return the real record.
This is why it is important that compareByZid only compares the zids of the records, and not any other fields. If compareByZid
also compared the names of the records, this wouldn’t work.
Task 1
Implement the compareByName() comparison function in StudentDb.c. The function should compare the two given records by
name (family name first, then given name) and then by zid if the names are equal.
When you think you’re done, run the following command to test your code:
$ ./runtest 1
The command generates observed output for the compareByName tests in test.c and compares them with the expected output
in tests/1.exp.
Once you pass the tests for compareByName, modify the DbNew function in StudentDb.c so that the db->byName tree actually
uses the new comparison function.
Tasks 1 and 2 can be completed independently of each other. However, both tasks need to be completed before attempting Task
Task 2
Implement the TreeSearchBetween() function in Tree.c. This function should search the tree for all records that are
considered (by the tree’s comparison function) to be between the records lower and upper (inclusive), and return them all in a list
in order. In order for the search to be as efficient as possible, the function should visit as few nodes as possible.
When you think you’re done, run the following command to test your code:
$ ./runtest 2
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The command generates observed output for the TreeSearchBetween tests in test.c and compares them with the expected
output in tests/2.exp.
We have provided a stub helper function, doTreeSearchBetween(), to help you get started. It is recommended that you
implement and use this function, but you can write your own helper function if you want.
What does “visit as few nodes as possible” mean? Essentially, it means that you shouldn’t visit nodes unnecessarily. A basic in-
order traversal that adds the requested records to the list would be extremely easy to implement, but also very inefficient, as it
would need to visit all nodes in the tree.
Task 3
Implement the DbFindByName() function in StudentDb.c. This function should find all the records that have the same family
name and given name as the provided family name and given name, and return them in a list in increasing order of zid.
Also implement the DbListByName() function in StudentDb.c. This function should display all the records in the database in
order of name (family name first).
Use the TreeSearchBetween function that you implemented in Task 2.
If you’re trying to use TreeSearchBetween but you are unsure about what lower and upper should be, think about how you
could use dummy records to extract just the range of records that you need.
Don’t introduce any memory leaks! If you create a record in DbFindByName but don’t need it anymore after the function returns,
you should make sure to free it. (Don’t just call the free function – Record is an ADT so you should use an ADT function to free
Once you are done, recompile the runDb program with the make command and run it. Use commands to insert records, search for
records (by zid and by name), and list records (by zid and by name). Does your DbFindByName function work when there are
multiple records with the same name? Do the records get returned in the correct order (i.e., in increasing order of zid)? What if there
are no records with the given name? Test thoroughly.
Task 4
To make testing a little less tedious, we can create a file containing commands and make the program read in commands from the
file. Create a file called commands.txt that contains commands to test your DbFindByName and DbListByName functions from
Part 3. Here is an example commands.txt:
+ 1 Stark Tony
+ 2 Banner Bruce
fz 1
Now run the following command:
$ ./runDb -e < commands.txt 08/10/2021, 12:41 COMP2521 21T3 - Week 04 Lab Exercise https://cgi.cse.unsw.edu.au/~cs2521/21T3/lab/4/questions 10/10 $ ./runDb e < commands.txt This causes the program to read in and execute commands from commands.txt. The -e option stands for "echo mode" - it echoes all commands read in so that we can see what commands are being performed in our output. Check the output. Does it appear to be correct? Submission You need to submit three files: StudentDb.c, Tree.c and commands.txt. You can submit these via the command line using give using the command: $ give cs2521 lab04 StudentDb.c Tree.c commands.txt or you can submit them via WebCMS. After submitting them (either in this lab class or the next) show your tutor, who'll give you feedback on your code, ask you about your tests, and award a mark. NOTE: If you did not complete all the tasks, you must still submit all the required files. This could mean creating an empty file if a required file did not exist before. Assessment Most of the marks for this lab will come from automarking. However, to receive all the marks, you must demonstrate your lab to your tutor during your Week 04 or Week 05 lab session. You will be marked based on the following criteria: Code correctness (3 marks) These marks will come from automarking. Automarking will be run soon after the submission deadline. After automarking is run you will be able to view your results here. TreeSearchBetween efficiency (1 mark) This mark is for whether you are able to avoid unnecessarily visiting nodes. Testing (1 mark) This mark is for whether your commands.txt file contains adequate tests for your DbFindByName function. These tests should cover at least a few interesting test cases. Please note that your tutor will ask you specific questions regarding your solution/answers, and your marks may be adjusted if you fail to explain or show an understanding of your solution/answers. COMP2521 21T3: Data Structures and Algorithms is brought to you by the School of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of New South Wales, Sydney. For all enquiries, please email the class account at .edu.au CRICOS Provider 00098G https://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~cs2521/21T3/view/main.cgi/ https://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/ https://www.unsw.edu.au/ mailto: .edu.au